How To Hit Your Objective To Drop Weight In 2023? Surefire Lead To 16 Weeks!

How To Hit Your Goal To Lose Weight In 2023? Guaranteed Results In 16 Weeks!

As we bid adieu to the year and get set to step in 2023, good health and fitness are all we wish to enjoy a healthy and happy life. Losing weight and getting in shape is one of our priorities, isn’t it? While most of us might have tried various weight loss techniques randomly only to find either temporary solutions or health-hampering effects while losing weight, we all long to enjoy sustainable weight loss with improved health. And, a well-planned nutritious diet plan for weight loss is the most effective solution to achieve sustainable fitness goals, meet all your health needs, and improve your immunity. The guidance of a certified nutritionist can help you achieve your desired weight loss results. So, you might be wondering how diet can help shed those extra kilos and continue to keep them off effortlessly and naturally, aren’t you? Check out the best weight loss tips to achieve your New Year resolution weight loss goals in merely 16 weeks.


  1. Cut Back Your Intake of Calories:

One of the prominent steps to losing weight is to reduce your calorie consumption. For that, first, track your current daily calorie intake. Then, work on reducing 250 calories a day so that you lose ½ pound a week. Keep up with this diet routine and you will realize that you continue to lose a remarkable weight over 16 weeks and experience sustainable weight loss. You need to burn greater calories than you consume to lose weight. Typically, a pound of fat is equivalent to about 3,500 calories. Rather than losing several pounds a week, losing up to a couple of pounds weekly is one of the safest and best ways to lose weight. Accordingly, you may lose up to 32 pounds in 16 weeks by eating a nutritious, balanced diet.

In an attempt to follow fast ways to lose weight, make sure that you don’t consume less than 1,000 calories a day unless it’s advisable by a certified dietician or doctor. You need to ensure the intake of sufficient calories so that you lose weight at a healthy rate of 1 or 2 pounds a week.

  1. Relish Regular Meals and Snacks:

To win your target of the body transformation challenge in 16 weeks in the New Year, it’s necessary to develop good eating habits that you can keep up with after the dieting span is over to enjoy sustainable weight loss. Consume regular snacks and meals daily. You may have three adequate meals or smaller meals often as per the guidance of certified dieticians and one or two snacks every day. This helps in keeping your appetite in check and maintain your energy levels.

Make sure that you eat your breakfast daily and never skip it. Skipping breakfast in an attempt to lose weight will only make you gain weight. Eating a healthy breakfast daily will not only help you in shedding those extra kilos but also aids in keeping off the lost weight.

Make eating nutritious food regularly a priority in the initial few weeks of your diet; as it becomes a part of your routine and you continue to follow these healthy habits thereafter throughout your diet span and even after it.

  1. Swap Your Snacks:

While following a diet plan for 16 weeks, you may reach for a snack or two between two meals. While snacking is fine, it is important to choose healthy options to ensure the right, restricted calorie consumption. When you feel hungry between two meals, choose healthy snacks, such as a small apple or a few nuts. Avoid munching on chips, pastry, or popcorn. Opting for nutritious snacks such as fruits and nuts will nourish your body with healthy nutrients while promoting weight loss.

  1. Say No to High-Calorie Beverages:

Stay away from beverages that are high in calories, such as regular soda, flavoured lattes, and sugary drinks. Instead of these sugar-filled beverages, go for plain water and green tea. It helps you stay hydrated, makes you feel full, and promotes weight loss healthily.

  1. Skip Seconds:

One of the effective tips to avoid unwanted calories when opting for a body transformation challenge is to stay away from a second helping. You may keep filling your plate when you serve food on the table. To avoid this, fill your plate once and keep the rest of the extras in the kitchen. If you don’t feel satisfied, opt for a second helping of fruits, salad, and vegetables.

  1. Don’t Relish Fried Food:

While many of us may crave fried foods, they will only add up unwanted calories and cause weight gain. Fried foods are laden with unhealthy calories and saturated fat. So, it is wise to avoid them when trying to meet your New Year resolution weight loss goals. So, avoid fried fish or chicken, French fries, and other fried food items. Instead, go for fruits, vegetables, or a side salad.

  1. Use a Plate and Avoid Snack Bags:

Make it a habit to eat snacks or food from a bowl or plate instead of from the entire snack bag or box. You may end up overeating when you sit in front of the television with a bag of snacks. Instead, take the required quantity of food in the plate or bowl and put the rest away.

  1. Replace Soups and Salad with A Balanced Meal:

If you are counting more on the intake of salad and soup to lose weight, opt for a nutritious balanced meal. Eating salad and drinking soup will only leave you hungry and make you suffer from nutritional deficiencies over weeks. So, prefer eating a balanced meal comprising carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibre when attempting to lose weight instead of merely having salads and soups. Make sure that you do not starve while you lose weight. Consulting a certified nutritionist will help you have a diet plan for weight loss that will deliver you a healthy dose of nutrients, boost your immunity, and enable you to enjoy sustainable weight loss benefits.

  1. Add Millets to Your Diet:

With 2023 being declared as a Year of Millet to create awareness and boost the production and consumption of millets, make sure that you add highly nutritious millets to your delicious food preparations. Millets are rich in proteins and provide you with a healthy dose of antioxidants and essential nutrients, such as fibre, minerals, and vitamins.

  1. Avoid Alcohol:

Heavy drinking can make you gain undesirable weight. So, one of the best ways to lose weight is to stay away from alcohol when making efforts to get in shape.


Healthy Diet Tips for Weight Loss to Follow as We Enter the New Year:

  • Relish a Vegetable Puree in the Morning: Vegetable puree is a great food to start the day. Broccoli puree and other vegetable purees will not only promote fat loss but also detox your liver and improve your skin and hormone health.


  • Eat 2 Fruits a Day: Make it a habit to eat two nutritious, fibre-rich, and low-sugar fruits daily in the first half of the day, as it helps boost fat loss. Prefer to eat papaya, apple, and pears.


  • Savour 3 Servings of Food Rich in Proteins: Proteins are abundant in seeds, nuts, legumes, fish, and eggs. So, add these foods to your diet plan for weight loss. Also, you may have protein powders if need be.


  • Go for Fibre: Include nutritious food sources of fibre in your diet. Have green leafy vegetables, salads, soup, whole grains, seeds, and nuts in your diet plan for weight loss. These healthy foods will not only help you with satiety but also promote fat loss.


  • Keep Your Body Hydrated: Ensure that your intake of water is 2 to 3 litres daily. Drinking adequate water daily aids in weight loss.


  • Stay Away from Foods Causing Bloating and Digestive Issues: Avoid eating foods that cause bloating, gas, constipation, and acid reflux. They hamper your health by causing inflammation in your body.


So, if you have set fitness goals to get in shape naturally as we enter 2023, resort to a healthy diet plan for weight loss. Consulting certified nutritionists and health experts at Health Total can help you receive a personalized diet plan comprising the best ways to lose weight with nutritious foods. We offer you a well-balanced diet comprising healthy foods that help boost your immunity, eliminate your nutritional deficiencies, and improve your health as you shed kilos. You enjoy desired weight loss without starving and without compromising your health. So, be quick, reach out to us at Health Total, and embark on your journey to get in shape as you welcome New Year 2023 with our customised diet plan for weight loss.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips on losing weight with diet healthily or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at  1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

The post How To Hit Your Goal To Lose Weight In 2023? Guaranteed Results In 16 Weeks! appeared first on Health Total.

Frequently Asked Questions

What herb melts fat?

While it is not possible to lose weight with diet, herbs can be a great way to burn calories. Over the years, many have used herbs to accomplish this. You can use them for this purpose: Green tea, Ginko Biloba and Ginseng.

The herbs can be used topically or orally. They provide nutrients that increase metabolic rate. These nutrients can speed up the breakdown and removal of lipids from the cell walls. This causes the release in the bloodstream of free fatty oils, which can then used to burn as fuel.

The immune system can be boosted and diseases prevented by herbal remedies. This makes them ideal if you don’t want drugs or surgery.

Many people use herbs because they know how effective they are. However, some people don’t realize just how powerful these natural substances are. Online, online, and in health food shops, herbs can be bought. Most herbs last for several weeks.

Green tea is an example of a herb which increases metabolic rate. Green tea contains epigallocatechin glycate (EGCG), a substance that increases activity of enzymes responsible in breaking down fats. EGCG has also been found to improve glucose tolerance. This reduces the chance of developing diabetes.

Ginger root is another example. Ginger root acts as a stimulant. It stimulates metabolism and improves digestion. In addition, ginger helps the body eliminate toxins from the digestive system.

Other herbs that enhance metabolism include ginseng.

In most cases, drinking herbs in teas is the best way to take them. This allows active ingredients to enter your bloodstream quickly. If you are taking herbs internally, make sure that you have medical supervision. If you choose to consume herbs externally, make sure that you apply them directly to the affected area. Otherwise, they could cause irritation or damage to other body areas.

What are some foods that can help you lose belly fat?

Fruits, vegetables, and other vegetable are excellent for weight loss. They are also rich in vitamins A, C., E, K that boost metabolism and increase energy.

The next best thing for weight loss is lean proteins such as chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, beans, and eggs. These are rich sources of protein and essential amin acids that provide the building blocks for muscle development.

For those who want to lose weight quickly whole grains, such as brown rice or oats, bread, pasta and cereals, are excellent options.

They are filling and provide sustained energy for the entire day.

Are There Any Side Effects From Using African Mango Extract?

African mango extract has not been associated with any side effects. This product may cause diarrhea or stomach upset in some individuals. This should be reported immediately to your physician.

What are some effective appetite suppressants for weight loss?

These are some of most loved appetite suppressants

  • Bitter Melon is a fruit that comes from India and China. It has been shown to promote healthy digestion and reduce appetite.
  • Green Tea – One of the most loved beverages in the world, green tea has been shown that it can improve metabolism and control blood pressure.
  • Ginseng – A herb found in Asia as well as Europe, ginseng is used to enhance mental clarity and support overall wellbeing.
  • Ginkgo Biloba, a tree from Japan, has been shown to prevent memory loss and improve circulation.

You can also find many other appetite suppressants. So why not try one today? You’ll be amazed how quickly you can start losing weight.

What can I consume to detoxify?

High fiber foods are necessary to cleanse your system. This helps to move waste from your digestive system into the colon. They are then excreted as stool. Whole grains, vegetables, beans and fruits are good sources of dietary fiber.

You should also avoid caffeine and alcohol because these stimulate your nervous system, which causes increased bowel movements. Your gut may be regenerated by taking probiotics. Probiotics are live cultures (bacteria) of healthy microorganisms that aid digestion and produce short-chain fatty acid such as butyrate.

Butyrate, an essential nutrient in intestinal health, is vital. It increases cell turnover and fuels immune cells.

Drinking ginger tea can help with diarrhea. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols, which can inhibit the formation of prostaglandins. This is chemicals that are made during inflammation. Prostaglandin inhibitors decrease inflammation. Ginger has been used to treat arthritis and menstrual cramps as well as nausea and indigestion.

A hot shower before bed is another way to alleviate insomnia. Hot water can increase blood flow to the skin and help to relax muscles. This may increase sleep quality.

Not everyone has to cut down on coffee. You can start by cutting down on caffeine and other caffeinated drinks. Then, stop drinking soda, juice and alcohol. Finally, eliminate one meal at a time until you’ve reduced your total calorie consumption by 20 percent.

Do smoothies help you lose weight?

Smoothies are high in vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients that will help you stay healthy.

They are low in calories and very low fat. They are perfect for breakfast, lunch, and even as an after-dinner snack. Although they can be enjoyed anytime of the day, it is best to eat them fresh out of your blender.

Smoothies are fast and simple to make. All you need is fruit, milk, and ice. Add nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, and anything else you fancy. The choice is yours! This diet can be tried by anyone who has a smoothiemaker.

Your body may begin to burn more calories quickly than you might expect. With the right combination of ingredients you can see results in as little time as four weeks.

This is the place to go if you want the best natural weight loss products. Here we go through all the top-rated natural weight loss supplements on Amazon.

Are there any natural alternatives to appetite suppressant prescription drugs like phentermine?

The best choice for people looking to lose weight is green tea extract. Green tea extract has caffeine that stimulates metabolism. Also, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) helps reduce fat by stimulating thermogenesis.

Antioxidants in green tea help prevent damage from oxidation and stress.

However, you should know that green tea does nothing to cause weight loss. Instead, it simply makes your body more efficient at burning calories.

So yes, green tea does help with weight loss, but it won’t make you lose weight unless you follow a calorie-controlled diet.

L-Carnitine can also be supplemented. This amino acid promotes muscle development and energy levels. However, it won’t curb your appetite so you will still need to eat regular meals.


  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (
  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (

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Goji Berries: Side Effects & Health Benefits

Goji berries are one the oldest cultivated fruits in China. They are also known to be called Chinese plums or wolfberries. They are native to the Himalayas and grow wild throughout Asia. Goji is derived from the Tibetan word gom which means “to increase”. They’re known as Kuzuimaki (Japan).

The goji berry was first mentioned in ancient Chinese literature around 300 BC. Although it was primarily used as a food source for many people, some medical uses were also documented. Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, polysaccharides, and enzymes. They are rich with anthocyanins. Goji berries are beneficial due to their anti-aging properties, immune system support, antioxidant protection, heart health benefits, diabetes management, memory improvement, energy boost, weight loss aid, and healthy skin.

Goji Berries are sometimes called a superfood due to their nutritional benefits. Goji berries are rich in vitamin C, betacarotene and iron. They also contain significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium (vitamin B6), protein, riboflavin and thiamine. Goji berries often have the same texture and colors as blueberries. Blueberries and goji berries both contain ellagic Acid, a powerful anti-cancer chemical found in plants and nuts, as well as seeds and nuts.

Some studies show that goji berries help reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, promote cardiovascular health, protect against certain cancers, and prevent macular degeneration.

Goji berries are known to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while also increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Studies have also shown that consuming goji berries helps lower blood pressure and reduces risk factors associated with heart disease.

One study found that gojiberries can help combat Alzheimer’s Disease. Another study has shown that gojiberries might be helpful in relieving symptoms of depression. Goji berries can be used to treat insomnia.

Goji berries may also be beneficial for weight maintenance. Goji berries can be a great way to boost your metabolism, according to research. Consuming them daily can make you feel fuller for longer.

Because goji berries are so nutritious, many people add them to smoothies, juices, salads, and desserts. Goji berries can be eaten as a snack or even plain.

Gojiberries can cause stomach problems, nausea, vomiting or dizziness. People who are pregnant or nursing should not consume goji berries.

Consuming gojiberries in excess can cause serious side effects, especially for elderly people, children, and those with low immune systems. You should stop consuming gojiberries if you experience any adverse side effects.

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