Leading 10 viewers purchases of 2022

Sharing the top reader favorites that I’ve recommended here on the blog in 2022! 

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We spent the weekend celebrating Liv’s birthday! I’ll share some more pics in Friday Faves but we had an awesome dinner with her friends, saw Annie yesterday with my mom and nana, and the family came over for dinner. I hope you had a lovely weekend, too!

For today’s post, I wanted to share the reader faves from 2022! It’s always fun to look back on my analytics and see what your favorite finds were from the blog. Y’all have good taste, I tell ya. 😉

Here are the top picks from last year!

Top 10 reader purchases of 2022

1. HigherDOSE Sauna Blanket

The best sauna blanket in the land reigns supreme. I got this little beauty a couple of years ago (and upgraded to the newest version), and it’s still something I really look forward to in my routine. Since it’s been colder outside, I find myself craving the warmth and sweat. I always use it 2-3 times per week, and lately it’s been every couple of days. When I use my sauna blanket, it opens up my detox pathways (I sweat WAY more than I do during most workouts), I notice an improvement in my skin, and I sleep like a rock.

I’m so so happy so many of you are enjoying this one, too! If you decided to order one for yourself, use FITNESSISTA15 to get 15% sitewide.

2. Sakara meals

This is another thing that makes my heart happy that you all enjoy it, too! I look forward to these meals EVERY month. They’re a little treat and I gift myself some beautiful eats and some convenience. I book them during my busiest weeks, and it feels like the truest form of self care to eat a nutritious meal I didn’t have to make myself. A lot of friends have ordered Sakara meals just for lunch, as it can be one of the hardest meals to get in during a busy day. Check out all of the amazing options here and use XOGINAH for 20% off!

3. The tee shirt dress

Love this cute and casual Rails dress. It’s perfect with low-top sneakers and a baseball cap.

4. These golden goose sneakers

I was debating on these sneakers before I bought my other recent pairs of GG and they’re the perfect neutral.

5. The best egg chair!

I got this egg chair for our balcony for a steal and so pumped that many of you snagged it up, too.

6. These heeled sandals

These were so inexpensive but the quality is excellent. I hope they’re still in style this spring because I still plan on wearing them.

7. The jeans I wear constantly

This is when I dubiously accepted the fact that skinny jeans are no longer for the cool kids. This was my compromise. They’re still fitted enough to be flattering, but looser on the bottom to be more on trend.

8. This cozy cardigan

I’m wearing this cardigan while I type this blog post! It’s perfect for chilly days or just to layer around the house with pajamas. It’s super soft and comfy.

9. The only *real* bra I wear

I’m super picky about bras – I’m part of the IBTC so I need a little something but also hate underwire- and this is the best one I’ve found. I own at least 10 and they last forever.

10. Live-in pocket joggers

These joggers are perfect for casual days, airport or travel uniform, or low-impact workouts.

11. My favorite loafers

These loafers are cute with the Madewell jeans above and a good option when I want a casual closed-toe shoe that’s a little dressier than my GGs.

12. Holly and pear apron

I added this to a gift guide this year because I thought it was adorable, and so many of you ordered this one! Was it for you, or was it a gift? I kind of want one for myself now!

So, tell me friends: what was something you bought and loved this past year? Please share the good stuff in the comments! I still have my eye on a Dyson Air Wrap…



The post Top 10 reader purchases of 2022 appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Frequently Asked Questions

What herb melts body fat?

It might not be possible without diet but herbs can help you lose weight. This has been a common use of herbs over the years. You can use them for this purpose: Green tea, Ginko Biloba and Ginseng.

Herbal remedies can be either taken orally or topically. They have nutrients that increase metabolism. These nutrients increase the rate at which glycogen stores are broken down and lipids within cells. The bloodstream is then able to release free fatty acid, which can be used for fuel.

Many herbs have been proven to improve immunity and prevent disease. This makes them ideal if you don’t want drugs or surgery.

Many people use herbs to increase their effectiveness. Many people don’t realize how powerful these natural substances can be. Herbs can be purchased at health food stores, pharmacies, and online. Most of the time, one dose will last for weeks.

Green tea is a great example of a herb whose ability to increase metabolic rate can be seen. Green tea has epigallocatechin gallate, which is a compound that increases the activity in enzymes responsible to breaking down fats. EGCG has also been found to improve glucose tolerance. This reduces the chance of developing diabetes.

Another example is ginger root. Ginger root is a stimulant. It stimulates metabolism and improves digestion. Ginger also helps to eliminate toxins in the digestive tract.

Other herbs that enhance metabolism include ginseng.

In most cases, drinking herbs in teas is the best way to take them. This allows active ingredients to be absorbed quickly and efficiently into the bloodstream. It is important to take herbs internally with medical supervision. If you plan to apply herbs externally to an area, be sure to do so under medical supervision. Otherwise, they could cause irritation or damage to other body areas.

Do smoothie cleanses work?

The important question here is whether or not you are eliminating toxins. You may have another problem if you don’t.

For a cleanse to work, it must remove all the toxins from your system.

If this doesn’t happen, either you aren’t drinking enough water (or haven’t been eating properly).

This could also indicate that you should reduce your intakes of salt and caffeine.

Another reason you may not see results is:

  • Your digestive system isn’t functioning correctly. This means that your body doesn’t absorb what you take in.
  • Not enough protein is being consumed. Protein helps build muscle tissue.
  • You are consuming too many carbs. Carbs are stored energy.
  • You’re consuming too many sugars. Sugar can cause insulin surges in your bloodstream. This slows down your metabolism.
  • Your diet is not adequate in fats. Fats are needed to absorb certain vitamins.
  • Too few essential fatty acid (EFAs) are being consumed. EFAs are known to reduce inflammation.
  • You’re not getting enough fiber. Fiber absorbs excess cholesterol and bile salts. Fiber also speeds up digestion.
  • Not enough vitamin C is being consumed. This is essential for collagen production. Collagen keeps your skin firm and elastic.
  • Your portions are too small. Use a standard cup measurer to measure portions.
  • You are consuming too large quantities of alcohol. It can cause severe dehydration.
  • Consuming too much caffeine is a problem. Too much caffeine can be toxic to your liver.
  • Consuming too little magnesium can lead to a deficiency in your bones and muscles. Magnesium is essential for strong bones and healthy muscles.
  • You are consuming too less potassium. Potassium is needed to maintain fluid balance in your body.

What are some ways to detoxify your body?

Fiber is essential for cleansing your body. This helps to move waste from your digestive system into the colon. They are then excreted as stool. Foods rich in dietary fiber include whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

Also, avoid alcohol and caffeine. These stimulate the nervous system, which in turn causes increased bowel movements. Your gut’s beneficial bacteria may be replenished by probiotics. Probiotic supplements contain live cultures of healthy microorganisms (bacteria) that aid digestion by producing short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate.

Butyrate is an essential nutrient to intestinal health. It stimulates cell growth and provides fuel for immune cells.

Ginger tea is a good option for diarrhea. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols that inhibit the production of prostaglandins, chemicals produced during inflammation. Prostaglandin inhibitions reduce inflammation. Therefore, ginger is used to treat arthritis, menstrual cramps and nausea.

A hot shower before bed is another way to alleviate insomnia. Hot water can increase blood flow to the skin and help to relax muscles. This is believed to improve your sleep quality.

Not everyone has to cut down on coffee. Reduce your intake of coffee and other caffeinated beverage. Next, cut down on soda, fruit juice, and alcohol. Next, reduce one meal per day until you have a 20 percent reduction in your total calorie consumption.

What drink is good for burning belly fat over night?

Drinking lots water is the best way fast to lose weight. Drinking enough water can help you lose calories and make you feel fuller longer. You will also be less likely to snack and eat high-calorie foods. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body and keep your skin healthy.

Skip meals is the easiest way for dieters to lose weight. Skipping meals causes your metabolism to slow, and you’ll eat more later because you won’t feel as hungry. Try eating small, frequent meals instead.

You might find yourself craving snacks. Drink more water. Dehydration slows the rate at which your body burns calories while also making you crave sugary drinks. To enhance the detoxifying properties of your water, add a squeeze of lemon to it.

Water intake can help you lose weight by making you feel fuller and quicker. Research shows that people who have eight glasses of water per day tend to be less overweight than those who have only four. The reason? Water fills you up and doesn’t add extra calories.

Wait about 30 minutes after you wake up to have anything to eat. After 10-15 minutes, hormones like insulin will start working to regulate blood glucose levels. These hormone spikes often trigger hunger pangs. We can avoid crashing and a surge in blood sugar by waiting until it happens.

Eat a mid-morning snack right after you have finished breakfast. Eating something between lunch and dinner can help prevent overeating later in the day. Consider eating a piece fruit or whole grain bread with peanut butter.

Avoid eating too close to bedtime. Research shows that sleep is better for our bodies, so it’s easier to lose weight if you get up early.

Don’t go hungry before bed! A light meal should be eaten at least an hour before you go to bed. You may be surprised how much food you will need to fall asleep.

Include green tea in your daily life. Catechins are plant compounds that lower inflammation and increase metabolism. Green tea has catechins. A Journal of Nutrition study found that green tea drinkers who consumed three cups daily of the beverage had a greater weight loss than those who didn’t. Another study found that green tea consumption led to a 3 percent increase in metabolic rate for men over the course of 12 weeks.

African Mango Extract – Should you Try It?

Mangoes have many health benefits. They are rich sources of vitamin C, fibers, potassium, iron, and potassium. In addition, they contain antioxidants that help protect against free radicals that cause cancer. These properties make them an excellent choice if you are looking to improve your health.

Mangoes have another advantage: they taste great! They are easy to add to any meal.

For example, fresh mango slices can be added to salads, smoothies or oatmeal. For ice cream sundaes, you can use frozen mango cubes. When baking cookies, dried mango powder can be used in place of sugar.

Add mango extract to your favorite dishes to enjoy all of these wonderful benefits.

While not many people know this, mango extract is made from mango seeds rather than actual fruit. This means that it contains all the same nutrients found in whole mangos but doesn’t have the sweetness of regular mango.

How can I lose weight in 7 days at home?

You should eat fewer calories, drink plenty of water, and exercise regularly. It’s that simple! Although it is tempting to skip meals, this is not recommended. Skipping meals can lead to overeating later when you feel hungry again.

Don’t starve yourself, either. Be aware of how much calories you are consuming, and then gradually increase it. You might increase your daily intake by 500 calories a day if you consume 2,000 calories a day. This will result in an increase of 1,500 calories in your daily life.

For more specific advice, you can consult numerous online resources. Google is an excellent search engine to use. Enter “how can I lose weight fast” into Google to find hundreds upon results.

You might consider visiting your local library to learn more about the topic. There are usually weekly seminars offered by local libraries where experts discuss various topics related weight loss.


  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (healthline.com)
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)
  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

Three popular weight loss supplements and pills reviewed

People who are looking to lose weight are increasingly turning to weight loss supplements and pills. However, many different types of products are available, making choosing one difficult. This article examines the most effective weight-loss pills and supplements currently on the market.

Exercise and healthy eating are the best methods to lose weight. These methods are not always enough. There are always times when you just don’t feel like exercising, and healthy food isn’t readily available. These are why weight loss supplements and pills are so popular. They help get rid of extra pounds quickly and easily.

There are many weight reduction pills and other supplements available. Here are our top picks. These products have been tested against each other by us after we reviewed them and analyzed customer reviews. The first three items below were selected because they are the most effective and recommended by consumers. Check out our detailed review of these three products for more information.

  1. PhenQ – PhenQ is an excellent choice to increase energy levels and boost metabolism. This product contains L-Carnitine Fumarate and Green Coffee Extract. It also includes Chromium Picolinate. Mucuna Pruriens seed Powder, Nettle Root Extract, and Chromium Picolinate. It is faster to lose fat than traditional diets and can be used by anyone who wishes to lose weight quickly.
  2. Hoodia Gordonii Plus – Hoodia Gordonii Plus is another great supplement for weight loss. It has powerful nutrients like Garcinia Cylvestre Fruit Extract, Gymnema Sylvestre Leave Extract, Bitter Melon extract, Chromium Picolinates and Raspberry Ketone Fat Burners. This supplement increases your metabolic rate, reduces hunger pangs, boosts energy levels, and improves your overall mood.
  3. Hydroxycut – Hydroxycut is an all-natural weight loss pill helping people lose weight since 2004. It comprises 100% natural ingredients, including green tea extract, chromium picolinate, caffeine, and yohimbine HCL. It may not be as effective as other products on this list, but it does have a low side effect profile.

There are also benefits

  • Energy Boosting – Most diet pills provide a temporary energy boost. This can lead to increased desire for sweets, junk food, and other unhealthy foods. With Hydroxycut, however, you won’t experience any kind of crash or jitters after taking it.
  • Blood Sugar Balance. Diet pills can lead to problems with blood glucose balance. Hydroxycut can help you control your blood sugar.
  • Increased Metabolism – It’s not a secret that diet pills can boost your metabolism. Most diet pills will raise your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by about 5%-10%. Hydroxycut raises your RMR even further, boosting metabolism by 15%-25%.
  • Better Sleep – You know how important sleep for weight loss. You can sleep better by taking diet pills to reduce anxiety and stress.

The best thing? The best part? None of these benefits have any negative effects!

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