Is Migraine Headache Affecting Your Day-to-day Live? Discover Foods That Can Aid

Is Migraine Affecting Your Daily Life? Find Out Foods That Can Help

Are you frustrated with the recurrent throbbing headache? Is this one-sided headache affecting your quality of life adversely? If you nodded along positively with a concern, you might be suffering from a migraine. Migraine is a painful medical condition characterized by intense, recurring headaches that most often affect either side of the head. At times, these headaches occur along with other symptoms, such as sensitivity to sound and light and nausea. Migraine attacks can impact your quality of life adversely. It not just causes pulsating pain in the head but also hinders your ability to perform the work efficiently and spend quality time with your family. When migraine is associated with the sensitivity to sound and light, you might end up skipping social gatherings. Recurring migraine attacks may make you feel helpless and hopeless. Identifying the triggers and avoiding them can help you prevent migraine episodes. Fortunately, following the appropriate diet plan for migraine can help minimize the frequency and severity of migraine attacks greatly. Eating some healthy foods and eliminating certain foods that trigger migraine attacks from your diet can prove to be an easy yet effective natural treatment for migraine. An integral treatment comprising diet, homeopathy, and Ayurveda for migraine can also work wonders in mitigating migraine. Check out the list of foods that should be a part of your diet plan for migraine.

Top 10 Foods That Can Help You Obtain Relief from Migraine:

The inclusion of certain nutritious foods in your diet can be an effective natural way to get rid of migraine. Here are some healthy foods that you can have in your diet as a natural treatment for migraine.

  1. Fatty Fish

Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, fatty fish can be healthy foods to alleviate the severity and frequency of your migraine attacks. The high levels of omega-3 fatty acids make fatty fish anti-inflammatory food that can be an ideal ingredient of your diet plan for migraine. Also, B vitamins content, such as riboflavin (B2), in these fish can prove beneficial in mitigating your migraine episodes. Vitamin D and coenzyme Q10 in salmon can help you experience great relief from the headache. Also, mackerel and salmon are rich in magnesium which can be a cherry on the top while managing your migraine attacks. So, include salmon, halibut, cod, and mackerel in your regular diet as they can prove to be a natural treatment for migraine.

  1. Leafy Greens

Dark green leafy vegetables have the mineral magnesium in abundance. Often, migraine sufferers are found to have low levels of magnesium. Adding leafy green vegetables to your diet, such as spinach, can help boost your magnesium levels to combat migraine. Kale is also loaded with magnesium and fibre, so it can be a healthy food to include in your diet plan for migraine. The anti-inflammatory antioxidant content in leafy greens is effective in reducing your migraine pain. Also, folic acid and B vitamins in these vegetables are beneficial in dealing with painful episodes. So, include spinach, collard greens, kale, broccoli, and turnip greens in your regular diet. You may also prepare a variety of salads containing these vegetables.

  1. Nutritious Fruits:

Abundant in magnesium and potassium, fresh fruits can be an integral part of your natural treatment for migraine. Bananas provide you with a healthy dose of magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, and complex carbohydrates, and all these nutrients help soothe your pain in the head. Headache may also get triggered due to dehydration. Fresh fruits contain high levels of water along with nutrients so they fall on the list of the best natural foods to relieve the headache. Try adding bananas, watermelon, apricots, raspberries, cantaloupe, figs, and avocadoes to your diet plan for migraine.

  1. Nuts:

Packed with magnesium, nuts can be nutritious foods to relieve your migraine discomfort. Having good levels of magnesium in your body helps relax your blood vessels that help mitigate your headache. Vitamin E content in the nuts can help reduce migraine episodes with aura and hormonal fluctuations triggered by migraines. Some individuals experiencing headaches may find quick relief after eating a handful of almonds. Munch on cashew nuts, walnuts, and Brazil nuts to beat the discomforting migraine.

  1. Seeds:

Seeds supply you with omega-3 fatty acids that help your body combat inflammation. Blood vessel spasms can be a possible trigger for the pulsating headache. By adding seeds to your diet plan for migraine, you also receive good quantities of magnesium that helps prevent blood vessel spasms. So, while you follow Ayurveda and homeopathy for migraine, make sure that your diet also contains sesame seeds, chia seeds, poppy seeds, and pumpkin.

  1. Legumes:

Legumes deliver a healthy dose of fibre and proteins that help you keep your blood glucose levels in check. Potassium and magnesium content in legumes are effective in relieving blood vessel constrictions. The coenzyme Q10 content in legumes aids in minimizing the duration of migraine attacks. So, be sure that your nutritious diet plan for migraine contains beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and soybeans.

  1. Whole grains:

Low blood glucose levels cause hypoglycaemia which may trigger discomforting headaches. Adequate intake of whole grains supplies you with complex carbohydrates that act effectively to boost the glycogen stores in your brain. This helps prevent migraine episodes. Certain medical studies also mention the link between migraine and iron deficiency in females. Whole grains provide you with ample nutrients, such as B vitamins, magnesium, iron, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, and fibre, that help beat migraine naturally. So, enrich your diet with barley, whole grain bread, buckwheat, quinoa, and whole oats.

  1. Hot Peppers

The capsaicin content in hot pepper works to inhibit the neurotransmitter which is associated with the development of throbbing migraine pain. So, the consumption of hot peppers can help you obtain relief from cluster headaches and migraine. Also, the intake of hot peppers aids in opening up the clogged sinuses responsible for discomforting sinus headaches. Moreover, hot peppers also offer you vitamin B, C, A, and E. So, spice up your diet plan for migraine with cayenne, jalapenos, and habaneros.

  1. Ginger

The common cooking ingredient – ginger is an effective part of natural treatment for migraine. Its natural oil content with chemical compounds helps you obtain relief from migraine episodes. The consumption of ginger boosts the levels of serotonin, which helps minimize inflammation. Adding ginger powder to your diet can help mitigate the severity of the pain in people suffering from acute migraine without aura. So, ginger can be an effective solution in Ayurveda for migraine. You may include freshly crushed ginger in your cooking preparations or have ginger tea, ginger supplements, or ginger powder as a natural treatment for migraine.

  1. Dark Chocolate:

If you sense the onset of discomforting migraine, snack on an ounce of dark chocolate. The fact is that high blood pressure is believed to have a link to migraine. Eating foods containing cocoa, such as chocolate, aids in reducing the blood pressure levels, thereby keeping migraine episodes at bay or reducing the intensity and frequency of the headaches. Also, dark chocolate has flavonoids, which are highly beneficial for preventing the development of a range of health issues, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and cognitive conditions. So, enjoy a bite of dark chocolate to beat migraine; however, be sure your intake of the same does not exceed an ounce.

5 Simple Yet Effective Dietary Tips for Managing Migraine

Besides these nutritious foods for migraine, following certain dietary tips can help you keep migraine episodes at bay. Here’s a quick rundown of it.

  1. Stay hydrated:Dehydration is a common trigger of migraines. Having ample water daily throughout the day can be an easy yet effective way to prevent painful episodes. Instead of sugary beverages, such as soda and sweet juices, have herbal teas or plain water.
  2. Never Skip Meals:Skipping your meals can trigger migraine attacks. So, have your meals on time.
  3. Avoid Food Triggers:Do not eat foods that trigger your migraine attacks. This also applies to avoiding beverages that are responsible for migraine episodes. Alcohol and old cheeses are common foods that may cause pain attacks.
  4. Have five small meals a day:Consume carbohydrates foods with good fat or proteins, as it helps you stay full for a longer span.
  5. Ensure Sufficient Riboflavin in Your Diet:Riboflavin, which is also famous as vitamin B2, is effective in beating migraine episodes. Adequate daily intake of this B vitamin helps alleviate migraine incredibly. It is also beneficial for the production of metabolic energy. So, be sure your diet plan for migraine contains quinoa, asparagus, and other healthy sources of vitamin B2.

If migraine is affecting your quality of life adversely and you are looking out for natural ways to combat the painful attacks, resort to a suitable diet plan for migraine. Certified health experts at Health Total can help you have a personalized natural treatment for migraine comprising the right diet, Ayurveda, and homeopathy for migraine. Our talented nutritionists will also help identify your food triggers and eliminate them from your diet to help you keep migraine at bay. Our health plans not just help relieve your migraine attacks but also nourish you with essential nutrients, manage your weight, boost your immunity, and improve your quality of life. So, make no delay, reach out to us and pave the way for a pain-free life with our customised diet plan for migraine.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for managing migraine or any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

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