Ep186: Why Diet Breaks Are Necessary For Long-Term Metabolic Health

In this episode, Tina speaks with Ashley Filmore about why women need to consider diet breaks. Ashley shares how to implement a diet break, how long it should last, and what to pay attention to for best results.

She also debunked some misconceptions about fat loss – many of which often overwhelm women.

Ashley discusses:

  • What a diet break is all about
  • Benefits of a diet break
  • Mistakes women sometimes make with diet breaks
  • Mindset shifts that need to happen during a diet break
  • Misconceptions about fat loss
  • What to do to break a weight loss plateau
  • And more…

Connect with Tina Haupert:
Facebook: Carrots ‘N’ Cake 
Instagram: carrotsncake 
YouTube: Tina Haupert 
Pinterest: Carrots ‘N’ Cake Hormone Testing & Nutrition Coaching

About Tina Haupert:

Tina Haupert is the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P).

Tina and her team use functional testing and a personalized approach to nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Connect with Ashley Fillmore:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashley.fillmore.96
Twitter: Ashley Fillmore
Instagram: ashley_fillmore1
Podcast: Cheers to Your Success!

About our Guest:

Ashley is a leading expert in sustainable weight-loss who helps Women heal their metabolism, balance their hormones, and achieve body-composition changes that last a lifetime.

She is the Founder and President of Metabolic Fix, a premium online coaching company that has helped thousands of Women finally break free from chronic dieting for good and achieve long-term, sustainable results using the Metabolic Fix Method.

With a deep commitment to helping Women better their lives, she strives to inspire others to embrace a life of health, happiness, and self-love they deserve.

Ashley is a renowned keynote speaker, frequents top-rated podcasts, is a podcast host for her show Cheers To Your Success, has a BSc in Exercise and Nutrition, and is a certified PT Professional, Nutrition Coach, and Health Educator.

The post Ep186: Why Diet Breaks Are Necessary For Long-Term Metabolic Health appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

Frequently Asked Questions

African Mango Extract Has Caffeine?

A study was conducted on how much caffeine an average person consumes daily. Surprising results resulted.

A cup coffee contains approximately 100 mg of caffeine. While a small glass contains 40mg, a cup of cola contains only around 40mg. What if caffeine could be obtained without consuming any calories?

This is where African mango extract comes in. It gives you the same energy boost that caffeine, but without adding sugar or calories.

African mango extract also helps increase focus and concentration and improves brain function.

How to Take African Mango Extract

Mango extract is simple to make. Simply cut open a fresh ripe mandarin and scoop out the flesh to a blender container. Blend until smooth.

If you prefer a smoother pulp, you may strain it. Store in a cool dark place.

You can freeze the pulp for future use. So you won’t have to buy another batch of mango pulp when the season starts again.

How does African Mango Extract function?

The high vitamin A content in mango fruit helps to boost the immune system. It is rich in vitamin A, which has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities. Also, it contains potassium and magnesium.

These nutrients work together to keep cells and tissues healthy throughout the body.

A study has shown that African mangoes can increase endurance and energy during exercise. This is because it supports cardiovascular function and metabolism.

The active ingredient in this product increases blood flow to brain and muscles. This enhances mental clarity and physical performances.

African mango extract can not only increase energy levels but also prevent muscle cramps from occurring after exercise. This can be very helpful for athletes who need to perform at their best.

How can I suppress my appetite?

The best way to stop eating when you’re hungry is to eat small frequent meals throughout the day rather than just three large ones at mealtimes. This helps keep your blood sugar levels steady and reduces hunger pangs.

It may turn out that drinking lots of water or taking herbal supplements such as bitter melon, ginseng or ginseng is better than relying solely on food.

Avoid carbohydrate-rich foods like potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, or pasta. They give you a quick boost and then a huge crash.

Choose protein-rich foods like lean meats and fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. These foods will give you energy for long periods and help keep your blood sugar stable.

You should also avoid sugary snacks like cakes, sodas, candy, and chocolate bars. These can make you feel hungry and bloated.

Instead, look for healthier options, like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain grains.

If you are trying to lose weight, don’t depend on miracle cures or fad diets.

What happens to your health if you have a green juice smoothie every day.

This isn’t just for breakfast. Green Smoothies are healthy, delicious drinks made from fresh fruit and vegetables blended into an incredibly satisfying beverage. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants as well as fiber and protein. They are also delicious!

Green Smoothies are low in calories, high in nutrients and low in calories. So all those extra pounds you’ve been putting on could be coming off thanks to this fantastic drink.

Green smoothies are simple to make. All you have to do is mix some greens with fresh fruits and ice cubes. There are so many options, we’ve listed our top 10 here.

  1. Banana + Blueberries Banana Berry Blast
  2. Spinach + Pineapple Healthy Superfood
  3. Strawberry + Yogurt Strawberry Delight
  4. Apple + Orange Fruity Green Smoothie
  5. Lemonade + Peach Melon Madness
  6. Pear + Kale Filled with Fiber
  7. Grapefruit and Kiwi: The Ultimate Detox
  8. Mango + Avocado Tropical Paradise
  9. Watermelon + Lime Delicious Hydration
  10. Coconut + Cucumber Cooling Drink

How do I lose weight in 7 days?

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and a lot of water are all good ideas. It’s simple. Although it is tempting to skip meals, this is not recommended. Skipping meals can lead to overeating later when you feel hungry again.

Don’t starve yourself, either. Be aware of how much calories you are consuming, and then gradually increase it. You might increase your daily intake by 500 calories a day if you consume 2,000 calories a day. This means that you will be adding 1,500 calories per day to your daily diet.

You can find more information online about tips and tricks to lose weight. An excellent place to begin is with a search engine like Google. Just type in “how to lose weight quickly” and you’ll see hundreds of results.

Local libraries might be a good place to start if you prefer to read in person about the topic. You will find weekly seminars with diet experts that are free and offer information on various topics relating to weight loss.


  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (healthline.com)
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

How can you lose weight without dieting or exercise?

Your metabolism will increase the rate at which you lose fat. The amount of energy we burn and how much we use is influenced by our metabolism. Good news: You don’t have a need to exercise to boost your metabolism. To boost your metabolism, there are easy lifestyle changes that you can make right away. These are the best tips!

  1. Eat more protein – Protein keeps blood sugar levels stable and helps muscle growth. In addition, research shows eating protein before meals can reduce food intake by up to 20%.
  2. Drink more water – Water keeps your body hydrated. This makes it easier to eat less and helps you feel fuller for longer periods of time. You can speed up your metabolism by drinking eight glasses daily.
  3. Cut Back On Sugar – When it comes to losing weight, cutting back on sugar is one of the easiest ways to start burning more calories. Sugary foods cause your body to release insulin into your bloodstream, making it harder to burn fat. To avoid this, cut out sugary snacks like soda and sweets altogether. Instead, drink plenty of water and eat fruits.
  4. Get Enough Sleep – Getting enough sleep has been shown to boost brain function and overall health, including improved glucose tolerance. It has also been shown to reduce appetite hormones like leptin, ghrelin.
  5. Cardio Daily – Cardio exercise burns extra calories every day. Walking for 30 minutes three days a week is a good way to get started. This will raise your heart rate and improve cardiovascular fitness.
  6. Add Some Movement Each Day – Staying active is essential when trying to shed pounds because it gives our bodies a reason to move every day. You don’t need to get into a rut to move. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. When shopping, park further away. While talking on the telephone, walk around. Take frequent breaks throughout each day to stretch your legs and breathe deeply.

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