Gardening with Scott: 5 Easy to Grow Summer Vegetables

Gardening is just about the perfect activity for summer. You burn calories from gently bending and stretching as you care for the plants. If you get too hot, you can just relax and watch as the bees and butterflies go about their business. Gardening rewards you with the freshest and most nutritious produce possible, and you get a little satisfaction from raising it yourself.

Summer is the prime growing season for many popular vegetables. These non-starchy veggies are so good for you that you can eat as much of them as you want and you will stay on track with your weight loss. The five vegetables covered here are so versatile that you can enjoy them in different ways each and every day.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a large plot or any land at all. You can grow all of these veggies in pots on a patio or balcony. In fact, growing in pots saves you the trouble of weeding. Just bear in mind that plants in containers need more frequent watering than those in the ground. Most garden vegetables need about eight to 10 hours of direct sun each day, so choose a spot that gets a lot of light, especially during the long summer afternoons and evenings.

You can start these plants from seeds. But if you’re new to gardening, just buy little seedlings at the local nursery and save yourself a couple of weeks of waiting to see if the seeds come up. The time to plant them in your outdoor garden or container is after nighttime temperatures stay above 55 degrees F. Keep the soil in your garden or pots consistently moist for about two weeks after planting as the seedlings begin to establish roots. After that, water the plants only when the soil feels dry when you push your finger into it. Give the plants organic fertilizer every two weeks but be sure to follow the package instructions so you don’t overfeed the plants, which is as bad as overeating is for you.

Ready to grow? Here are five easy vegetables to grow that thrive in the summer and give you a steady harvest of fresh produce all season long.

1. Tomatoes

Why: America’s favorite garden vegetable begins ripening its juicy fruit in midsummer and the tomatoes keep coming until the fall. Tomatoes are high in vitamin C and potassium. The compound that gives them their red color is lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to promote eye health.

Best varieties: For best flavor, choose “beefsteak” types, such as Brandywine or Big Boy. Celebrity bears lots of medium-size tomatoes and is exceptionally problem-free. You’ll get handfuls of Sweet Million cherry tomatoes every day. If you’re planting in pots, try Patio or Tom Thumb, which stay compact but still yield plenty of ripe fruit.

Keys to success: Tomatoes grow on vines that flop over and lie on the ground after they reach about 1 foot tall. Keep your tomatoes upright by placing them in cages or tying them to sturdy posts.

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2. Cucumbers

Why: Cucumbers start ripening their fruit in early summer and keep producing for weeks on end. Cukes are low in calories while having a high fiber and water content. They are an excellent source of vitamin K, a nutrient that promotes healthy bones.

Best varieties: The familiar long, green types with smooth skins are known as “garden” cucumbers. County Fair is a popular variety because it is productive and resistant to problems. Pickling or Kirby cucumbers are smaller, crunchier and mostly seedless. Boston Pickling cucumber is widely grown because it is very reliable. You won’t often find sweet, juicy and yellow Lemon cucumbers in stores, but you can grow them yourself. When planting in pots, look for “bush” type cucumbers.

Keys to success: Cucumbers can be prone to mildew (white or dark spots on the leaves) so avoid getting water on the foliage. Also, allow for room between the plants so air can circulate around them, which dries off excess moisture and reduces the likelihood of fungi.

3. Peppers

Why: Both sweet and hot peppers are easy and fun to grow yourself. They come in bright colors and a wide range of shapes and tastes. Peppers are high in vitamins A and C. Peppers are crunchy and delicious when eaten raw in salads or with dips. You can use peppers to add flavor to many cooked dishes including chili, omelets and quesadillas.

Best varieties: Go with Ace to get a steady supply of sweet red bell peppers. Jimmy Nardello gives you sweet, long frying peppers. Jalapenos are mildly hot. Cayenne turns up the heat, while Ghost will light a fire. Let your taste buds decide. Mohawk Patio is perfect for pots because it stays just 12 inches tall but bears lots of orange sweet peppers.

Keys to success: All types of peppers start out green and then ripen to their full color of red, orange or yellow. At that point, they have their best flavor and are most nutritious. You can sample one or two of the green peppers but be patient until the majority of them ripen and turn color and your peppers will be even more satisfying.

4. Zucchini

Why: Green summer squash, or zucchini, is one of the most versatile veggies. You can eat it raw, grill or sauté it, bake with it, or turn it into “noodles” with a spiralizer. There are so many healthy zucchini recipes that are perfect for summer! Summer squash is low in calories, high in fiber and a good source of vitamin C and potassium.

Best varieties: Summer Fordhook is the classic long, smooth-skinned zucchini we all know and love. Cocozelle is an Italian variety that foodies prefer. Eight Ball bears round and tender summer squash that are ideal for stuffing. For container growing, look for Emerald Delight, which stays compact.

Keys to success: Zucchini have the best flavor and texture when they’re about 6 inches long, so check on them every day and pick them before they get too big. Zucchini plants can produce a lot of fruit quickly. Share the extras with friends, neighbors or a local food bank.

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5. Swiss Chard

Why: Most greens wilt in the hot summer sun, but chard keeps on growing strong. Chard has tender leaves with firm stalks and it tastes like spinach. You can eat it fresh in salads and sandwiches or in frittatas, stir-fries and other cooked dishes. Chard is high in vitamin A and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Chard brings color to your garden and plate. The leaves are medium to dark green and the stalks can be red, pink, yellow or white.

Best varieties: Bright Lights has stalks that are various shades of those colors all on one plant. Rhubarb chard has red veins in the leaves as well as the stalks. For a pretty container, plant any variety of chard along with basil and chives.

Keys to success: You can snip a few leaves as needed and the plant will keep growing. Fertilize the plant a day or two after harvesting so it has the nutrients it needs to replace the leaves.

Learn more in our story on Home Gardening Tips for Beginners! >

The post Gardening with Scott: 5 Easy to Grow Summer Vegetables appeared first on The Leaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is African Mango Extract?

It has high levels vitamin C, which improves immunity. This makes it ideal to those who are more susceptible to the flu and colds.

Antioxidants in African mango extract can also help lower free radicals in your body. This lowers your risk of developing heart disease or cancer.

Vitamins A, B6, and C are also found in African mango. These vitamins support hair growth and healthy skin.

African Mango active ingredients provide an effective supplement that will keep you looking young and feeling great!

What are the best foods to lose belly fat?

Because they are low-calorie and high in fiber, fruits and vegetables are great for weight loss. You also get vitamins A, C and E as well as K which increase metabolism and energy levels.

For weight loss, lean proteins are best. These proteins are rich in essential amino acids and protein, which provide the building blocks to muscle growth.

Finally, whole grains, including brown rice, oats, pasta, bread, and cereals, make great choices when you’re looking to lose weight fast.

They are very filling.

What are some things I can do to detox and lose weight?

Drinking water helps flush toxins from your system. It is important to maintain healthy skin and hair. You should drink plenty of water throughout your day, especially after meals. Water is also good for digestion and helps flush out excess sodium.

If you want to eliminate alcohol use, try drinking green tea instead. Green tea contains catechins which help reduce fat absorption in the stomach, while caffeine stimulates metabolism.

Is African Mango Extract Caffeine-Free?

A study was done on the daily intake of caffeine by an average person. Surprising results resulted.

A cup of coffee can contain around 100 mg of caffeine. A small glass of cola has approximately 40mg. What if you could get caffeine without having to consume any calories?

This is where African mango extract comes into play! It gives you the same energy boost that caffeine, but without adding sugar or calories.

African mango extract helps improve brain function and focus.

How to Use African Mango Extract

It’s easy to take mango extract. Take a fresh, ripe mango and place the flesh in a blender. Blend until smooth.

If you need a cleaner pulp, it is possible to strain it. Store in a cool dark place.

The pulp can be frozen for future use. So you won’t have to buy another batch of mango pulp when the season starts again.

What herb melts your body fat?

Although it may not be possible for you to lose weight by dieting, herbs can help you burn calories. Many people have used herbs for this purpose throughout history. These herbs include: Green tea and Ginko Biloba; Ginger root; Ginseng, Hawthorne berry, Ginseng, Milk Thistle seeds, Mullein leaves, Rosemary leaf, St John’s Wort. Turmeric, Valerian root, and Yohimbe bark.

Herbal remedies can be taken orally or applied topically. They have nutrients that increase metabolism. These nutrients help speed up the destruction of glycogen stocks and lipids inside the cell walls. This results in the release of free fat acids into the bloodstream which can be used as fuel.

A variety of herbal remedies can also be used to prevent or boost immunity. This makes them an ideal choice for people who are unable to afford drugs and surgeries.

Many people know the effectiveness of herbs and use them. Many people don’t realize how powerful these natural substances can be. There are many places you can purchase herbs, including online, pharmacies, or health food stores. Most of the time, one dose will last for weeks.

Green tea is one example of a herb that can increase the metabolic rate. Green tea is rich in epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which boosts activity of enzymes that are responsible for breaking down fats. EGCG has also been found to improve glucose tolerance. This is a way that EGCG can lower the risk of developing diabetes.

Ginger root is another example. Ginger root acts as a stimulant. It boosts metabolism and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, ginger helps the body eliminate toxins from the digestive system.

Other herbs that boost the metabolic rate are ginseng, licorice root, mullein leaf, rosemary, turmeric, and valerian root.

In most cases, drinking herbs in teas is the best way to take them. This allows active ingredients to be absorbed quickly and efficiently into the bloodstream. Take herbs internally only if you are under medical supervision. You should not apply herbs to your skin if you are going to be using them externally. Other areas could be affected or inflamed.


  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (
  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (

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How To

The Best Natural Appetite Supressants for Weight Control

Natural appetite suppressant to weight loss is any substance that can be used to reduce food intake without side effects, such as vomiting or constipation, diarrhea and dizziness.

There are many ways to lose weight naturally. Dieting is one option. The goal of dieting is to reduce calories compared to the usual food you eat. This means eating fewer calories than normal, skipping meals and eating smaller portions. Exercise is another way to naturally lose weight. You can increase your physical activity by exercising. Walking fast, running aerobically, swimming, dancing and hiking are some of the ways you can increase your activity.

Natural appetite suppressants are very effective because they don’t cause side effects like nausea, constipation, heartburn, stomach cramps, headaches, etc. They are also safe and don’t have the side effects of prescription drugs. They are safe and you can use them. Before you try these products, consult your doctor.

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