It’s National Popcorn Day! 4 Ways to Pump Up Your Popcorn

January 19th is National Popcorn Day. And because no one loves popcorn more than we do (try our popular White Cheddar Popcorn or Butter Popcorn, and you’ll understand why!), today we’re sharing four of our favorite ways to make this delicious snack-time staple even tastier.

Helpful Hint: Mix your popcorn and sauces or seasonings together in a sealable sandwich bag or container that makes it easy to shake all of the ingredients together.

How to Beat a Sweet Treat Craving

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1. Cinnamon “Sugar” Popcorn

Craving something sweet? We’ve got you covered with this tasty treat that makes a perfect after-dinner dessert.


2 cups plain popcorn
3 spritzes butter spray
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons all natural zero-calorie sweetener


1. Mist popcorn with butter spray.
2. Toss with cinnamon and sweetener until coated.

Counts As:
2 Extras on Nutrisystem

2. Hot Pop

This one is perfect for the popcorn fans who like it hot, hot, hot! Feeling daring? Add some cracked black pepper for even more of a kick.


4 cups plain popcorn
1 tablespoon melted butter
1 tablespoon Buffalo wing sauce
½ tablespoon fat-free ranch dressing


1. In a small bowl, whisk together butter, wing sauce and fat-free ranch dressing until well blended.
2. Pour sauce mixture over 4 cups of plain popcorn and toss to coat.

Servings: 2
Counts as: 3 Extras

3. Choco-Coconut Popcorn

Another one for the sweet lovers out there, this mouthwatering mix is perfect for calming sweet treat cravings.


4 cups plain popcorn
1 tablespoon sugar free chocolate syrup
1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakes


Drizzle chocolate syrup over popcorn then sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Servings: Makes 2 servings
Counts as:
3 Extras

10 Fruits That Taste Awesome Grilled

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4. Cheesy Delight Popcorn

Move over movie theater popcorn—a healthier (and just as delicious) option is here!


2 cups plain popcorn
3 spritzes butter spray
¼ cup grated low sodium Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons minced dried parsley


1. Mist popcorn with butter spray.
2. Toss with cheese and spices.

Servings: Makes 1 serving
Counts As:
1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

More Healthy Popcorn Recipes

Looking for more delicious and easy ways to add flavor to ordinary popcorn? Check out these other healthy recipes:

  • Lightened-Up Caramel Corn Recipe >
  • Parmesan Dill Popcorn Recipe >
  • Chili Lime Popcorn Recipe >
  • Sweet and Savory Chocolate Popcorn Recipe >
  • Sweet and Salty Trail Mix Recipe >
  • Strawberry Chocolate Protein Popcorn Recipe >
  • Dill Pickle Popcorn Recipe >

The post It’s National Popcorn Day! 4 Ways to Pump Up Your Popcorn appeared first on The Leaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are green leafy vegetables worth the effort?

It depends on what you mean when you say “worth”. If you are referring to health benefits, then the answer is yes. It’s more likely that you won’t if your concern is cost-effectiveness.

When you consider the long-term benefits (e.g., will I save money over the next ten years), there’s no evidence that they are beneficial.

On the other hand, if you’re looking at short-term costs (eg. What is the impact on my waistline? I’d say yes.

This question, I believe, is fascinating because it touches upon two important aspects about nutrition – cost-effectiveness as well as health benefits. We have strong evidence that regular fruit and vegetable consumption can reduce the risk of certain cancers. However, there is less evidence that cost-effectiveness can be proven.

The best way to determine whether eating healthy food is worthwhile is to consider both factors simultaneously. This is the Health Economic Assessment. It is a process that analyzes the health effects of eating different kinds of food, as well as the costs associated with purchasing them.

How to Take African Mango Extract?

It’s easy to take mango extract. Take a fresh, ripe mango and place the flesh in a blender. Blend until smooth.

If you prefer a smoother pulp, you may strain it. Store in a cool dark place.

You can freeze the pulp to be used again later. So you won’t have to buy another batch of mango pulp when the season starts again.

How does African Mango Extract perform?

Mango fruit has a high level of vitamin A, which boosts the immune system. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well potassium and magnesium.

These nutrients work together to help maintain the health of cells and tissues throughout the body.

A study has shown that African mangoes can increase endurance and energy during exercise. It supports heart function and metabolism.

The active ingredient in this product increases blood flow to brain and muscles. This increases mental clarity and physical performance.

Not only does African mango extract help boost energy levels, but it also helps prevent muscle cramps and soreness after exercise. This can be very beneficial for athletes who are looking to perform at their highest.

What herb melts body fat?

While dieting isn’t an option, it can be done with herbs. Over the years, many have used herbs to accomplish this. There are many herbs that can be used for this purpose, including: Green tea (Ginko Biloba), Ginger root, Ginseng and Hawthorn berry; Milk Thistle seed; Mullein leaf; Rosemary, St John’s Wort and Turmeric. Valerian root is also available. Yohimbe bark is another.

Herbal remedies can be either taken orally or topically. They are rich in nutrients that can increase metabolic rate. These nutrients speed up the breakdown of glycogen stores and lipids within the cell walls. The result is the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream, which can be burned as fuel.

A variety of herbal remedies can also be used to prevent or boost immunity. These herbal remedies are ideal for people who don’t want to use drugs or undergo surgery.

Many people are familiar with the benefits of herbs. Some people are unaware of the power and effectiveness of these natural substances. Online, online, and in health food shops, herbs can be bought. Most herbs last for several weeks.

Green tea is a great example of a herb whose ability to increase metabolic rate can be seen. Green tea is rich in epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which boosts activity of enzymes that are responsible for breaking down fats. EGCG has also been shown to improve glucose tolerance. This means that it lowers the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Ginger root is another example. Ginger root is a stimulant. It stimulates metabolism and improves digestion. In addition, ginger helps the body eliminate toxins from the digestive system.

Other herbs that increase metabolism include ginseng, valerian root, licorice root and mullein leaf.

The best way to get herbs is to make teas. This allows the active ingredients of the herbs to enter the bloodstream more quickly and efficiently. It is important to take herbs internally with medical supervision. If you plan to apply herbs externally to an area, be sure to do so under medical supervision. Other areas could be affected or inflamed.

What is an African mango?

British explorers were the first to discover the fruit when they went on an expedition through Africa. It has been grown for centuries in South America but, because of climate change and deforestation its production is now declining.

The African Mango Project attempts to reverse this decline by developing sustainable ways of growing East African mangoes.

They also work towards creating jobs locally and improving the livelihoods of communities near plantations.

Their goal: To have the first commercial crop ready to harvest within 5 Years.


  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (
  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (

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How To

How do you lose weight without exercising or dieting?

It is best to naturally lose weight by increasing your metabolism. You will burn fat quicker than you store it. The amount of energy we burn and how much we use is influenced by our metabolism. Good news: You don’t have a need to exercise to boost your metabolism. Simple lifestyle changes can help increase your metabolic rate. These are the best tips!

  1. Eat more protein – Protein keeps blood sugar levels stable and helps muscle growth. Research also shows that protein eaten before meals can cut down on food intake by up 20%.
  2. Drink More Water – Drinking water keeps your body hydrated, making it easier to stay full longer and reducing hunger cravings. Drinking eight glasses of water daily is a good way to increase your metabolism and digestion.
  3. Cut Back On Sugar – When it comes to losing weight, cutting back on sugar is one of the easiest ways to start burning more calories. Sugary foods will cause insulin to be released, which can make it difficult to burn fat. You can avoid this by cutting out sweets and soda. Instead, drink plenty water and eat fruit.
  4. Get Enough Rest – Research has shown that enough sleep can increase brain function and overall wellbeing, as well as glucose tolerance. It’s also been proven to lower appetite hormones, such as leptin and ghrelin.
  5. Cardio Daily – Cardio exercise burns extra calories every day. You can start walking for 30 minutes, three times per week, if you don’t want to stop. You’ll be able to increase your heart rate, improve cardiovascular fitness, and not have to work out.
  6. Do Something Everyday to Move – Being active is crucial to losing weight. It gives our bodies motivation to move every day. You don’t have to exercise a lot to include movement in your daily life. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Park further away when you shop. Walk around while on the phone. Stand during meetings and calls. Take regular breaks throughout the day for deep breathing and stretching.

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