Jessie Wallace Weight Reduction: Diet Plan, Workout, Before as well as After [2022]

Jessie Wallace has kept us entertained since her debut in BBC’s soap opera EastEnders in 2000.

For which she was awarded British Soap Award for Best Newcomer in the year 2001. However, despite this huge success, there were some hindrances in Wallace’s career.

The huge block in her career came in 2004 when she was suspended by the BBC. The reason was no other than her negative habits.

Jessie had the bad habit of drinking. She would go to parties most of the time as well. For the same reason, she was stopped by police as she was speeding while driving.

After the matter settled down, BBC approached Wallace and she returned to the soap.

But Jessie never put much attention to her drinking habit. As a result, she gained a lot of unhealthy pounds and ended up being obese. Being an actress, obesity was a huge obstacle in her way.

The good thing is that she identified her bad habits at the right time and started working to improve them.

In the year 2009, she lost weight up to 3 stone (42 pounds). Since then, the English actress has maintained her physique and is well in shape. Let’s find out how did she do it.

The long-serving cast member of EastEnders, Adam Woodyatt, has also lost extra weight by running a 14 Miles Marathon.

Jessie Wallace’s Weight Loss Journey

After reaching an unhealthy condition because of her weight, Jessie found out that her mere career was on the stack. Then, she embarked on her weight loss journey.

The interesting thing about Wallace’s transformation is that she not only succeeded in losing 42 pounds but she maintained it.

This is the crucial part. A lot of people lose like 20 or 30 pounds and then they lay their guard off, thinking that everything is okay and they will always be like that.

This, however, is not a good thing to do. It also wastes the whole hard work that you did in order to lose weight.

Jessie knew this very well, that’s why she didn’t give up when she succeeded in losing 3 stone. Instead, she kept fighting. Jessie maintained a healthy way of life. As result, she is still in perfect shape just like a decade ago.

How did Jessie Lose Weight?

The main reason behind Jessie’s obesity was her negative habits. Wallace would drink a lot and as a result, end up overeating.

She fell into a vicious cycle. However, she succeeded in getting herself out of that pit. Jessie started working on her habits.

Jessie’s Diet Plan

Wallace abstained from drinking except on some occasions. At first, it proved to be a very hard job as the habit was built by years of repetition.

But as much as she resisted the temptation and focused on her career goals, she started seeing that it wasn’t very hard. 

As to change her eating habits, Jessie followed a Low-Carb diet. She stopped consuming food that was high in carbohydrates.

She avoided sugar, fast food, processed food, soft drinks as well as alcohol. Jessie substituted this with food rich in protein.

She now eats salad for lunch and dinner while for breakfast, Jessie only likes to have a cup of green tea. In this way, Wallace not only lost weight but also regained the strength that was lost amid her obesity. 

Jessie’s Workout Plan

While regulating her eating was a crucial part of the weight loss journey, Wallace knew perfectly that she will also have to burn calories if she was planning to lose pounds.

For this purpose, Jessie joined a gym that she would visit 5 times a week. Wallace would do exercise in the gym for a whole hour. 

Jessie still maintains this lifestyle and that’s why she is still perfect in size and hasn’t gained much weight.

Before & After Weight Loss

Wallace’s current weight is 115 pounds as compared to her old weight, 157 pounds. She has reached here after losing 42 pounds.

The Cat Daddy, Jackson Galaxy, has lost weight and reached 190 lbs from 400 lbs while losing 210 lbs.

Final Words

Yes, overcoming negative habits is hard but it is not impossible. A lot of us give up and decide that we won’t make it even before giving it a chance.

Jessie Wallace proved this thinking wrong. She not only changed her habits and lost weight she has also maintained it in a perfect way.

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The post Jessie Wallace Weight Loss: Diet, Workout, Before and After [2022] appeared first on Heal How.

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