Ep194: Exactly How to Break Up with the Toxic Diet Plan Society

In this episode, Tina talks with Katie Bramlett about redefining toxic diet culture standards and prioritizing responsible movement over the number on the scale. Katie ditches the belief that more cardio is the key to weight loss and offers advice on how to navigate new approaches to diet and exercise.

Katie discusses the following topics:

  • Why women should rest more
  • Why less is more when it comes to exercise
  • How exercise and movement are different
  • How to better listen to your body
  • How to shift your mindset related to self-worth and the number on the scale
  • How to normalize conversations about the division of labor
  • And more…

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Connect with Tina Haupert:
Facebook: Carrots ‘N’ Cake 
Instagram: carrotsncake 
YouTube: Tina Haupert 
Pinterest: Carrots ‘N’ Cake Hormone Testing & Nutrition Coaching 

About Tina Haupert:

Tina Haupert is the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P).

Tina and her team use functional testing and a personalized approach to nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Connect with Katie Bramlett:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/weshape.wellness
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeShape
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WeShape
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@weshape
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3LNn2scZxO3Mb5WrPADSUN?si=88c40a18dbbb4664
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/weshape-podcast/id1641964753

About Katie Bramlett:

Katie Bramlett started WeShape with the intention of advocating for women to stop focusing on the number on the scale and instead put their energy and efforts towards a more meaningful intention such as movement, rest, and a deeper connection with self. Her entire company and product is rooted in intention, movement, community, and beliefs.

Katie has a passion for bringing awareness to the toxic expectations placed on women in the fitness industry, as well as the often overshadowed, yet pivotal roles women play in business and entrepreneurship. Katie’s goal is to create awareness through meaningful conversation and curiosity so that women can gain the support of men rather than gaining dominance.

“It’s all about leveling the playing field, not about overly shifting the power in the other direction.” ~Katie

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do smoothie cleanses work?

The key question here is whether you are getting rid of toxins from your body. If you aren’t, then you may have another problem.

For a cleanse to work, it must remove all the toxins from your system.

If this doesn’t happen, either you aren’t drinking enough water (or haven’t been eating properly).

This could also be a sign that you need to decrease your intake of salt or caffeine.

You could also be experiencing other reasons why you are not seeing results.

  • Your digestive system isn’t functioning correctly. Your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs.
  • You are not consuming enough protein. Protein helps build muscle tissue.
  • You are eating too many carbs. Carbs are stored calories.
  • You’re consuming too many sugars. Sugar can cause insulin surges in your bloodstream. This slows down your metabolism.
  • You’re not getting enough fats. To absorb certain vitamins, fats are necessary.
  • You are consuming too few essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs have been proven to reduce inflammation.
  • Too little fiber is being consumed. Fiber absorbs cholesterol and bile sodiums. It can also speed up digestion.
  • You are not consuming sufficient vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed for proper collagen production. Collagen helps keep skin elastic and firm.
  • You are consuming too small portions. Portions should be measured using a standard cup measurer.
  • Your alcohol intake is excessive. It can cause severe dehydration.
  • High levels of caffeine are not healthy. Too much caffeine is toxic to the liver.
  • Too little magnesium is being consumed. Magnesium, which is necessary for healthy bones & muscles, is needed.
  • You’re consuming too little potassium. Potassium is required to maintain fluid balance.

How can you slim down naturally?

Try to eat healthy foods as much as you can. When you do have unhealthy snacks, make sure they are low-calorie. Avoid processed foods. Instead, choose whole grains such oatmeal, barley or brown rice for breakfast. Avoid sugary drinks as they are high-calorie and high in sugar. Drink water instead of soda pop or juice if you want weight loss. Aim to consume at least eight glasses per day of water.

Another tip? Get up early. Research has shown that people who wake up earlier have a tendency to consume fewer calories over the course of the day. This can be achieved by setting an alarm to make sure you don’t sleep in the mornings.

Also, exercising is essential. Aerobic exercise such as running and biking, swimming, swimming, tennis, and walking are all great options. burn fat faster than strength training. Try to include aerobic activity in your life.

What drink is good for burning belly fat over night?

Drinking lots water is the best way fast to lose weight. Water is a great way to burn calories and keep you fuller for longer. This will make it less likely that you snack on sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods. Water helps flush toxins out of your body and maintains your skin’s youthful appearance.

The easiest thing for most people to do when they’re dieting is to skip meals. You’ll feel less hungry later on because your metabolism slows. So try to eat small frequent meals instead.

You might find yourself craving snacks. Drink more water. Drinking less water can cause your body to burn calories at a slower rate and make you crave sugary drinks. You can also add lemon juice or other citrus fruits to your water for detoxifying effects.

Drinking plenty of water promotes weight loss by helping you feel fuller and faster. Research has shown that people who consume eight glasses of fluid per day are more likely than those who only consume four. The reason? Water fills you up and doesn’t add extra calories.

You should wait at least 30 minutes before you eat anything when you get up in the morning. After 10-15 minutes, hormones like insulin will start working to regulate blood glucose levels. These hormone spikes often trigger hunger pangs. By waiting until after this happens, we avoid getting a rush of blood sugar and then crashing afterward.

Have a mid-morning snack after breakfast. You can avoid eating too much later in the day by having something to eat between lunches and dinner. Enjoy a piece or two of fruit with peanut butter, or whole grains toast with peanut sauce.

Avoid eating too close to bedtime. Studies show that we metabolize nutrients more efficiently when we sleep so staying slim is easier when you go to bed earlier.

Don’t go to bed starving! Before you go to sleep, eat a light dinner. You may be surprised how much food you will need to fall asleep.

Green tea can be added to your daily schedule. Catechins in green tea are plant compounds that can reduce inflammation and improve metabolism. According to a Journal of Nutrition study that was published in the Journal of Nutrition, those who drank three cups of tea daily lost more weight compared to those who didn’t. Another study showed that green tea consumption increased metabolic rates by 3 percentage points over 12 weeks.

What is African Mango Extract, and How Does It Work?

Vitamin C is found in high amounts, which can boost immunity. It’s ideal for people with flu or cold symptoms.

African mango extract is also rich in antioxidants, which help to lower the risk of developing cancer. This reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease and cancer.

Vitamins A & B6 are found in African Mango, which supports healthy hair growth.

The active ingredients in African Mango provide a powerful supplement that will keep your skin looking and feeling young.


  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

African mango extract offers potential benefits

African Mango extracts have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions, including cancer. These extracts have been used since ancient Egypt to heal wounds, treat diabetes and stop bleeding.

Scientists at the University of Nigeria have discovered that African mango extracts are rich in certain compounds, including tannins, flavonoids and Vitamin C. These compounds help to prevent blood clotting and fight free radicals. They also improve liver functions, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. They promote cell growth and boost immunity systems.

  1. Treatment of Cancer. Around 50% of all cases of cancer worldwide are caused or exacerbated by environmental factors. It is vital to find ways of preventing cancer. Numerous studies show that antioxidants found in foods such blueberries and tomatoes (as well as oranges, peas and tomatoes) can prevent cancer.
  2. Antioxidants neutralize harmful substances, called “free radicals,” that can cause cell damage or genetic mutations. Studies show that African mango extracts can slow down or even reverse the growth of tumors in mice. A study found that African mango extracts could stop the growth in vitro of human colon cancer cells (cells in lab dishes). Another study showed that an African Mango Extract inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells in vivo (in living animals) by inhibiting their metabolism. These findings suggest that this product could potentially help treat some types of cancer.
  3. Prevention of Cancer. A study published by the National Institutes of Health that found African mango extracts prevent breast-cancer development was published recently. The active ingredients found in African mangoes are believed to block the production of estrogen, which is known to increase breast cancer risk.
  4. Inflammation Reduction. Inflammation occurs when chemicals produced by white cells attack foreign tissue. This can cause pain and swelling. Inflammation is caused by infection, injury, irritation, and other factors. Chronic inflammation can lead to certain diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Research has shown that African mango extracts may reduce inflammation and the severity of many conditions.
  5. Liver Function Improvement.The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body. It regulates digestion and detoxification as well as protein synthesis. Healthy livers are also responsible for maintaining internal processes such water balance, sugar level, red blood cell count, and water levels. Research has shown that African mango extracts can stimulate the regeneration of liver cells damaged by toxins and drugs. This is why some people feel less tired after drinking large amounts of African mango juice.
  6. Blood Pressure Management. The American Heart Association suggests that adults aim to keep their blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/90mm Hg. High blood pressure causes damage to the arteries and can increase your risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Researchers at the University of California-Davis evaluated the impact of African mango extracts on high blood sugar in rats. Their research found that African mango extracts significantly decreased blood pressure.
  7. Bone Building Bone Building. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial conducted at the University of Alabama School of Medicine showed that supplementation with 500 mg of vitamin D3 and 2 grams of calcium daily, and 3 grams of potassium citrate significantly improved bone mineral density. The amount of potassium citrate used was equivalent to consuming about 10 ounces of fresh African mango juice every day.
  8. Other benefits African mango extract improves skin health by increasing blood circulation to the skin’s surface. It stimulates collagen, making the skin look smoother and younger. African mango also promotes hair growth, and helps prevent premature graying. It also aids in weight loss by promoting fat metabolism.

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