Jennifer Hudson Fat Burning 2023: Diet plan, Prior to as well as After

Jennifer Hudson, a remarkable talent who has conquered both the world of music and acting. Not many people can claim success in both fields, but Jennifer is one of those rare individuals.

She’s not just famous for her talents; she’s also known for her impressive collection of awards, including two Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and even an Academy Award.

But Jennifer’s achievements don’t stop at music and acting. Recently, she made headlines in the health industry by losing a whopping 80 pounds! This incredible transformation caught everyone’s attention, especially when they saw her stunning new photos on social media.

It was a total surprise, and fans couldn’t help but wonder how she achieved such a dramatic change in her appearance.

You might be curious about her journey too, and that’s why we’re here. In this article, we’ll explore Jennifer’s inspiring weight loss journey and discover the secrets behind her remarkable transformation.

So, let’s get started and find out how she did it!

Jennifer Hudson’s Weight Loss Journey

Whenever you are about to start a journey, the first thing you need is a map. The same goes for the weight loss journey. So first of all, Jennifer needed a map, a guide to help her out. And what better guide is there than WW (formerly Weight Watchers)? 

Hudson took WW’s help in planning out her diet and workout routine. She also set some rules that she decided to live by in order to live a healthy and happy life. Along with those rules, Hudson follows WW’s instructions. Here’s the full guide to Jennifer’s weight loss journey:

1. Stay Away from Unhealthy Stuff

One of Jennifer’s rules says “stay away from all kinds of foods that can make you fat”. Hudson got rid of all kinds of processed and junk food after embarking on the weight loss journey. She emptied her fridge of foods that were oily or high in sugar. 

I don’t like too much junk in my dressing room because I have to watch what I eat, so I put everything else out of the room”, Hudson told the interviewer, Lorrain Kelly. By doing this, Hudson has limited her exposure to unhealthy food.

This has been quite helpful given Hudson’s old habits, being exposed to fast food or cake could trigger old eating habits and could jeopardize her hard work. Instead of junk food, Jennifer now keeps her fridge full of healthy food such as salad, yogurt, and fruits. This reminds her every day that she is on the journey to live a healthier life.

2. Be Aware of Where You Eat

This rule may sound strange but it is not. A lot of us have a habit of eating in front of the TV or using our phones while eating. This is not only a bad manner but also an unhealthy manner. In this way, we consume a lot of food without even knowing it.

Jennifer realized this reality and made a rule to always eat at a table, away from the TV or any distractions. In this way, she not only keeps herself from overeating but also connects with the food she eats. Hudson enjoys the meal like our ancestors did.

Jennifer not only keeps track of where she eats but how often and how much she eats as well. Talking about her habit of knowing what she eats, Hudson said, “I’m very conscious of what I put in my body. I’ll be out and think, ‘no it’s too early to eat right now’“.

3. Don’t be too Hard on Yourself – Because It’s Unrealistic

Jennifer is against putting too much pressure on yourself than you can take it. A lot of people think about weight loss as some kind of prison. They put a lot of pressure on themselves promising that they wouldn’t eat pizza for the next ten years or they would never taste sugar.

Eventually, they give up, as expected, and not only end up ordering a large pizza but also give up on the whole weight loss journey. So, if you make promises to yourself, make realistic ones. Such as, I will only eat pizza once a week or I will stop drinking for a month.

Jennifer says “It’s a lifestyle, not a diet”, she has to live with it. It is not like some kind of internet challenge. However, in the past, Hudson used to do the same. She made big commitments and failed.

Describing the past, she said, “I used to deprive myself, thinking that was healthy. I didn’t eat pasta, fried food, red meat. If you are on a strict diet then your body will not function the way that it should”.

4. Award Yourself Now and Then

Jennifer’s fourth rule says that if you are making good progress then you deserve a reward. Like eating outside one night ordering a pizza or having a drink. Hudson’s treat to herself is chocolate. “I always have to have chocolate around. It’s my cigarette. I don’t smoke but it calms me so well”, she told the interviewer.

Of course, the trick is to not fall for it. Make a milestone, have some fun, and then on the other day, get back to your daily routine. Because that’s where your true freedom lies. Freedom from heart diseases, freedom from all kinds of limits that being overweight imposes on you. Freedom from Obesity!

5. Move Around!

Yes, eating healthy and everything is good for your health but not if you sit the whole day at home. Jennifer’s last but not least rule says that get involved in the exercise. Well, who said that exercise is only about sweating in the gym while lifting weights?

It can be anything. Here is what Hudson said about working out. “I don’t like workouts in the gym. But I do love Basketball. It’s fun, you don’t even realize you’re working out“. In this way, Hudson not only keeps her heart rate up but also burns a lot of calories.

Before & After Weight Loss

Hudson’s commitment to living by her own set of rules has proven to be incredibly rewarding. She embarked on a remarkable journey and successfully shed an impressive 80 pounds.

This remarkable accomplishment means that Jennifer’s current weight stands at 140 pounds, which is a significant contrast to her former weight of 220 pounds.

Her incredible transformation highlights the effectiveness of her unique approach to weight management, inspiring many to follow in her footsteps.

The winner of the first season of American Idol, Kelly Clarkson, has shocked her fans by losing a whopping 40 pounds.

Final Words

Jennifer Hudson’s weight loss journey is nothing short of an inspirational story. If you want to lose weight or want to live a healthy life just like Hudson, then following her rules would be a very great thing to do. 

Also Read:

  • Lorna Fitzgerald Weight Loss
  • Jack Black Weight Loss
  • Kenan Thompson Weight Loss
  • Liz Torres Weight Loss

The post Jennifer Hudson Weight Loss 2023: Diet, Before and After appeared first on Heal How.

Frequently Asked Questions

African Mango Extract is Worth Trying

Mangoes have many health benefits. They are high in vitamin A, fiber, potassium and iron. They also have antioxidants that protect against the formation of free radicals that can cause cancer. These are great benefits that make them a good choice for anyone who wants to improve their health.

Mangoes also have a great taste! This makes it easy to incorporate them into any meal.

For example, you could add fresh mango slices to salads, smoothies, oatmeal, and yogurt. For ice cream sundaes, you can use frozen mango cubes. Also, dry mango powder is an option for baking cookies.

Mango extract can be added to many of your favorite recipes to reap the great benefits and not lose flavor.

Mango extract is actually made from mango seeds, which many people don’t know. This means that it contains all the same nutrients found in whole mangos but doesn’t have the sweetness of regular mango.

How to Use African Mango Extract

Mango extract can be taken easily. Simply cut open a fresh ripe mandarin and scoop out the flesh to a blender container. Blend until smooth.

You may also strain the pulp if you want a finer consistency. Store in a cool dark place.

For future use, you can freeze the pulp. This way you don’t have to buy another batch when mango season comes around again.

What drink can be used to overnight lose belly fat?

Drinking plenty of water is the best method to lose weight quickly. Drinking enough water can help you lose calories and make you feel fuller longer. You will also be less likely to snack and eat high-calorie foods. Water also flushes toxins from your body and helps keep your skin looking young and healthy.

Most people skip meals when dieting. Skipping meals causes your metabolism to slow, and you’ll eat more later because you won’t feel as hungry. Try eating small, frequent meals instead.

Drinking more water can help you resist the urge to eat snacks. Dehydration reduces your body’s ability to burn calories, and can also cause you to crave sugary drinks. Drink water with a squeezed lemon to increase its detoxifying capabilities.

Water can aid in weight loss. It makes you feel fuller quicker and more satisfied. Research has shown that people who drink eight glasses per day are less likely to gain weight than those who only consume four cups. Water can help you feel fuller without adding additional calories.

Wait about 30 minutes after you wake up to have anything to eat. After about 10-15 minutes, hormones such insulin begin working to regulate blood sugar. These hormone surges often send us into hunger mode. It is better to wait until the surge of blood sugar occurs before we crash.

Eat a mid-morning snack right after you have finished breakfast. You can avoid eating too much later in the day by having something to eat between lunches and dinner. Enjoy a piece or two of fruit with peanut butter, or whole grains toast with peanut sauce.

Try not to eat too close to bedtime. Studies show that we metabolize nutrients more efficiently when we sleep so staying slim is easier when you go to bed earlier.

Don’t go hungry before bed! Get a light breakfast one hour before going to bed. It may surprise you how much food is necessary to fall asleep.

Add some green tea to your daily routine. Catechins, which are plant compounds that decrease inflammation and boost metabolism, can be found in green tea. According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, participants who consumed three cups of green tea per day lost more weight than those who did not. Another study showed that green tea consumption increased metabolic rates by 3 percentage points over 12 weeks.


  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (
  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (

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African Mango: Benefits and Nutrients

Mangoes are an exotic fruit that was grown in tropical climates. They are now grown worldwide. Mangoes, which are rich in vitamins C, potassium, fiber and calcium, are a nutritious fruit. Mangoes also contain antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lutein.

The mango tree thrives between 15degC – 59degF and 30degC – 86degF. When fully ripe, the mangoes turn yellowish green. The mango’s flesh, while soft and juicy unripe, becomes firmer and dryer after ripening.

Mangoes are used to make jams. Mango pulp is often added to Indian curries, rice dishes, and stir-fried veggies in Thailand. Mangoes come in many forms: fresh, dried, canned, frozen, canned, candied, frozen and canned.

Healthy Fruits, Vegetables

Mangoes have been used as a remedy for diabetes since ancient times. Mangos can be grown all over the globe. There are many varieties of mango trees, including Alphonso, Ataulfo, Beni Suef, Bombay, Chaunsa, Coorg, Dusshera, Duronto, Florida, Kent, King, Langra, Lata, Madhuca, Mataral, Meenakshi, Muttum Varieties, Pampas, Parambikulam, Pasupuletika, Phomopsis, Ponnavan, Puttaparthi, Red Dusshera, Rishiraj, Sivamani, Tari, Tommy Atkins, Uthappam, Vadagali, Vanigai, and Warna.

Mangoes help you lose weight as they are high-water and low-calorie. A medium-sized mango contains about 100 calories, and only 3g fat. This makes them among the healthiest fruits.

Mangoes are also packed with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, E, K, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, and biotin.

Mangoes are rich in phytochemicals. These plant compounds protect cells from damage due to free radicals. Free radicals can be defined as unstable molecules that cause damage to cells. Mangoes have a special ability to protect your eyes, brain, heart and eyes.

Mangoes might be an effective weight loss tool because they are high-water content. Water is good for your body and helps you feel fuller longer.

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