Healthy Holiday Hosting: 20 Air Fryer Appetizer Recipes

When it comes to staying healthy during the holidays, party food can pose a major challenge. It might seem as though no matter where you turn, there are enticing treats everywhere. But now you have a secret weapon to overcome these holiday temptations: the air fryer!

This kitchen countertop appliance helps to give foods a crunchy exterior without submerging them in oils packed with fat and calories. That means you can still feel like you’re indulging in all of your favorite fried foods and won’t miss out on any holiday fun.

We’ve rounded up a list of 20 air fryer appetizers that you can whip up for your next party. They’re all Nutrisystem-approved and absolutely delicious! Click on the recipe name, image or link below each description to get the full recipe.

1. Air Fryer Tortilla Chips >

No more bagged chips for your holiday party! Tortilla chips are the most satisfying when they are hot and fresh—and with your air fryer you can whip up a batch easily. These chips are so simple to make. All it takes is corn tortillas, some olive oil and your favorite seasoning. Pop them in the air fryer until crisp! Get our Air Fryer Tortilla Chip recipe here! >

2. Air Fryer Protein Pasta Chips >

Straight from the world of TikTok trends, these Air Fryer Pasta Chips were inspired by the viral TikTok pasta chip video posted by @bostonfoodgram. It literally turns a high-protein pasta into a crispy snack that you can serve with your favorite dipping sauce. Seasoned to perfection, it’s a high-protein and healthier swap for chips or fries. Try our Air Fryer Protein Pasta Chips recipe here! >

3. Air Fryer Mini Baked Potatoes >

These mini loaded potato bites are both delicious and adorable. They’re made using baby potatoes and include all the fixing that you love, including shredded cheese, sour cream and chives. It’s a delectable treat! Get our Air Fryer Mini Baked Potatoes recipe here! >

18 Easy Air Fryer Dessert Recipes

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4. Air Fryer Crème Fraiche and Fruit Sweet Potato Crostini >

The Crostini is such a fun party app—but this version makes it healthier by swapping the traditional mini toasts for a crispy sweet potato! It is topped with crème fraiche, dried cranberries, almonds and dried figs. This fancy finger food looks delightfully colorful on your holiday appetizer table. Try our Air Fryer Crème Fraiche and Fruit Sweet Potato Crostini recipe here! >

5. Air Fryer Crab and Cream Cheese Wontons >

Crab and cream cheese wontons are typically full of calories when they are deep-fried and prepared with full-fat ingredients. Our version uses fat-free cream cheese and the air fryer to “healthify” this delicious appetizer. For as fancy as they look, you’ll be surprised how easy they are to make. Get our Air Fryer Crab and Cream Cheese Wontons recipe here! >

6. 5-Minute Air Fryer Coconut Shrimp with Spicy Apricot Sauce >

These air fryer coconut shrimps are both sweet and crunchy. Since shrimp is already a low-calorie form of protein, and they are being air fried instead of deep-fried, it’s truly a guilt-free snack to enjoy. Try our 5-Minute Air Fryer Coconut Shrimp with Spicy Apricot Sauce recipe here! >

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7. Air Fryer Onion Rings >

Once you learn how easy it is to make homemade onion rings, it’ll become your go-to party appetizer! These onion rings are made using whole grain panko breadcrumbs and the air fryer, making them a crunchy and crave-worthy appetizer to enjoy even while sticking to a healthy eating plan. Get our Air Fryer Onion Rings recipe here! >

8. Air Fryer Creamy Salmon Sweet Potato Crostini >

Here’s another great Crostini recipe made from sweet potato slices instead of mini toast. It can be whipped up with just six simple ingredients but comes together as an impressive offering. Each air-fried sweet potato slice is topped with cream cheese, smoked salmon and capers—a deliciously classic combination. Try our Air Fryer Creamy Salmon Sweet Potato Crostini recipe here! >

9. Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries >

Everyone loves a good batch of fries as an appetizer—but this version won’t derail your healthy eating regimen. Made from spears of sliced sweet potatoes and seasoned to perfection with your favorite spices, these fries can be served with a delicious dip—though they’re tasty enough to enjoy plain. Get our Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries recipe here! >

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10. Air Fried Pickles >

Fried pickles are a favorite at a number of restaurants, but they come packed with fat. Fortunately, our lighter version can give you the same satisfying, crunchy salt fix but without all the excess calories. It uses whole wheat flour and an air fryer to seriously lighten things up. Try our Air Fried Pickles recipe here! >

11. Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks >

Mozzarella sticks are a classic appetizer favorite. However, they also tend to be one of the worst offenders as far as fat and calories go. Our lightened up version uses low fat string cheese sticks and an air fryer to make a healthier version that is still delicious. Get our Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks recipe here! >

12. Easy Air Fryer Garlic Bread >

This recipe is a great way to take a plain, whole-wheat baguette and turn it into delectable garlic bread! Simply cut the baguette in half and spread it with our easy garlic butter mixture. Then sprinkle with parmesan and black pepper. It’s a mouthwatering way to kick off your holiday meal. Try our Easy Air Fryer Garlic Bread recipe here! >

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13. Air Fryer BBQ Potato Skins >

Another classic app, our potato skins are diet-friendly by using lean and simple ingredients. They’re filling and delicious but thanks to being air-fried instead of deep-fried, they aren’t packed with excess fat. Get our Air Fryer BBQ Potato Skins recipe here! >

14. Healthy Air Fryer Spiced Nuts >

Spiced nuts are a holiday favorite! But despite the fact that nuts are a source of healthy fats and protein, traditional mixes use syrupy added sugars and oil to detract from the goodness. Fortunately, our version uses simple, healthy ingredients to ensure you get all of the healthy benefits—and the delicious flavor, too. Try our Healthy Air Fryer Spiced Nuts recipe here! >

15. Air Fryer Caprese Sweet Potato Crostini >

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I stop my appetite?

The best way to stop eating when you’re hungry is to eat small frequent meals throughout the day rather than just three large ones at mealtimes. This keeps your blood sugar levels in check and helps reduce hunger pangs.

Drinking lots of water, or taking an herbal supplement like bitter melon and ginseng may be better than eating only.

Avoid foods high in carbs like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, as they can give you a short boost that then leads to a crash.

Look for protein-rich foods instead, such as lean proteins, fish, eggs or nuts. These foods will give you sustained energy and keep your blood sugar stable.

Sugary snacks and drinks like chocolate bars, doughnuts and cakes, as well as soft drinks and juice, should be avoided. These foods can cause cravings, and make you feel bloated and slow.

Choose healthier options such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals.

You shouldn’t be relying on miracle products or fad diets to lose weight.

Are green leafy vegetable daily worth the effort?

The definition of “worth” will depend on your meaning. If you mean health benefits, then it is likely that the answer is no. However, if you’re talking about cost-effectiveness, then probably not.

There is no evidence to suggest that regular consumption of them is beneficial if you look at the long-term cost (e.g. will they save me money in the next 10 years).

If you are looking at the short-term (e.g. Is it better for my waistline? ), then I would say that yes it is worth it.

This question is very interesting, as it touches on two important aspects of nutrition: cost-effectiveness and health benefits. Strong evidence suggests that regular vegetable and fruit consumption reduces the risk of certain illnesses, such as cancer. On the other hand, the evidence for cost-effectiveness is less conclusive.

It is best to evaluate both the health and economic benefits of eating healthy food. This is called the Health Economic Assessment (HEA). This involves analyzing the expected health outcomes of different foods and the associated costs.

How can I lose weight at home in just seven days?

Eat less, drink lots of water, and get active regularly. It’s as simple as that! You may be tempted to skip meals, but this is not recommended. Skipping meals will lead to you feeling hungry later.

Don’t put yourself on a diet. You should keep track of the calories you eat and slowly increase it. For instance, if you normally consume 2,000 calories daily, then increase that number by 500 calories every day. That means you’ll be adding 1,500 calories to your daily routine.

For more specific advice, you can consult numerous online resources. An excellent place to begin is with a search engine like Google. You can simply type “how do I lose weight quickly” into Google and hundreds of results will appear.

Local libraries might be a good place to start if you prefer to read in person about the topic. They typically offer free weekly seminars where diet experts talk about various topics related to weight loss.

Is there any side effects to African Mango Extract?

African mango extract does not cause any side effects. However, it is essential to note that some individuals may experience stomach upset or diarrhea when using this product. If you experience this, stop using the product immediately.

African Mango Extract Has Caffeine?

A study was done on the daily intake of caffeine by an average person. These were some surprising results.

A cup of coffee has around 100mg of caffeine while a small glass cola contains about 40mg. But what if you could have caffeine without drinking any calories at all?

That’s where African mango extract comes in! It is a great source of energy, with the same benefits as caffeine, but without sugar or calories.

African mango extract helps improve brain function and focus.

What herb melts body weight?

It might not be possible without diet but herbs can help you lose weight. Many people have used herbs for this purpose throughout history. There are many herbs that can be used for this purpose, including: Green tea (Ginko Biloba), Ginger root, Ginseng and Hawthorn berry; Milk Thistle seed; Mullein leaf; Rosemary, St John’s Wort and Turmeric. Valerian root is also available. Yohimbe bark is another.

The herbs can be used topically or orally. They are rich in nutrients that can increase metabolic rate. These nutrients can speed up the breakdown and removal of lipids from the cell walls. The result is the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream, which can be burned as fuel.

A variety of herbal remedies can also be used to prevent or boost immunity. This makes them an ideal choice for people who are unable to afford drugs and surgeries.

People use herbs because of their effectiveness. However, some people don’t realize just how powerful these natural substances are. There are many places you can purchase herbs, including online, pharmacies, or health food stores. Most herbs last for several weeks.

Green tea is a great example of a herb whose ability to increase metabolic rate can be seen. Green tea contains epigallocatechin glycate (EGCG), a substance that increases activity of enzymes responsible in breaking down fats. EGCG has also been proven to improve glucose tolerance. This is a way that EGCG can lower the risk of developing diabetes.

Ginger root is another example. The stimulant properties of ginger root are similar to those of other stimulants. It stimulates the digestive tract and increases metabolism. Ginger helps eliminate toxins from our digestive system.

Other herbs that improve metabolism include ginseng (licorice root), mullein Leaf, rosemary and turmeric.

It is best to consume herbs as teas in most cases. This allows active ingredients to enter your bloodstream quickly. When taking herbs internally, ensure that you do so under medical supervision. You should not apply herbs to your skin if you are going to be using them externally. You could inflict irritation on other parts of your body or cause damage.

What is an African mango?

British explorers discovered the fruit during an expedition into Africa. It has been grown for centuries throughout South America. However, due to climate change as well as deforestation, its current production is in decline.

The African Mango Project aims to reverse this decline by developing sustainable methods of growing fruit in East Africa.

They also work towards creating jobs locally and improving the livelihoods of communities near plantations.

Their goal is to have the first commercial crop ready for harvest within 5 years.


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How To

The Best Natural Appetite Supressants for Weight Control

Natural appetite suppressant to weight loss is any substance that can be used to reduce food intake without side effects, such as vomiting or constipation, diarrhea and dizziness.

There are many natural ways to lose weight. Dieting is one option. It is about reducing the amount of calories you consume, compared to what your usual eating habits are. This can mean eating less calories than you normally do, cutting down on certain foods, skipping meals, and eating smaller portions. Another way to lose weight naturally is through exercise. Exercise refers to increasing your physical activity. This can be achieved by walking fast and aerobics, running, dancing, swimming or cycling, walking fast, exercising at the gym, strength training, yoga, Tai Chi, or any other activity.

Natural appetite suppressants have no side effects, such as constipation, heartburn and stomach cramps. They are safer than prescription drugs that can cause side effects. So, if you want to try them, then go ahead. You should always consult your doctor before you start using these products.

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