Join Springtime Shape Up here! (begins Feb 27).

Join us for a fun and totally free 2-week fitness event: Spring Shape Up 2023! Details below and you can join here.

Are you ready for a lil fitness motivation and mojo?

Spring Shape Up 2023 is on the way and I’m so pumped to be doing this with you all!!

SSU is one of the best times of the year, and I always look forward to our amazing community, cheering each other on, and sharing some amazing prizes with some lucky participants.

You know you’re in?

Grab your spot here. Totally free and invite any friends or workout buddies to join in!

(If you refer a friend, send me an email to with their name(s) and each referral is an entry for a $100 Amazon gift card. I’d love your help welcoming some new friends into this fitness community if you’d like to spread the word!)

If you’re new to my Shape Up challenges, you’re in for a treat! I’ve been running this challenge on my blog since the very beginning, and every year it evolves into something different and better than the year before. This is 100% in thanks to all of you: your support and shared motivation with one another, check-ins and awesome comments keep this thing going. You help each other along the ways to your goals, and as your cheerleader from the sidelines, it’s heartwarming and inspiring to see.

Spring Shape Up 2023

So what is Spring Shape Up?

2 weeks of fitness plans, meal ideas and motivation to shake up your routine and get killer results from your efforts. It’s 100% FREE and always will be. Many similar programs are available for a subscription fee or one-time payment on other sites. Not here. Shape Ups are complimentary, and you get the advice and structure from a certified personal trainer, weight loss specialist, and Integrative Health Practitioner all in one spot.

What to expect:

A complete fitness plan + meal ideas for 2 weeks. You will get login access instantly when you sign up. Everything is available on the Kajabi app, and is beautifully organized and ready for you. The workouts and meals will appear on Feb 24 so you’re ready to go! (There are some tips for getting started, a playlist, high protein recipe ebook, and a couple of bonuses already waiting for ya in Kajabi)

We rock and roll Monday, February 27.

How to set yourself up for success:

Gather your supplies.

You’ll need the following tools for a successful Shape Up:

1) A notebook or tracking tool (app) on your phone. I like to kick it old school and write down my workout and life in a notebook. Find what works best for you, and practice this week writing down your meals, workouts, water intake and how you feel each day. If you plan to track your macros, download My Fitness Pal or Chronometer.

2) Dumbbells. The workouts are going to be dumbbells and body weight ONLY, meaning you can do them anywhere at any time. For beginners, I suggest 3-5 lb weights to start, intermediates 8-15 lbs and advanced 15 lbs +. Find a challenging weight for you, and consider investing in a light and heavy set. You’ll use your light set for your smaller muscle groups (like triceps) and heavy for the larger muscle groups (ex: back and legs).

3) A big ol’ water bottle. This will be your prop for the challenge as we focus on movement, nutrition, and hydration. Find one you like and get ready to carry it around with you everywhere!

4) Good sneakers. If your shoes are on their (literal) last leg, it’s time for a new pair. Make sure you have comfortable, functional sneakers that fit you well.

5) A workout buddy. Send this post to a friend -it’s a lot of fun to do the workouts in a group!- and if you’re working out solo, make sure to check in with us on Instagram (tag me @fitnessista) and use the #springshapeup hashtag so we can cheer each other on! This is how you’ll enter to win prizes.

Each time you check in via IG stories or on your feed is an entry for prizes, including goodies from my favorite health companies, unlimited Fit Team membership, and more.

What if you don’t want to do the challenge portion but just want some free meal ideas and workouts? That’s ok!! I don’t want you to put pressure on yourself or have this be another stressor in your life. Do as many workouts as you’d like, use this to supplement your routine, or take some inspiration for how to take your fitness to the next level. This is something you can ADD into your routine and enjoy some new healthy living resources in the process!

6) Start to get your motivation mojo going. Create an inspiration board on Pinterest, or you can make a tangible board with paper, magazine clippings and a glue stick) to set your intentions for this Shape Up. If you’d prefer to write it all out, take a few minutes to journal about how you want to feel when the challenge is over. Why do you want to change your routine? What do you want to accomplish? Start to pump yourself up for success!

Friendly reminder that this Shape Up isn’t about weight loss; it’s about getting back into a routine, taking your current routine to the next level, creating healthy habits, and feeling amazing. If weight loss, muscle building, or fat loss is a part of your goal, I will absolutely support you with that, too!

**This is also a great opportunity to chat with a doctor if you’re going to be making any fitness or nutrition changes.

Are you going to be joining in the Shape Up this year? What’s something that you want to accomplish during the challenge??

Enter your email address here and make sure you’re in!

Writing this post made me even more excited! Thank you for letting me train you from afar.

Please comment below and let us know you’re joining us!



The post Join Spring Shape Up here! (starts Feb 27) appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an African mango?

British explorers discovered the fruit during an expedition into Africa. It’s been grown for centuries in South America, but due to climate change and deforestation, its production is now declining.

The African Mango Project seeks to reverse this decline through sustainable methods of fruit growing in East Africa.

They are also working to create jobs in the local area and improve communities’ lives near plantations.

Their goal is for the first commercial crop to be ready for harvest in 5 years.

How do I lose weight in 7 days?

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and a lot of water are all good ideas. It’s that simple! It’s tempting to skip meals. You will feel hungry later, so skip meals.

Don’t be afraid to eat. Remember to keep track of how many calories you’re consuming and increase your intake gradually. If you eat approximately 2,000 calories per day, increase that number by 500 calories each day. This will mean that you will add 1,500 calories daily to your routine.

For more specific advice, you can consult numerous online resources. An excellent place to begin is with a search engine like Google. Just type in “how to lose weight quickly” and you’ll see hundreds of results.

You may want to visit your local libraries if you would rather learn about the subject in person. These libraries often offer weekly seminars in which diet experts speak on various topics related with weight loss.

Can I eat carbs while following the Ketogenic Diet?

Yes, you can eat carbohydrates while on the Ketogenic Diet. But, limit them to a very small amount. Focus instead on high-fiber vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, as well as celery, tomatoes, onions and celery. These will fill you up without adding unnecessary calories.

Also, be sure to eat plenty of nuts and seeds, avocados, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee, lard, bacon, ham, sausage, cheese, cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, eggs, milk, butter, cream, cottage cheese, ricotta, cream cheese, and cream soups. These foods are high-in saturated fats which are essential for ketosis.

What drink can be used to overnight lose belly fat?

Drinking lots water is the best way fast to lose weight. Water is a great way to burn calories and keep you fuller for longer. This will make it less likely that you snack on sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods. Water flushes out toxins and keeps your skin healthy and young.

For most people, skipping meals is the best thing to do when dieting. Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and make you feel more hungry. You should eat small meals often, instead.

Increase your water intake if you feel the need to snack. Dehydration slows the rate at which your body burns calories while also making you crave sugary drinks. Add a squeeze of lemon juice to your water to enhance its detoxifying properties.

Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight. It will make you feel fuller faster. Studies show that those who consume eight glasses per day of water are more likely to lose weight than those who drink only four cups. The reason? Water fills you up and doesn’t add extra calories.

You should wait at least 30 minutes before you eat anything when you get up in the morning. After 10-15 minutes after waking, hormones such as insulin start working to regulate blood sugar levels. These hormone surges can send us into hunger mode. It is better to wait until the surge of blood sugar occurs before we crash.

Consider having a midmorning snack after your breakfast. Eating something between lunch and dinner can help prevent overeating later in the day. Try a piece of fruit or a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter.

Avoid eating too close to bedtime. It has been shown that sleeping is more beneficial for the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients, so getting up earlier can help you stay slimmer.

Don’t go to bed starving! Get a light breakfast one hour before going to bed. It may surprise you how much food is necessary to fall asleep.

You can add green tea to you daily routine. Green tea contains catechins, plant compounds that reduce inflammation and boost metabolism. According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, participants who consumed three cups of green tea per day lost more weight than those who did not. Another study found that green tea consumption led to a 3 percent increase in metabolic rate for men over the course of 12 weeks.

What Are Some Appetite Suppressants That Work?

These are some of most loved appetite suppressants

  • Bitter Melon is a fruit that comes from India and China. It has been shown to promote healthy digestion and reduce appetite.
  • Green Tea – One of the most loved beverages in the world, green tea has been shown that it can improve metabolism and control blood pressure.
  • Ginseng – A herb found in Asia as well as Europe, ginseng is used to enhance mental clarity and support overall wellbeing.
  • Ginkgo Biloba (Japanese tree) – Ginkgo Biloba has been found to reduce memory loss and improve circulation.

There are countless other appetite suppressants available. So why not try one today? You’ll be surprised at how quickly your weight loss begins!


  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (
  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (

External Links

How To

African mango extract has potential benefits

African Mango Extracts have traditionally been used as a remedy for several health issues, including cancer treatment. These extracts are from ancient Egypt and were used to treat diabetes, stop bleeding, heal wounds, and more.

In modern times, scientists at the University of Nigeria discovered that African mango extracts contain certain compounds such as Tannins, flavonoids, Vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids, tannin, and saponin, which help prevent blood clotting, fight free radicals, improve liver functions, reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, promote cell growth, boost immune systems, and increase energy.

  1. Cancer treatment. The environment is responsible for more than half of all cancers in the world. This includes smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy eating habits, and lack of exercise. It is crucial to find ways that you can prevent cancer. Numerous studies show that antioxidants found in foods such blueberries and tomatoes (as well as oranges, peas and tomatoes) can prevent cancer.
  2. Antioxidants work by neutralizing harmful substances called “free radicals,” which can cause cell damage and genetic mutations. Studies show that African mango extracts can slow down or even reverse the growth of tumors in mice. One study concluded that African Mango Extracts (cells grown in lab dishes) stopped the growth from human colon tumor cells. Another study showed that an African Mango Extract inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells in vivo (in living animals) by inhibiting their metabolism. These findings suggest that the product could be used to treat certain types.
  3. Prevention of Cancer. Recent research from the National Institutes of Health has shown that African mango extracts are effective in preventing breast cancer. They believe that African mangoes have active ingredients that inhibit the actions of enzymes that produce estrogen, a hormone which has been linked to breast cancer.
  4. Inflammation Reduction. Inflammation can be reduced by the use of chemicals from white blood cells to attack foreign tissue and cause pain and swelling. Inflammation can be caused by injury, infection, or irritation. Chronic inflammation can lead to certain diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Research shows that African mango extracts can decrease the production of inflammatory chemicals, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms associated with many conditions.
  5. Improve Liver Function. The liver is an essential organ in our bodies. It is responsible for digestion, detoxification and protein synthesis. A healthy liver helps regulate internal processes, such as water balance and sugar level. Research has shown that African mango extracts can stimulate the regeneration of liver cells damaged by toxins and drugs. This is why some people feel less tired after drinking large amounts of African mango juice.
  6. Blood Pressure Lowering. The American Heart Association recommends adults to maintain a normal reading between 120/80 mm Hg and 140/90mmHg. High blood pressure causes damage to the arteries and can increase your risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Researchers at the University of California-Davis examined the effects of African mango extracts upon high blood pressure in rats. Their research indicated that African mango extracts significantly lowered blood pressure.
  7. Bone Building Vitamin D3 and calcium are both nutrients found in African mangoes that can promote bone growth. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial conducted at the University of Alabama School of Medicine showed that supplementation with 500 mg of vitamin D3 and 2 grams of calcium daily, and 3 grams of potassium citrate significantly improved bone mineral density. The daily intake of potassium citrate was equivalent to approximately 10 ounces each of fresh African mangoes juice.
  8. Additional Benefits African mango extract can improve skin health by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin. It increases collagen production, which makes the skin appear younger and smoother. African mango promotes hair follicle growth and prevents premature greying. It also aids in weight loss by promoting fat metabolism.

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