Ben Roethlisberger Weight Management 2022: Diet Plan, Workout, Before and After

Ben is a former American football player. Throughout his career, Ben has played in 18 seasons of NFL as the quarterback for Pittsburgh Steelers. During his football career, Roethlisberger achieved a lot of success. Because of his huge size, he was nicknamed, Big Ben.

While in his professional career, Ben had to struggle with his weight fluctuations. Now, being a quarterback, you’ve got to be at least 200 lbs. Well, the problem with Roethlisberger was that his weight started increasing with each passing day and it wasn’t stopping.

Weight Loss Journey

The main reason behind Ben’s growing weight was his eating habits. He would lose the track of how many calories he had already consumed and would proceed to eat a pizza. The result of this unhealthy habit was that he reached his heaviest weight of all time, 275 pounds.

This is a nightmare for any athlete. After he reached this weight, Roethlisberger felt alarmed as he realized that his growing weight was slowing him down. So, keeping that in mind, Ben embarked on the journey to lose weight and ended up losing 35 pounds.

Also, read how the WWE superstar, Mark Henry, lost 80 pounds and is planning to lose more.

How did Ben Lose Weight?

Ben lost weight by controlling the same factor that has caused his weight to rise in the first place. He started controlling his calorie consumption and made some big changes to his diet plan. The American footballer, ate 3 meals a day, leaving any kind of snack aside.

He tried to avoid processed food as much as possible while focusing on homemade foods such as salad, fried chicken, and soup. He also eliminated sugary foods from his diet. Along with maintaining his new diet plan, Roethlisberger also made huge changes to his workout routine.

In place of one hour, he started spending more time in the gym. He did a more intense workout than before. Ben also drank a lot of water to maintain his energy level, given his rigorous workout plan. He would start his day by running for a kilometer and then on returning, he would drink a cup of green tea.

Before & After Weight Loss

Through his hard work and efforts, Ben succeeded in getting rid of 35 extra pounds. He now weighs 240 pounds (109 kgs) as compared to his old weight of 275 pounds.

Ben’s Take on Critics

When Roethlisberger changed his diet plan, he had to face a lot of criticism. Ben was criticized for changing his diet plan radically. In reply to this, Ben said, “They made a big deal about your diet and this, that and the other. They said, ‘oh, you are in the best shape of your life.’ But, really, I’ve been doing that for a few years now, so it’s not anything ground-breaking.”

Read how the famous American baseball player, CC Sabathia, lost 50 pounds.

Final Words

By changing his diet plan and working out, Ben changed his health for good. He also proved that no matter where you are or how bad you think your situation is, it’s always going to be better if you put in enough effort. I hope that his weight loss story gives you the strength to deal with your life.

The post Ben Roethlisberger Weight Loss 2022: Diet, Workout, Before and After appeared first on Heal How.

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