4 Sweet Reasons Peaches Are the Best for Summer Weight Loss

Sink your teeth into this juicy fruit for a sweet taste of summer. Fresh peaches are not only delicious, they also are accompanied by many health benefits. Grab a peach on the go or whip up one of our delicious recipes to use peaches for weight loss and enjoy a healthy, sweet and balanced summer diet.

Read on to find out exactly why you should bite into this sweet fruit and enjoy the many benefits of enjoying peaches for weight loss:

1. Peaches are Low in Calories

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one medium peach weighs in at only 58 calories. And like many fresh fruits, it has less than a half gram of fat, with no sodium or cholesterol.

While it is true that peaches and other fruits contain sugar, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat them. Sugar in peaches and other fruits occurs naturally. The kind that is loaded into soda, cakes and candy bars is processed, or refined.

Both types of sugar are broken down in your body for energy. Refined sugars, however, enter the blood stream very quickly, causing blood sugar to spike, then crash. Low blood sugar signals the body it needs more energy, or more sugar—which can start a vicious sugar-craving cycle, say experts. The sugar that naturally occurs in fruit is also packaged with a bunch of healthy nutrients, which help slow the absorption of sugar into your blood.

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2. They are High in Filling Fiber

You get two grams of fiber per peach. Half of that fiber is soluble, while the other half insoluble. According to the Mayo Clinic, soluble fiber helps keep blood sugar levels steady while insoluble fiber eases digestion.

Overall, high fiber foods tend to be more filling, so you’re likely to feel fuller longer. Research, published in The Lancet, found that eating 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day can help you lose weight, as well as help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

3. They are Packed with Water

A peach is 88% percent water, making it a low-energy-dense food. Energy density is the number of calories (or energy) in a specific amount of food, according to the Mayo Clinic.

High energy density means a lot of calories in a little food. Low energy density is the opposite: few calories in a lot of food. High water content in fruits, like peaches, help provide volume and weight so you feel fuller on less calories.

4. Peaches are Loaded with Disease-Fighting Nutrients

This fuzzy fruit is a good source of vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system, and vitamin A that promotes healthy vision. It also contains potassium (that’s good for your heart), iron, and antioxidants—plant compounds that help protect your body against aging and disease. The riper the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains, according to Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.

Research from Texas A&M AgriLife found stone fruits—like peaches, plums and nectarines—have been shown to ward off obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

Enjoy peaches fresh or canned in water. On Nutrisystem, one medium fruit or one cup of canned peaches counts as one SmartCarb.

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Healthy and Delicious Peach Recipes for Weight Loss

1. Peach Buzz Bagel Sandwich >

What better way to start your morning than with slices of juicy peaches and a drizzle of honey? That sweet sensation sits atop creamy cottage cheese and a soft-baked, fiber-loaded Nutrisystem Honey Wheat Bagel for a satisfying breakfast sandwich that weighs in at 320 calories.

2. Peach Honey Whipped Ricotta >

It’s rich, it’s loaded with nutrition and it takes no time to make: Just blend honey with ricotta cheese and a hint of almond flavor for a sweet base. Add juicy grilled peaches to the side and voila—pure deliciousness that provides eight grams of muscle-building protein. On Nutrisystem, this flex snack counts as one PowerFuel and one SmartCarb.

3. Skinny Peach Cobbler >

Sure, you can have your cobbler and eat it, too: This healthy twist on a classic features soft, juicy peaches sprinkled with nutmeg and brown sugar and baked beneath a cinnamon-hinted homemade crust. It takes like you’re cheating, but you’re totally not: Each serving is only 135 guilt-free calories.

4. Blackberry Peach Upside Down Muffin-Cakes >

Two beautiful summer fruits join forces to create a sweet that serves as the perfect breakfast treat or evening dessert and is the perfect way to use peaches for weight loss. These muffins are light, super simple to bake, and are sure to satisfy your cake cravings. The bonus: no butter, no sugar, and you get to eat two for 153 calories. On Nutrisystem, each serving counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

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5. Peach Melba Pudding >

The Peach Melba your grandmother made had peaches, of course, plus vanilla ice cream and raspberry sauce. This healthier version keeps the sweet fruit, but subs in non-fat yogurt and raspberry-flavored gelatin to cut help sugar and fat from the old-fashioned favorite. Plus, this peach treat might take the win for best presentation. Each serving is 111 calories.

6. Peachy Green Ginger Smoothie >

Green smoothies are a simple and delicious way to load up on body-boosting nutrients—and this one is no exception. You get the sweetness of peaches, creaminess from bananas, and a bunch of fiber, vitamins and minerals from the spinach. Combined with almond milk and fresh grated ginger for a little extra zest, this smoothie is so tasty you’ll slurp it right up. On Nutrisystem, one smoothie counts as one SmartCarb, one Vegetable and one Extra.

The post 4 Sweet Reasons Peaches Are the Best for Summer Weight Loss appeared first on The Leaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I consume to detoxify?

Fiber is essential for cleansing your body. This helps to move waste from your digestive system into the colon. They are then excreted as stool. Whole grains and beans, as well as fruits and vegetables, are some of the foods rich in dietary Fiber.

Also, avoid alcohol and caffeine. These stimulate the nervous system, which in turn causes increased bowel movements. Supplements containing probiotics could help you replenish the beneficial bacteria in your digestive system. Probiotic supplements include live cultures of healthy microorganisms such as bacteria that aid digestion.

Butyrate is a vital nutrient that promotes intestinal health. It stimulates cell growth and provides fuel for immune cells.

Drink ginger tea if you suffer from diarrhea. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols, which can inhibit the formation of prostaglandins. This is chemicals that are made during inflammation. Prostaglandin inhibitors decrease inflammation. Ginger has been used to treat arthritis and menstrual cramps as well as nausea and indigestion.

Hot water is another great way to help with insomnia. Hot water increases blood circulation, cooling the skin and relaxing muscles. This may increase sleep quality.

You don’t have to go cold turkey. Reduce your intake of coffee and other caffeinated beverage. Then, stop drinking soda, juice and alcohol. You can then eliminate one meal at time until you reduce your total calorie intake by 20%.

How can I lose weight naturally?

You should try to eat healthy foods as often as possible. Avoid eating high-calorie snacks. Avoid eating too much processed food. Instead, choose whole grains for breakfast such as oatmeal, barley, brown rice, etc. Sugary drinks are high in calories, and can cause weight gain. If you want to lose weight, then watch what you’re drinking by choosing water over soda pop or juice. At least eight glasses of fluids a day is a good goal.

Another tip is to rise early. Research shows that people who get up earlier are more likely to eat fewer calories during the day. To help with this, set an alarm clock so that you don’t end up snoozing through the morning hours.

Also, exercising is essential. Aerobic activities such as running, walking, biking and swimming are all good options. Aerobic exercise burns fat more quickly than strength training. Include aerobic exercise into your daily life.

What herb melts body fat?

It might not be possible without diet but herbs can help you lose weight. Over the years, many have used herbs to accomplish this. These herbs include: Green tea and Ginko Biloba; Ginger root; Ginseng, Hawthorne berry, Ginseng, Milk Thistle seeds, Mullein leaves, Rosemary leaf, St John’s Wort. Turmeric, Valerian root, and Yohimbe bark.

Orally, herbal remedies can also be applied topically. They contain nutrients that boost the metabolism rate. These nutrients help speed up the destruction of glycogen stocks and lipids inside the cell walls. This results in the release of free fat acids into the bloodstream which can be used as fuel.

Many herbal remedies have also been found to boost the immune system and prevent disease. This makes them an ideal choice for people who are unable to afford drugs and surgeries.

Many people are familiar with the benefits of herbs. Many people don’t realize the power of these natural substances. You can buy herbs online, in pharmacies and at health food stores. A single dose of herbs will usually last several weeks.

Green tea is an example of a herb which increases metabolic rate. Green tea has epigallocatechin gallate, which is a compound that increases the activity in enzymes responsible to breaking down fats. EGCG also has been shown to increase glucose tolerance. This is a way that EGCG can lower the risk of developing diabetes.

Ginger root is another example. The stimulant properties of ginger root are similar to those of other stimulants. It increases metabolism and stimulates digestive tract. Ginger also helps to eliminate toxins in the digestive tract.

Other herbs that improve metabolism include ginseng (licorice root), mullein Leaf, rosemary and turmeric.

Most herbs can be taken as teas. This allows the active ingredients of the herbs to enter the bloodstream more quickly and efficiently. You should always take herbs internally under medical supervision. If you plan to apply herbs externally to an area, be sure to do so under medical supervision. If you do not, they can cause irritation or damage to other areas.

How can I stop my appetite?

You can stop eating when hungry by eating small, frequent meals throughout the day and not just three big meals at mealtimes. This will keep your blood sugar levels constant and reduce hunger pangs.

It may turn out that drinking lots of water or taking herbal supplements such as bitter melon, ginseng or ginseng is better than relying solely on food.

Avoid carbs such as potatoes, pasta, bread, and pasta. They can give you a temporary boost but then crash hard.

Instead, opt for protein-rich foods such as lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes. These foods will give you energy for long periods and help keep your blood sugar stable.

Don’t eat sugary snacks or drinks like doughnuts, chocolate bars and cake. These can lead to cravings that will make you feel bloated, sluggish, and even cause you to feel sick.

Instead, choose healthier options like fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, and whole grain cereals.

So if you’re trying to lose weight, then don’t rely on fad diets or miracle supplements.

What is African Mango Extract, and How Does It Work?

Vitamin C in this product is high, which boosts immunity. This makes it ideal to those who are more susceptible to the flu and colds.

Antioxidants in African mango extract can also help lower free radicals in your body. This reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease and cancer.

Vitamins A and B6 in African mango are also good for hair growth and healthy skin.

African Mango active components provide a great supplement that will keep it looking young and feeling great.


  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (healthline.com)
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (healthline.com)
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)

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How To

Goji Berries Side Effects, Health Benefits

Goji berries are one the oldest cultivated fruits in China. They are also known as wolfberries and Chinese plums. They are native to the Himalayas and grow wild throughout Asia. Goji derives its name from the Tibetan word “gom”, which means “to grow”. They are called Kuzuimaki in Japan.

Around 300 BC, the gojiberry was mentioned for the first time in ancient Chinese literature. Although it was primarily used as a food source for many people, some medical uses were also documented. Gojiberries are rich sources of vitamins, minerals antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients, fiber, protein, amino acids, polysaccharides and enzymes. They are rich in anthocyanins. Goji berries are beneficial due to their anti-aging properties, immune system support, antioxidant protection, heart health benefits, diabetes management, memory improvement, energy boost, weight loss aid, and healthy skin.

Goji berries have been called a superfood because of their nutritional content. This fruit has significant amounts Vitamin C, vitamin C beta-carotene as well as iron, calcium and magnesium. Goji berries are often compared to blueberries because of their similar colors, taste, and texture. Both blueberries and gojiberries are rich in ellagic acid which is a powerful cancer-fighting chemical that can be found in plants, particularly nuts and seeds.

There are some studies that show that gojiberries reduce inflammation, improve blood flow and protect against cancers. They also prevent macular damage.

Gojiberries are known for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride as well as increasing HDL (good), cholesterol. Studies have also shown that consuming goji berries helps lower blood pressure and reduces risk factors associated with heart disease.

Goji berries have been shown to be effective in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Another study suggests that gojiberries may be able to relieve depression symptoms. Goji berries are sometimes used to treat insomnia.

Goji berries can also help maintain a healthy bodyweight. Research suggests that eating goji berries regularly can help keep your metabolism up. Consuming them daily can make you feel fuller for longer.

Goji berries are a nutritious fruit that many people add to juices, smoothies, and desserts. Even as a snack, you can eat them plain!

Goji berries can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting as well as dizziness, headaches, constipation, fatigue, and allergic reaction. Goji berries are not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.

Goji berries could be dangerous if they are consumed by elderly persons, children, or people with low immunity. Consuming gojiberries may cause side effects. Stop using them immediately.

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