Follow This Diet Regimen Plan Beyond Calories Created By Professional Nutritionists

Follow This Diet Plan Beyond Calories Designed By Expert Nutritionists & Dietitians

Often, when we think of diet for weight reduction, ‘how to reduce our calorie intake’ cross our mind. While most of us limit our efforts and planning to minimize calorie consumption, we often overlook the significance of nutrition and sustainable weight loss benefits. A healthy, well-designed diet plan for weight loss should focus not only on limiting calorie consumption and losing weight but also on eating nutritious foods, boosting immunity, and achieving sustainable weight loss benefits. It needs to work beyond calories for improving overall health while achieving desired weight loss results. The precious guidance of expert nutritionists and dieticians can work wonders in achieving desired weight loss which won’t be limited to ‘calorie in and calorie out’ but also acts on improving the overall health and well-being of the individual. So, you might be wondering what exactly beyond calories weight loss diet signifies and how it helps, aren’t you? Read this blog to get a clear idea of all about it.


What are Calories and What Happens When Sole Focus is on ‘Food as A Fuel’?

When learning about the beyond-calories diet, let’s first get to know about calories. What we mention calories are kilocalories, which is the unit of energy. Our body receives calories from nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, in our food. Our body cells convert these macronutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP releases energy for the smooth working of all our body functions. This process is known as metabolism, which we are required to be maintained well.

When it comes to losing weight, we generally focus on the intake of fewer calories. Most of us, count calories to achieve weight loss. However, when you limit or reduce the intake of food drastically, you only end up feeling hungry and your increased appetite won’t help in sustainable weight loss. As a result, you lose weight only to regain it soon after you are done with the diet plan. This happens because we focus solely on calories when getting in shape and end up forgoing snacks and balanced meals, which keep us full for a long span and nourish our bodies with essential nutrients. Thus, with a sole focus on calorie reduction, we end up hampering our -intake of nutrients, appetite, and health adversely.

If we perceive beyond ‘food to fuel our body’ and understand the nutritious and overall significance of the food that addresses our brain health, gut health, hormonal balance, blood sugar, and other elements of our body functions, it will help improve our overall health, eliminate nutritional deficiencies, boost immunity, establish hormonal balance, and promote smooth body functions while we achieve desired weight loss. Consulting certified nutritionists for weight loss can help you with such a holistic approach to improving health while getting in shape.

How is Diet Plan Beyond Calories Focussing on ‘Food as Medicine’ Beneficial?

When we shift our focus beyond calories, we can perceive food as medicine and it is a more powerful healing tool when losing weight. Eating the right nutritious foods in the right quantities while following a healthy diet chart influences our health positively and addresses the underlying health issues, thereby promoting healing from within.

With this perspective, you eat nutritious weight loss foods that not only promote the burning of calories but also improve your focus, increase your energy, establish blood sugar balance, and boost your immunity.

A diet plan beyond calories focuses on eating real food i.e whole, unprocessed food in its natural form. Eating balanced meals comprising mostly plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, legumes, and whole grain nuts, deliver you a wide variety of essential nutrients, such as phytonutrients, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, that promote good health.

The beyond-calories diet plan considers below crucial aspects of our health.

A. How Food Affects the Mood and Blood Sugar?

One of the significant health factors to consider while losing weight is psychological health, which is related to blood sugar balance. If we consume processed foods or foods low in fiber but high in calories, our blood sugar will spike quickly. And, when the sugar level falls, we may turn anxious and irritable. Certain foods can also cause inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is linked to mood disorders and depression. Processed foods are high in sugar, and refined foods are responsible for increasing inflammation in the body. So, when framing a diet plan beyond calories, it’s crucial to inculcate whole foods providing our body with anti-inflammatory essential fats, crucial nutrients, and phytonutrients, and avoid processed and refined foods.

B. How Food Affects the Brain?

When we view food as a medicine, it is also beneficial in improving our brain health. Diet beyond calories comprising foods rich in antioxidants helps safeguard brain cells, while foods rich in healthy fats help build brain structure. Protein food sources are other crucial ingredients of a healthy diet chart that supply amino acids that our body converts into neurotransmitters for healthy neurological health.

C. How Food Influences Hormones?

Foods also have an impact on our hormones. Adding certain healthy weight loss foods and eliminating unhealthy foods from our weight loss foods list can help achieve hormonal balance. So, include broccoli, kale, collards, flaxseeds, and chia seeds which promote estrogen balance and detoxification. Eating pumpkin seeds and Brazil nuts helps boost your thyroid health.

5 Keys of Beyond Calories Diet Plan?

Beyond-calories diet focuses on losing weight while improving your health. It’s based on the dietary measures listed below.

  1. Add High Satiety Foods

The prominent principle of a beyond-calorie plan is incorporating high-satiety foods into your diet. These foods make you feel full for longer and prevent you from snacking now and then. People eating low-satiety foods happen to eat often and turn overweight. So, replacing low-satiety foods in your diet with high-satiety foods that are rich in nutrients is a key to achieving weight loss without compromising your health.

  1. Incorporating Low GI and High-Fibre Foods

Including high-fibre and low-GI foods is another effective weight loss tip when designing a diet beyond calories. Our diet influences glucose output in our bloodstream. When we include low-GI foods that are rich in fibre, they break down slowly and do not cause a spike in our blood sugar levels. As their glucose output is the lowest, they help keep sugar levels and diabetes in check and also aid in fat burning and losing weight. So, add green vegetables, lentils, raw carrots, most fruits, and kidney beans to your weight loss diet plan beyond calories.

  1. Opting for a Unique Food Combination

Adding unique nutritious foods to a diet plan beyond calories helps to achieve sustainable weight loss healthily. For instance, you may have a heavy, satiating fruit like a banana with a low-calorie green vegetable like spinach as a post-meal snack. The banana supplies you with nutrients and energy, while spinach will promote fat burning. Another healthy combination is protein-abundant eggs and vitamin C-abundant capsicum. While eggs may boost your metabolism, capsicum helps in melting the extra fats in your body.

  1. Eat Small Meals More Often

Instead of eating three large meals daily, prefer consuming small meals more often. You may have four to six small meals a day, as it helps maximize weight loss healthily. Your body burns calories on a per-meal basis. Eating small meals helps keep your blood sugar in check and prevents fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Also, frequent small meals help boost your metabolism which helps in achieving the desired weight loss smoothly. So, cut down the size of your meals and consume them more often daily.

  1. Make Simple Yet Healthy Food Choices for Meals

While opting for a diet beyond calories, you don’t need to cook special menus to lose weight. You simply need to make healthy food choices. So, when you are focusing on sustainable weight loss with improved health, you may opt for nuts, fruits, healthy fish, green vegetables, and other easily available nutritious food options. The precious guidance of a certified nutritionist for weight loss can help you in making healthy food choices to have a diet plan for weight loss beyond calories.

Thus, a diet plan beyond calories focuses on the nutritional significance of the food and helps you achieve a perfect balance of protein, fiber, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals. This helps in nourishing your body while your get in shape.

So, if you are browsing the web for an expert dietitian near me for weight loss, get in touch with us at Health Total. Our certified nutritionists and dietitians will help you receive a customized weight loss diet plan that helps you trim your waistlines naturally while nourishing you with all essential nutrients. Our weight loss diet not only helps you shed those extra kilos but also manages your blood sugar levels, boosts your immunity, eliminates nutritional deficiencies, and improves your overall health. So, waste no time, reach out to us at Health Total, and put your best foot forward to get in shape with our personalized diet plan for weight loss.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips on losing weight with a diet beyond calories healthily or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at  1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!

The post Follow This Diet Plan Beyond Calories Designed By Expert Nutritionists & Dietitians appeared first on Health Total.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I lose weight by just drinking smoothies?

Smoothies contain lots of vitamins, nutrients, fiber and vitamins to help you stay slim.

They are also low-calorie and contain very few fats. They can be used as a snack, breakfast, or lunch. Although they can be enjoyed anytime of the day, it is best to eat them fresh out of your blender.

Smoothies can be made quickly and easily. You will only need to use fruit, milk and ice. Add nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, and anything else you fancy. Your choice! If you’re interested in trying this diet, get a smoothie machine today.

You may be amazed at how quickly your body starts to burn more calories. If you have the right ingredients, you may see results as soon as 4 weeks.

You’ve found the right place if you are looking for natural foods that work well to lose weight. We review the best natural weight loss products on Amazon.

Can I eat carbs while on the Ketogenic diet?

Yes, you can eat carbohydrates while on the Ketogenic Diet. These carbohydrates should be kept to a minimum. Instead, eat high-fiber veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. These foods will provide you with enough calories without causing weight gain.

Also, be sure to eat plenty of nuts and seeds, avocados, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee, lard, bacon, ham, sausage, cheese, cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, eggs, milk, butter, cream, cottage cheese, ricotta, cream cheese, and cream soups. These foods are high levels of saturated fats, which is necessary for ketosis.

What natural product is best to lose weight?

The most effective way to lose weight is by eating less food while exercising regularly. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight. This is because food plays a vital role in our bodies functioning properly. This means that if we eat too much, we are more likely to gain weight. Eating enough food can also lead to weight loss.

When selecting the best foods to help you lose weight, it is essential that you select foods with high nutritional value and low calories. These include fruits, vegetables and whole grains as well as lean meats, fish and nuts.

How can I stop my appetite?

Eating small meals frequently throughout the day is a better way to stop snacking when you are hungry than eating three large meals at dinner. This will keep your blood sugar levels constant and reduce hunger pangs.

Drinking lots of water, or taking an herbal supplement like bitter melon and ginseng may be better than eating only.

Also, avoid foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes because they give you a quick boost followed by a big crash.

Choose protein-rich foods like lean meats and fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. These foods will give you energy for long periods and help keep your blood sugar stable.

Don’t eat sugary snacks or drinks like doughnuts, chocolate bars and cake. These can make you feel hungry and bloated.

Choose healthier options such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals.

So if you’re trying to lose weight, then don’t rely on fad diets or miracle supplements.

What is an African mango?

British explorers discovered the fruit during an expedition into Africa. It has been grown for centuries throughout South America. However, due to climate change as well as deforestation, its current production is in decline.

The African Mango Project seeks to reverse this decline through sustainable methods of fruit growing in East Africa.

They are also working toward creating local jobs, and improving the livelihoods in communities around plantations.

Their goal is for the first commercial crop to be ready for harvest in 5 years.

What drink will overnight melt belly fat?

The best way to lose weight fast is by drinking lots of water. Water intake is essential for weight loss. It helps to reduce calories and gives you a longer feeling of fullness, which makes you less likely snack on carbs and sugary foods. Water flushes toxins from your system and helps keep your skin young and healthy.

For most people, skipping meals is the best thing to do when dieting. Your metabolism will slow down, which means you’ll eat less later. Consider eating smaller, more frequent meals.

Increase your water intake if you feel the need to snack. You will feel less hungry and have a greater desire for sugary drinks. For extra detoxifying benefits, you can add lemon juice to your water.

Drinking water can promote weight loss because it makes you feel fuller, faster, and helps you feel fuller. Studies show that those who consume eight glasses per day of water are more likely to lose weight than those who drink only four cups. Water can help you feel fuller without adding additional calories.

You should wait at least 30 minutes before you eat anything when you get up in the morning. After just 10-15 minutes of awakening, hormones like insulin start to regulate blood sugar levels. These hormone surges can send us into hunger mode. We can avoid crashing and a surge in blood sugar by waiting until it happens.

Eat a mid-morning snack right after you have finished breakfast. A snack between lunch or dinner can prevent you from overeating later on in the day. Try a piece of fruit or a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter.

Don’t eat right before bed. Research shows that sleep is better for our bodies, so it’s easier to lose weight if you get up early.

Don’t go to bed starving! Before you go to sleep, eat a light dinner. It may surprise you how much food is necessary to fall asleep.

You can add green tea to you daily routine. Green tea contains catechins, plant compounds that reduce inflammation and boost metabolism. In a Journal of Nutrition study, it was found that people who drank three cups of green-tea daily lost more weight then those who did not. Another study found that green tea consumption led to a 3 percent increase in metabolic rate for men over the course of 12 weeks.


  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (
  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (

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Goji Berries: Side Effects and Health Benefits

Goji berries can be found in China, and are the oldest cultivated fruits. They are also known as wolfberries and Chinese plums. They are native to Asia’s Himalayas, and can be found wild in Asia. Goji derives its name from the Tibetan word “gom”, which means “to grow”. They’re known as Kuzuimaki (Japan).

The 300 BC date of the first mention of the gojiberry in Chinese literature is around 300 BC. Goji berries were used primarily to provide food. However, they also had medicinal properties. Goji berries contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, fiber, amino acid, polysaccharides, enzymes, and other nutrients. They are high in anthocyanins. Goji berries are beneficial due to their anti-aging properties, immune system support, antioxidant protection, heart health benefits, diabetes management, memory improvement, energy boost, weight loss aid, and healthy skin.

Gojiberries are known as superfoods because of their high nutritional value. Goji berries are rich in vitamin C, betacarotene and iron. They also contain significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium (vitamin B6), protein, riboflavin and thiamine. Goji berries have a similar texture to blueberries due to their colors and taste. Both goji berries and blueberries contain ellagic acid, a powerful cancer-fighting chemical found in plants, especially nuts and seeds.

Studies have shown that goji berries can reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, prevent macular degeneration, protect against certain cancers, and promote cardiovascular health.

Gojiberries are known for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride as well as increasing HDL (good), cholesterol. Additionally, studies have shown that consuming gojiberries reduces blood pressure and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Goji berries were found to help with Alzheimer’s. Another study found that gojiberries could be used to treat depression symptoms. Some people use goji berries to treat insomnia.

Goji berries can also help you maintain a healthy body weight. Research shows that gojiberries are good for your metabolism. Goji berries can be eaten daily to help you feel fuller and last longer.

Goji berries are a nutritious fruit that many people add to juices, smoothies, and desserts. They can also be eaten plain as a snack.

Side effects of goji berries include stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, constipation, fatigue, and allergic reactions. Goji berries should not be consumed by pregnant women or those who are nursing.

Goji berries could be dangerous if they are consumed by elderly persons, children, or people with low immunity. Consuming gojiberries may cause side effects. Stop using them immediately.

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