10 Healthy Superfoods to Beat the Winter Blues

Shorter days, less sun and chilly temps have a way of bringing you down. The winter blahs are real and for some people, it may develop into seasonal depression. Food is not a fix. However, a growing body of research suggests that your diet and certain healthy superfoods may influence (and even improve) your mood.

One recent study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, found symptoms of depression dropped significantly among a small group of young adults who ate healthier for three weeks—which meant, in part, increasing their intake of fruits, veggies, whole grains and fish.

In the peer-reviewed journal Psychiatry Research, a meta-analysis of 21 studies from ten countries investigated the connection between diet and depression risk. They found that a healthy eating pattern high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and low-fat dairy products may decrease the risk of depression, whereas a diet high in red or processed meat, refined grains and fat may increase the risk of depression.

The evidence is preliminary and much more research is needed to understand how diet influences mental health. But what we do know, according to Cleveland Clinic, is that certain foods and nutrients affect brain chemicals that influence how we feel. We’ve rounded up 10 of our favorite healthy superfoods that have been shown to have positive effects on mood. An added bonus; they can all easily fit into your Nutrisystem weight loss program!

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Here are 10 healthy superfoods to help you beat the winter blues:

1. Blueberries

These little jewels may be tiny; but don’t let their size fool you. According to research, published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, blueberries are jam-packed with flavonoids. The journal Genes & Nutrition explains that flavonoids perform antioxidant functions and have been shown to boost brain health and protect brain neurons from damage.

Antioxidants have also been studied as a potential way to treat anxiety and depression, according to the Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Another study, published in the journal Nutrients, found that adults and kids who drank a “flavonoid-rich” blueberry beverage experienced a positive effect on mood.

One cup of blueberries counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem program. Enjoy them in these tasty blueberry recipes >

2. Salmon

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, along with a variety of other vitamins and minerals, says Healthline. According to Science Daily, research from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center suggests that low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood is associated with symptoms of depression.

Salmon also contains vitamin B12, which is involved in creating brain chemicals that impact mood and other brain functions, says Mayo Clinic. They also explain that low levels of vitamin B-12 may be linked to depression.

Two ounces of salmon counts as one PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem program. Get double the mood-boosting benefits with this Blueberry Glazed Salmon recipe >

3. Yogurt

According to Harvard Health, bacteria in your intestines may play a role in brain and mental health. This theory is known as the brain-gut-axis. Though the potential connection isn’t fully understood, scientists do know that probiotics in foods like yogurt can help boost good gut bacteria. This may be important in the processing of brain chemicals like serotonin that regulate mood. A review of early research, published in the Annals of General Psychiatry, found that people who took probiotics reported mood improvements and decreased stress levels.

Yogurt falls into the PowerFuel category on Nutrisystem. Start your morning on the right foot with this delicious Berry Delight Yogurt Parfait >

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4. Leafy Greens

From spinach and kale, to collards and chard: Among plant foods, leafy greens are packed with the highest amount of nutrients that may play a role in mental health, according to the World Journal of Psychiatry. One of those nutrients is the powerful folate. A report, published in the in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, found that people with depression had lower blood levels and dietary intake of folate when compared to those without depression.

On Nutrisystem, leafy greens are considered an unlimited non-starchy vegetable. Get more greens in your diet with our four simple tips >

5. Oysters

Oysters make this list of healthy superfoods due to their amazing nutrient profile. According to the World Journal of Psychiatry, there are 12 specific nutrients that “relate to the prevention and treatment of depressive disorders.” Oysters were among the highest scoring animal foods containing these vitamins and minerals.

One of these vital nutrients is zinc. The highest amount of zinc within the body is found in the brain, says Medical News Today. They further explain that a deficiency in zinc may cause symptoms of depression, trouble with learning or memory and more. And just like salmon, this seafood delicacy is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12, says Healthline. Oysters fall into the PowerFuel category on the Nutrisystem meal plan.

6. Walnuts

Nuts are nutritional powerhouses packed with energy and nutrients. According to research, published in the journal Nutrients, walnuts might reduce the risk of depression. Survey results from more than 26,000 adults found that those who regularly consumed walnuts had significantly lower depression scores—meaning they felt less hopeless, more energetic and had a greater interest in doing things.

On the Nutrisystem plan, walnuts are a healthy PowerFuel option. Bake these Nutrisystem-approved Maple Walnut Cookies >

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7. Turkey

The amino acid tryptophan—which is found in turkey and often blamed for post-Thanksgiving dinner naps—is used by the body to make the feel-good chemical serotonin, says Medical News Today. Similar to salmon and oysters, turkey and other poultry also contain the potential mood-boosting vitamin B12, says Healthline.

Three ounces of turkey counts as one PowerFuel on Nutrisystem. Check out this fool-proof way to cook a delicious turkey >

8. Whole Grains

Oatmeal, popcorn, quinoa, whole wheat bread and brown rice are unrefined grains that are a good source of filling fiber and other nutrients, says Healthline. According to Cleveland Clinic, choosing them over refined grains, such as white flour cereals, bread and sugary cookies, may help improve your mood. That’s because, according to Healthline, eating highly-processed refined grains cause your blood sugar to spike, then drop shortly after. High-quality grains, however, are healthy superfoods that keep blood sugar steady and provide long-lasting energy.

Whole grains fall into the SmartCarb category on Nutrisystem. Check out these six super-grains you should be eating >

9. Dark Chocolate

You know eating it makes you happy. We’ve got the science to back up why: Eating dark chocolate has been shown to increase levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, says the Archives of Internal Medicine. According to the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, cocoa and cocoa products also contain flavanols, which are antioxidants that may benefit brain function.

Plus, research published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that study participants who enjoyed an antioxidant-rich, dark chocolate drink every day for a month reported significantly improved moods. Of course, chocolate can be high in sugar, so watch your portions and choose low sugar or stevia-sweetened options.

Dark chocolate is considered an Extra on the Nutrisystem meal plan. For a healthy way to get your chocolate fix, try one of these 15 Decadent Recipes for Chocolate Lovers >

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10. Green Tea

Sipping on this warm brew has been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to Nature.com. They explain that drinking at least a half-cup of green tea each day has been shown to decrease the risk of depression. According to Psychology Today, part of the benefit may come from polyphenols—powerful plant chemicals in green tea that help increase the availability of dopamine (a hormone that influences positive mood).

Unsweetened green tea will count towards your required daily water servings on Nutrisystem. Check out these other reasons to drink to green tea >

The post 10 Healthy Superfoods to Beat the Winter Blues appeared first on The Leaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

African Mango Extract:

Mangoes offer many benefits. They are high in vitamin A, fiber, potassium and iron. They are also rich in antioxidants, which protect against cancer-causing free radicals. These are great benefits that make them a good choice for anyone who wants to improve their health.

There is another great thing about mangoes: they taste amazing! Mangoes can be easily incorporated into any meal.

For example, you could add fresh mango slices to salads, smoothies, oatmeal, and yogurt. Or try using frozen mango cubes as a topping on ice cream sundaes. When baking cookies, dried mango powder can be used in place of sugar.

And, if you want to take advantage of all these great benefits without sacrificing flavor, consider adding mango extract to your favorite recipes.

Although it’s not well-known, mango extract is made of mango seeds and not actual fruit. This means that it doesn’t contain the same nutrients found as whole mangos. However, it does not have the sweetness of regular mangos.

What are the foods that burn belly fat?

Fruits and veggies are best for weight loss because they have low calories and are high in fiber. They also contain antioxidants which help to prevent cell damage. You also get vitamins A, C and E as well as K which increase metabolism and energy levels.

Lean proteins, such as fish, eggs, chicken breast, turkey, and turkey breasts, are the best options for weight loss. These are rich sources of protein and essential amin acids that provide the building blocks for muscle development.

For those who want to lose weight quickly whole grains, such as brown rice or oats, bread, pasta and cereals, are excellent options.

They are filling and provide sustained energy for the entire day.

What is an African Mango?

British explorers were the first to discover the fruit when they went on an expedition through Africa. It has been grown in South America for centuries. But, it is now less popular due to climate changes and deforestation.

The African Mango Project will reverse this decline by promoting sustainable ways to grow fruit in East Africa.

They are also working to create jobs in the local area and improve communities’ lives near plantations.

Their goal is to produce the first commercial crop in five years.


  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)

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How To

How to lose weight naturally

Dieting is the best way to lose weight naturally. If you think you don’t have any other option, dieting is a difficult task. There are many other methods that can help you lose weight naturally and without resorting to dieting. One of these methods is exercise. This method is easy to follow because it only requires us to actively move our bodies. Exercise increases our metabolism, which means we burn more calories per hour. Some foods can help us lose fat quickly and effectively. You should eat green tea, cucumber, broccoli, apples, honey, etc.

Several natural remedies help reduce weight by burning extra fats from your body. Before you read this article, be sure to know your best options. If you believe any of those methods mentioned here are suitable, read them carefully.

  1. Green tea daily – It helps reduce belly fat, protects against cancer and prevents heart disease. Green tea has antioxidants which increase metabolism and enhance energy levels. According to some studies, drinking two cups of green tea per day could lead to a weight loss of up 10 pounds.
  2. Cucumbers are light and filling. Consuming cucumber regularly can lower cholesterol and prevent obesity. In a study published in Nutrition Journal, it was found that those who consumed 1/4 cup of raw cucumber daily lost twice the weight than those who did not eat cucumbers.
  3. Broccoli is a good choice for your diet. It contains sulforaphane which can fight inflammation and protect you against cancer. Broccoli is rich in vitamins K, folate, potassium and folate. The average American eats just two servings per week of broccoli, so it is worth adding to your diet.
  4. Honey is good for your health. In a study published in Diabetes Care, honey was shown to have a higher level of blood sugar than people who did not add honey to their meals. Another study showed that taking small amounts of honey and meals helped control appetite and lowered total calorie intake.
  5. Mix Citrus Fruits into your Diet Antioxidants combat cell damage from harmful substances known as free radicals. Free radicals can cause skin aging, hair loss and arthritis. Free radicals can cause premature aging of our cells. Studies show that eating citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit can slow down how fast our bodies get older.

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