Eddie Hall Weight Reduction 2022: Diet Regimen, Exercise, Prior to and After

Eddie is a British former professional strongman and actor. He has also fought as a boxer on multiple occasions. Throughout his career, Hall has won a lot of competitions. His biggest achievement is winning the 2017 World’s Strongest Man competition.

Besides that, Hall has also won Britain’s Strongest Man, UK’s Strongest Man, and England’s Strongest Man competitions. Now, being a strongman requires a lot of strength, and to become the strongest man, one has to gain weight. 

At his heaviest, Hall weighed 200 kgs (441 pounds). Yes, you read it right. Hall weighed so heavy because he had to. In order to compete in strongman competitions, it was required to weigh heavy in order to lift weights. 

However, recently, Eddie shocked his fans by sharing his new photo on the internet. In his new photo, it was apparent that Hall had lost a huge amount of weight. It turned out that he had lost 50 kgs (110 pounds). He had lost weight to fight his long-time rival, an Icelandic strongman, Thor Bjornsson.

Also, find out how the former American boxer, Ben Roethlisberger, lost 35 pounds.

How did Eddie Hall Lose Weight?

When Eddie shared his new photo, his fans were shocked by his new appearance. The fans stormed Eddie’s social media account, asking how did he do that. Hall finally opened up about his weight loss journey saying, “I lost weight by cutting down my calorie intake,”

Basically, Hall lost weight because he made major changes to his diet plan. He cut down his calorie consumption by a very big margin. Along with that, The World’s Strongest Man also intensified his already intense daily workout routine.

Eddie’s Diet Plan

Before embarking on his weight loss journey, Hall used to consume 12,000 calories per day. This number is way bigger than a normal person’s daily calorie need, who needs 2,500 calories per day. However, after starting his journey, Hall cut half of his calorie intake, taking it down to 6,000 calories.

Talking about which, Eddie said, “In my strongman days I was consuming upwards of 12,000 calories a day. That was just a constant cow grazing. All-day from the second I woke up to the second I went to sleep I’d have meals.”

He added, “I was probably eating eight meals a day with snacks in-between and lots of liquids like high-calorie smoothies.” He went from eating eight meals per day to four meals a day. This huge transformation benefited Hall a lot.

He started feeling more energy and power. Hall would start his day by eating five scrambled eggs and a steak in his breakfast. And for lunch, Hall’s choice would be two large pieces of chicken along with a bowl of salad and rice. 

Dinner was also quite similar to the lunch menu. All these changes in Eddie’s diet plan led him to lose more than 100 pounds. To kill his hunger, he would drink a lot of water, which also proved to be quite helpful for reserving energy for working out.

Eddie’s Workout Plan

Where Hall focused on his diet plan, he also made big changes to his workout routine. He started spending more time in the gym compared to before. As already said, Hall also increased the intensity of his workout routine. He would lift weights, do push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and many other cardio workouts.

Hall also started running on the treadmill, which proved to be quite useful in burning calories. Along with that, Hall also practiced fighting with his buddy, Rob ‘Big Red’ Lamon. Of course, when you combine such a workout routine, with a significantly reduced diet, weight loss is inevitable.

Before & After Weight Loss

After changing his diet plan and increasing workout sessions, Eddie succeeded in shedding 50 kgs (110 pounds). After doing that, he now weighs 150 kgs (331 pounds). Whereas before, Hall’s weight was 200 kgs (441 pounds), as his photo tells.

Also, read how the WWE superstar, Mark Henry, lost 80 pounds and is planning to lose more.

Final Words

Of course, cutting his half-calorie consumption wasn’t easy but Eddie knew that it was for the good of his health and by doing that, he succeeded in getting rid of extra pounds. And by doing that, he has also set a great example for weight loss aspirants. So, if you are thinking about whether to embark on the weight loss journey, just let it go and come on to live among healthy people.

The post Eddie Hall Weight Loss 2022: Diet, Workout, Before and After appeared first on Heal How.

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