Why Orangetheory Is Bad

Wondering why Orangetheory is bad? I’m going to share why I quit Orangetheory.

I thought Orangetheory was a great way to lose weight, get fit, and tone up, but it was anything but that. If anything, I gained weight and wrecked my health. It actually ended up being kind of a bad decision, and I soon realized why Orangetheory is bad.


I initially started Orangetheory and felt really good. It was a really high-intensity workout, and I loved that feeling post-workout from the endorphins. I really, really loved it at first. But as the weeks progressed, I just felt more and more negative health symptoms that I just couldn’t ignore. It really got to a point where it was very obvious that it was the Orangetheory that was throwing my body out of whack. I started to make sense why Orangetheory is bad for some women. 

Here are some of the symptoms that I noticed and why these aren’t necessarily good symptoms to have, especially if you are a woman and you want to lose weight and change your body.

Why Orangetheory is not the best option to get toned and build muscle

What really surprised me was that I gained weight. And it was pretty quickly! I had been doing Orangetheory, probably eight to 12 weeks, consistently, anywhere from three to five times a week. I slowly started to see the number on the scale increase. Initially, it went down, but then it started to increase. And, of course, going into this new workout routine, I thought I was going to lose weight and not gain weight. What also really surprised me is a lot of the weight started to accumulate in my belly area and that was the last place I wanted to gain weight! This was a clue that something needed to change as far as my workouts go.

The second symptom that I noticed was that I was waking up in the middle of the night. I am normally a pretty good sleeper. I usually fall asleep pretty easily. But, once I started Orangtheory, I’d wake up anywhere from one to three o’clock in the morning, I would be tossing and turning, and I was not getting a full night’s restful sleep. It was starting to really bother me. I just felt exhausted all the time. I later learned this was a sign that my blood sugar was crashing overnight.

Should you stop Orangetheory?

If you think about what happens when you’re doing an Orangetheory workout and how you’re using your muscles, it makes sense. The glucose that your body produces, as far as energy goes, is being used up and ideally it would be replenished. I was either not fueling enough or doing workouts that were too hard. My blood sugar was crashing, and it was waking me up. What happens is when you have ow blood sugar is that your cortisol, which is our stress hormone, increases to get your blood sugar back up to a normal level. Essentially, I was waking up a little stressed out in the middle of the night, heart racing and not able to get back to sleep. And it almost seemed like there was nothing I could do about that until I changed my workouts.

The third symptom that really surprised me, and I couldn’t ignore it was that after my Orangetheory workouts, I would crash. Immediately after, I would feel okay. I would actually feel pretty energized and excited after accomplishing an hour long workout. It was a fun workout! But a good 30 to 60 minutes after that workout, I felt exhausted and needed a nap. And, of course, on a random Tuesday when I needed to go to work, it was really challenging. The amount of coffee that I could have consumed; I just felt like it didn’t make a difference. Exercise should not make you feel depleted. It really should energize you and make you feel good, but I just felt awful. At first, I just figured it was part of a new workout. 

Why Orangetheory is Bad

Finally, the symptom that I really couldn’t ignore was just how hungry I was between workouts. I was craving carbohydrates and sugar. Carbohydrates are quick energy. They give you the most bang for your buck when it comes to fitness and giving you quick energy and that’s all my body wanted. Having crazy cravings and endless sugar cravings was actually not helping me as far as my body composition goals went because I was probably eating a little too much of the not so healthy stuff. My blood sugar was a mess! 

The truth about Orangetheory workouts

Orangetheory was quite the experience, and it taught me so much about my body. I can honestly say that I ignored a lot of the symptoms that I experienced until they got to a point where I couldn’t ignore them anymore. I mean, I felt awful. I was gaining weight, I couldn’t sleep, and I was craving carbs non-stop. I just felt like this workout impacted my health in so many ways.

Nowadays, I work out very differently. I treat my body very differently. I do a lot more strength training and actually created an at-home workout program call StrongMadeSimple. It’s a great way to build lean muscle and lose fat without stressing out your body, so you get the body composition changes that you want.

I want to throw in a quick disclaimer because I do not hate Orangetheory I think it’s a great workout. I think high-intensity workouts are a lot of fun, and they can be right for the right person at the right phase of their health journey. At the time, it was too much for my body.

If you like Orangetheory and you think it’s working for you, keep doing it. If you’re somebody that’s doing Orangetheory, let me know that you love it. If you’re somebody that’s doing Orangetheory and a lot of this resonates with you, let me know because you are not alone and maybe it’s time to look a little bit differently at your workouts. 

The post Why Orangetheory Is Bad appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you slim down naturally?

Healthy foods should be eaten as often as possible. Healthy snacks should be low-calorie. Avoid eating too much processed food. For breakfast, opt for whole grains like oatmeal, barley and brown rice. Sugary drinks can be dangerous because they can contain high amounts of calories and sugar. To lose weight, you should be careful about what you drink. Aim to consume at least eight glasses per day of water.

Another tip: Get up earlier. Research has shown that people who rise earlier in the morning tend to consume less calories throughout the day. To help with this, set an alarm clock so that you don’t end up snoozing through the morning hours.

Exercise is important, too. Aerobic exercises such as running or biking, swimming or tennis are all excellent options. Strength training does not burn fat as fast as aerobic exercise. Try to include aerobic activity in your life.

Do natural appetite suppressants really work?

The best way to lose weight naturally is by eating less food. This would mean cutting back on calories and not consuming foods high in fat and sugar.

Exercising regularly is the best method to lose weight quickly. You will burn calories from the many delicious meals you eat each day.

These natural appetite suppressant products may be the best option for you if your weight is not dropping.

These powerful ingredients include bitter melon green tea, ginger and ginseng. All of them have been clinically demonstrated to reduce hunger pangs.

Can I eat carbs while following the Ketogenic Diet?

You can eat carbohydrates on the Ketogenic diet. However, keep them to a minimum. Instead, eat high-fiber veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. These veggies will give you energy without adding calories.

You should also eat lots of nuts, seeds, avocados and coconut oil. These foods are high-in saturated fats which are essential for ketosis.

What are some things I can do to detox and lose weight?

Water flushes toxins out of your body. It’s also essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair. When you are feeling thirsty, drink lots of water throughout the day. Water also aids digestion and flushes excess sodium from your system.

If you want to eliminate alcohol use, try drinking green tea instead. Green tea is rich in catechins that help to reduce stomach fat, and caffeine stimulates metabolism.

What foods can be used to burn belly fat

The most effective foods for weight loss are fruits and vegetables because they are low-calorie, high in fiber, and contain antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. They also contain vitamins C, E. and K, which help increase metabolism and improve energy levels.

For weight loss, lean proteins are best. These are high in protein as well as essential amino acids which provide the building blocks needed for muscle growth.

For those who want to lose weight quickly whole grains, such as brown rice or oats, bread, pasta and cereals, are excellent options.

They are very filling, and they give you sustained energy throughout your day.


  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (healthline.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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3 Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

People who want to lose weight are increasingly using weight loss pills and supplementation. It can be hard to choose from among the many products available. This article looks at some of the best weight loss pills and supplements currently available.

Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the best ways to lose weight. Sometimes, however, these are not enough. There will be times when you feel like not exercising, or healthy food isn’t always readily available. Weight loss pills and other supplements are very popular. These help you lose extra weight quickly and easily.

There are many different weight loss pills and supplements, so here are our top picks. We’ve reviewed them, read customer reviews from around the internet, and tested their effectiveness against others! The first three items below were selected because they are the most effective and recommended by consumers. You should check out our full review of these three products to learn more.

  1. PhenQ – PhenQ is an excellent choice to increase energy levels and boost metabolism. This product contains L-Carnitine Fumarate. Green Coffee Extract. Caffeine Anhydrous. Chromium Picolinate. Chromium Picolinate. Chromium Picolinate. This product is great for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly and helps you burn fat more quickly than other diets.
  2. Hoodia Gordonii Plus Hoodia Gordonii Plus Hoodia Gordonii Plus, a great supplement for weight loss. It contains powerful nutrients, including Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract, Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract, Bitter Melon Extract, Chromium Picolinates, and Raspberry Ketone Fat Burners. This supplement can increase metabolic rate, reduce hunger pangs, increase energy levels, improve your overall mood, and lower your appetite.
  3. Hydroxycut- Hydroxycut, an all-natural weight-loss pill that has helped people lose weight since 2004, is Hydroxycut. It is made up of 100% natural ingredients including green tea extract and chromium picolinate as well as caffeine and yohimbineHCL. It may not be as effective as other products on this list, but it does have a low side effect profile.

There are also benefits

  • Energy Boosting – Most diet pills provide a temporary energy boost. This can cause increased cravings for sweets and junk food. Hydroxycut doesn’t cause any jitters or crash.
  • Blood Sugar Balance – Diet pills can cause problems with blood sugar balance. Hydroxycut is a great way to lower your blood sugar.
  • Increased Metabolism-Diet pills can help you increase your metabolism. Your resting metabolic rate (RMR), will be boosted by most diet pills, approximately 5%-10%. Hydroxycut increases your RMR by 15% to 25%, increasing metabolism.
  • Better Sleep -You probably know how important sleep is for losing weight. Sleeping easier can be made possible by diet pills that reduce stress and anxiety.

The best part? The best part? None of these benefits have any negative effects!

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