10 Healthy And Balanced Dietary Tips to Avoid Liver Damages As A Result Of Liver Disease

10 Healthy Dietary Tips to Avoid Liver Damage Due to Hepatitis

Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver, which is one of the vital organs in our body. A healthy liver is effective in processing nutrients, combating infections, and filtering the blood. However, when the liver is inflamed or damaged, its functioning can get affected negatively. Excessive intake of alcohol, liver infections, toxins, certain medications, and some medical conditions can cause hepatitis. Several viruses cause hepatitis. Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are the most common types of viral hepatitis affecting people. Of these, safe and effective vaccines can help prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C are known to be prominent causes of liver cancer. With the rightly prescribed medicines, hepatitis C patients can heal. The majority of hepatitis B patients are unaware of their infection, and a marked percentage of individuals living with hepatitis C do not know that they are infected. Getting tested for hepatitis B and hepatitis C at least once in a lifetime can help detect the infection and avoid potential liver damage. And, getting tested is the only reliable way to learn if you have hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection. So, May is observed as Hepatitis Awareness Month every year to raise awareness about viral infection among the masses worldwide to prevent the infection and enable the infected ones to receive the right treatment to avoid liver damage. Adopting the right diet comprising liver-friendly foods and foods to avoid with fatty liver can also help prevent liver damage when battling hepatitis. So, you might be wondering what dietary measures can help improve liver health and prevent liver damage, aren’t you? Continue reading to learn all about it.


10 Healthy Diet Tips to Follow When Battling Hepatitis to Avoid Liver Damage:

Here’s a list of helpful dietary measures that can help you improve your liver health and prevent liver damage.

  1. Say No to Alcohol and Smoking:

    Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking as it will hamper your liver health and function. When your liver is already injured due to the hepatitis B virus, alcohol and smoking will hurt it more and cause more liver damage. So, say no to alcohol and tobacco.

  2. Eat a Healthy Diet:

    A nutritious diet comprising fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish helps protect your liver against various environmental chemicals. Consuming leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli, are effective in managing hepatitis and minimizing fatty acid composition in the liver. So, enrich your fatty liver disease diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

  3. Savour Protein Food Sources:

    Eating a good quantity of proteins is necessary when you are battling chronic hepatitis. The intake of proteins helps avoid muscle loss and malnutrition. However, excess proteins can cause complications, such as a condition called encephalopathy. So, consult a certified dietician and your doctor and receive a personalized diet comprising protein-rich foods for fatty liver in the right quantities. Lentils, nuts, and beans are some healthy protein sources that you can go for.

  4. Limit the Intake of Sugar:

    Hepatitis patients need to be careful about their intake of sugar and ensure that they consume sugar in moderation. They are at an increased risk of suffering from diabetes. Limiting their sugar intake can help reduce the risk of turning diabetic. So, limit the intake of sodas, packaged snacks, desserts, fruit juices, and other foods containing added sugar when battling hepatitis.

  5. Avoid or Limit the Intake of Saturated Fats:

    Saturated fats are not healthy for hepatitis patients. So, refrain from eating fried foods and fatty cuts of meat.

  6. Be Careful About Your Salt Intake:

    Healthy liver cirrhosis diet limits the intake of salt. Excess intake of salt can cause fluid buildup in the abdomen if hepatitis progresses to liver cirrhosis and lead to a condition called ascites. So, limit your intake of heavily processed foods, fried foods, microwavable meals, convenience foods, and snacks.

  7. Avoid Eating Undercooked or Raw Shellfish:

    Raw or undercooked scallops, mussels, oysters, and clams can contain Vibrio vulnificus, a kind of bacteria that is extremely toxic to the liver and that can damage it.

  8. Watch Your Iron Intake:

    The liver has a crucial role in the metabolism and excretion of iron. So, chronic hepatitis patients may experience iron overload and are unable to release iron properly from their bodies. This increases the risk of liver tissue damage. So, when battling hepatitis, you need to reduce the intake of iron food sources. However, iron is an essential element of your diet. So, you should not eliminate this crucial mineral. Also, vitamin C increases iron absorption from food. So, consult a certified dietician or nutritionist to have iron and reduce vitamin C in the right amounts when battling hepatitis.

  9. Keep an Eye Out for the Signs of Moulds on Foods:

    While buying foods, such as millet, nuts, corn, sorghum, and groundnut, check for the development of mould. If these foods are stored in damp places or not well-sealed, they are likely to develop mould on them. If mould is present, the foods are likely to be contaminated due to aflatoxins, which increases the risk of liver cancer.

  10. Reduce Your Stress:

    Reducing your stress can help improve your health and well-being. So, adopt a healthy liver cirrhosis diet, do moderate exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep.


Some Helpful Tips to Follow When Battling Hepatitis:

  • Do not skip your meals when you are recovering from hepatitis.
  • Prefer to relish small meals.
  • Drink ample water daily.
  • Have adequate rest.
  • Avoid consuming over-the-counter drugs and vitamin supplements without consulting a certified doctor and certified nutritionist respectively.

Now that you know which dietary measures can help you manage hepatitis and avoid liver damage, try to follow them to improve your liver health. Let’s spread the word about these beneficial dietary tips this Hepatitis Awareness Month so that a maximum number of people can benefit from them. The precious guidance of certified dieticians and nutritionists at Health Total can help you receive a customised fatty liver disease diet comprising liver-friendly foods. Our diet plan for hepatitis not only helps you improve your liver health but also meets your nutritional requirements, manages weight, boosts immunity, and prevents or lowers potential health risks. So, think no further, reach out to us at Health Total and take a step forward to improve your liver health with our personalized liver cirrhosis diet.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for improving your liver health with diet or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-833-171709 and Book Free Consultation!

The post 10 Healthy Dietary Tips to Avoid Liver Damage Due to Hepatitis appeared first on Health Total.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Some Effective Appetite Supressants?

These are some of most loved appetite suppressants

  • Bitter Melon is a fruit that comes from India and China. It has been shown to promote healthy digestion and reduce appetite.
  • Green Tea – Green Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide. It has been proven to help lower blood pressure and improve metabolism.
  • Ginseng- A herb found in Asia, Europe and the United States, ginseng can help improve mental clarity as well as support overall health.
  • Ginkgo Biloba – A tree grown in Japan, Ginkgo Biloba has been shown to help prevent memory loss and improve circulation.

There are many other appetite suppressants. There are many other appetite suppressants available. Why not take a look today? You will be amazed at the speed with which you begin to shed pounds.

Do natural appetite suppressants really work?

Eat less food to lose weight naturally. This would mean cutting back on calories and not consuming foods high in fat and sugar.

Exercise regularly is the best way lose weight quickly. You will burn calories from the many delicious meals you eat each day.

One of our natural appetite suppressants products might be a good option if you still haven’t lost weight despite following the tips.

These contain powerful ingredients, such as bitter melon (green tea), ginger, ginseng and many more. All of them have been clinically demonstrated to reduce hunger pangs.

How to take African Mango Extract

Mango extract can be taken easily. Simply cut open a fresh mango and scoop the flesh into a blender. Blend until smooth.

If you prefer a smoother pulp, you may strain it. Store in a cool dark place.

For future use, you can freeze the pulp. The pulp can be frozen so that you don’t have a second batch to purchase when mango season returns.

What is an African Mango?

British explorers were the first to discover the fruit when they went on an expedition through Africa. It has been grown in South America for centuries. But, it is now less popular due to climate changes and deforestation.

The African Mango Project will reverse this decline by promoting sustainable ways to grow fruit in East Africa.

They also aim to create local jobs and improve the lives of communities living near plantations.

Their goal is for the first commercial crop to be ready for harvest in 5 years.

How does African Mango Extract perform?

Vitamin A in the mango fruit is a good source of immune-boosting vitamin. It contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and magnesium properties.

These nutrients all work together to support the health of cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body.

Furthermore, African mangoes have been proven to increase energy and endurance while exercising. This is because it supports cardiovascular function and metabolism.

The active ingredient in this product increases blood flow to brain and muscles. This improves mental clarity and physical performance.

African mango extract can not only increase energy levels but also prevent muscle cramps from occurring after exercise. This can be extremely helpful for athletes that need to perform at their peak.

African Mango Extract: Should You Use It?

Mangoes have numerous health benefits. They are high in vitamin A, fiber, potassium and iron. They are also rich in antioxidants, which protect against cancer-causing free radicals. They are an excellent choice for people who want to improve their health.

Mangoes have another advantage: they taste great! Mangoes can be easily incorporated into any meal.

You could add fresh mango slices to smoothies, oatmeal and yogurt. You can also use frozen mango cubes to top ice cream sundaes. For baking cookies, you can use dried mango powder in place of sugar.

Add mango extract to your favorite dishes to enjoy all of these wonderful benefits.

Although it’s not well-known, mango extract is made of mango seeds and not actual fruit. This means that it contains all the same nutrients found in whole mangos but doesn’t have the sweetness of regular mango.

Is there any side effects to African Mango Extract?

African mango extract is free from known side effects. This product may cause diarrhea or stomach upset in some individuals. If you experience this, stop using the product immediately.


  • On average, they may help you lose 3–9% of your body weight compared with a placebo (56Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (healthline.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)

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How To

African mango extract has potential benefits

African Mango Extracts have traditionally been used as a remedy for several health issues, including cancer treatment. These extracts have been used since ancient Egypt to heal wounds, treat diabetes and stop bleeding.

Researchers at the University of Nigeria found that African mango extracts contained certain compounds. These include tannins, flavonoids (Vit C), Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamin C, flavonoids. polyphenols. carotenoids. and saponin. They help to prevent blood from clotting, fight freeradicals, improve liver function, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, promote cell proliferation, boost immune system, increase energy, and raise energy.

  1. Cancer treatment. Over 50% of all cancers are caused by environmental factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods. Therefore, it is essential to find ways to prevent cancer. Many studies have proven that antioxidants from foods such as tomatoes, blueberries (blueberries), grapes, onions and oranges help to prevent cancer.
  2. Antioxidants neutralize harmful substances, called “free radicals,” that can cause cell damage or genetic mutations. Study after study has shown that African mango extracts can reduce or reverse tumor growth in mice. One study concluded that African Mango Extracts (cells grown in lab dishes) stopped the growth from human colon tumor cells. Another study showed that an African Mango Extract inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells in vivo (in living animals) by inhibiting their metabolism. These findings suggest that the product could be used to treat certain types.
  3. Prevention of cancer. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health recently published an animal study showing that African mango extracts prevented breast cancer development. They believe that African mangoes’ active ingredients inhibit the activity of hormones responsible for estrogen production, which can increase breast cancer risk.
  4. Inflammation Reduction. When inflammation occurs, chemicals produced by white blood cells attack foreign tissue, causing pain and swelling. Inflammation can happen when there is injury, infection, and irritation. Chronic inflammation can cause some diseases like arthritis and asthma. Research has shown that African mango extracts can lower the production and severity of inflammatory chemicals. This could help to reduce the severity of symptoms.
  5. Liver Function Improvement. It regulates digestion, detoxification, protein synthesis, and more. A healthy liver also helps regulate other internal processes like water balance, sugar level, and red blood cell count. Research has shown that African mango extracts can stimulate the regeneration of liver cells damaged by toxins and drugs. People who consume large amounts African mango juice report feeling less tired after eating.
  6. Blood Pressure Reduction. The American Heart Association recommends that adults maintain a blood pressure reading of between 120/80 and 140/90 mmHg. High blood pressure damages arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Researchers at the University of California-Davis examined the effects of African mango extracts upon high blood pressure in rats. Their research indicated that African mango extracts significantly lowered blood pressure.
  7. Bone Building The nutrients in African mango are good for bone building. The University of Alabama School of Medicine conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled study that found supplementation with 500mg of vitamin C3 and 2g of calcium daily along with 3 grams of potassium citrate significantly increased bone density. The amount of potassium citrate required was equivalent in daily consumption to 10 ounces freshly squeezed African mango juice.
  8. Other Benefits African mango extract promotes skin health and blood circulation, which in turn improves the skin’s overall health. It increases collagen production, which makes the skin appear younger and smoother. African mango also promotes hair growth, and helps prevent premature graying. It can also promote fat metabolism which helps in weight loss.

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