How Ayurvedic Herbs and Diet Plan Can Help Manage Epilepsy|International Epilepsy Day

How Ayurvedic Herbs Can Help Manage Epilepsy this International Epilepsy Day?

Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system that causes neurological imbalance. The affected individual may lose consciousness as a result of excessive electric discharge from cerebral neurons. The condition is characterized by abnormal brain activity that causes seizures or spans of unusual behaviour, loss of awareness, and sensations. Epilepsy attacks may affect the sufferers from a few seconds to a few minutes. Anyone can suffer from this condition, and it can affect both females and males of all age groups. Every year, International Epilepsy Day is celebrated on the 2nd Monday of February to raise awareness about epilepsy, its treatment, and what is required to provide treatment to all individuals who need it. This year, International Epilepsy Day is celebrated on 13th February 2023 emphasizing the theme of “stigma” to raise awareness about epilepsy and to dispel various myths and misconceptions related to it. It focuses on minimizing the stigma and discrimination that people experience while living with epilepsy and making sure that they get access to the same right and opportunities as the rest of the people. While consulting healthcare experts for managing epilepsy, Ayurveda can also help manage the condition effectively and naturally.

Ayurvedic treatment for epilepsy is not only natural and effective but also safe and affordable. Ayurvedic management for epilepsy strengthens the brain and restores the smooth functioning of the nervous system. Ayurvedic experts prescribe nourishing, effective herbs offering a tonic impact along with the appropriate lifestyle and dietary modifications.

In Ayurveda, epilepsy is called apasmara. The epilepsy episodes or convulsions are called akshepaka. This chronic health condition often calls for long-term management that needs diet modifications, herbal medication, Ayurvedic treatment, and lifestyle measures. Epilepsy management with Ayurveda focuses on:

  • Panchakarma (which is Ayurvedic detox)
  • Ashwasana (which is psychological assurance/ assistance)
  • Specific herbal formulations to strengthen the mind and body
  • Rasayan (which is rejuvenation therapy)


Panchakarma for Epilepsy:

Ayurvedic detox (i.e. panchakarma) functions to unclog the channels of the body and mind that are clogged due to imbalanced doshas. It comprises therapeutic oil massage, therapeutic enemas, therapeutic purgation, nervous system treatment, and nasal medication.

5 Best Herbs for Epilepsy:

Ayurvedic herbs strengthen the systems in our bodies. The Ayurvedic experts first diagnose your condition accurately before developing a treatment plan. Dried extracts and herbal teas are some of the ways Ayurvedic herbs can be used to address a condition. Several herbs are effective in managing seizures with their sedative effect for epilepsy sufferers. They may interact with other herbs, prescribed medicines, and supplements. So, you must go for these herbs only under the supervision of a certified doctor and Ayurvedic expert. Do not attempt to have these herbs on your own. A certified health expert will recommend effective yet safe herbs and monitor their effects. Some of the herbs that have been traditionally used to treat seizures in epilepsy patients include:

  1. Brahmi

One of the well-known and effective Ayurvedic herbs for epilepsy is Brahmi. The entire Brahmi plant is utilized to manage nervous system disorders and circulatory disorders. One may take it by mixing it with ghrita or oil or in the form of decoction. Brahmi, when taken as an oral formulation, can cause shamana (pacification) and potentiates the action of shodhana (purification) therapy. This Ayurvedic herb is effective in improving memory. Brahmi offers an excellent relaxing effect to epilepsy patients by reducing the severity, frequency, and duration of the attack. Consuming a teaspoon of honey with Brahmi juice can help alleviate epilepsy symptoms.

  1. Shankhapushpi

One of the prominent Ayurvedic nervine herbs to manage epilepsy is Shankhapushpi which helps soothe the nerves. The entire plant of this herb is helpful for therapeutic effects, usually in the form of powder, juice, paste, and decoction. This Ayurvedic herb offers positive effects, such as calmness, promotes sound sleep, and peace, and relieves tension and anxiety, by restoring the balance of tridoshas. This herb relieves most of the discomforting symptoms of epilepsy, such as insanity, memory loss, and nervousness.

  1. Vacha

This is another effective herb in alleviating the symptoms of epilepsy. It is known for its rejuvenating effect on the nervous system. The rhizomes of Vacha are used in treating various nervous system disorders. Vacha powder can be either used as a churna via the oral route or used as an oil via nasya karma. Also, it is a constituent of several Ayurvedic formulations. This herb is a memory enhancer, improves blood circulation in the brain, and acts as a brain rejuvenator. You need to balance it with other pungent herbs, such as ginger, or else it may increase congestion. Consulting a certified Ayurvedic practitioner will help you use this herb for managing epilepsy properly.

  1. Shatavari

The roots of this medicinal plant are utilized in the treatment of epilepsy patients either as a decoction in oil or granules. This herb pacifies vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. It also manages the convulsive movement that is prominently dominated by vata dosha. When you are prescribed to take granules of this herb, you may take it with milk. The decoction of this herb in oil is used in nasya karma for treating epilepsy patients. Shatavari helps eliminate tamas, which block the mind.

  1. Asparagus

Another effective Ayurvedic herb is the root of asparagus. The wild root of this herb when taken in powdered form with milk makes it an effective solution for managing epilepsy disease.

Diet and Lifestyle Tips as per Ayurveda that Epilepsy Patients Should Follow:


  • Make sure that you get adequate sleep.
  • Eat foods abundant in vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • You may eat wheat and old shali rice.
  • Practice relaxing techniques, such as meditation, pranayama, and yoga that offer positive effects on your nervous system, and brain chemistry and support healing.
  • Consume green gram, milk, black gram, and ghrita.
  • Have a tsp of the old pure desi ghee for at least six months to manage epilepsy.


  • Avoid or reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Do not eat vata-increasing foods, such as kalaya, chillies, and potatoes.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol.
  • Do not consume stale food.
  • Avoid eating incompatible foods, such as milk and fish, in a meal.
  • Do not suppress any natural urge, such as bladder or bowel movements.
  • Avoid risky activities, such as standing on a cliff or going deep into the water.
  • Say no to red meat.

So, let’s spread the word this International Epilepsy Day to help and motivate epilepsy sufferers to lead a better life and experience relief from the symptoms naturally. Consulting health experts, such as Ayurvedic experts, at Health Total can help you receive the right herbal solutions, homeopathic medicines, and dietary, and lifestyle modifications tailored to your specific needs. Our integrated treatment plan comprising diet, Ayurveda, and homeopathy not only helps you experience relief from your epilepsy symptoms but also boosts your immunity, manages your weight, eliminates nutritional deficiencies, and improves your overall health. So, think no further, get in touch with us at Health Total, and take a step forward to improve your relief and quality of life naturally with our personalized treatment plan.

Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips on improving your relief from epilepsy and overall health with diet, Ayurveda, and homeopathy or for managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at  1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!



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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective appetite suppressants for weight loss?

These are some of most loved appetite suppressants

  • Bitter Melon: A fruit from India and China that has been shown beneficial in reducing appetite and promoting healthy digestion
  • Green Tea – Green tea is a popular beverage that has been proven to increase metabolism and lower blood pressure.
  • Ginseng is a herb found in Asia or Europe. It can be taken to increase mental clarity, support overall health, and help with general wellbeing.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a tree that has been grown in Japan. It has been proven to improve circulation and prevent memory loss.

There are many other appetite suppressants. You can also try other appetite suppressants. It will be amazing how quickly you lose weight!

Can I eat carbs while following the Ketogenic Diet?

You can eat carbohydrates on the Ketogenic diet. Keep them to a minimum. Instead, eat high-fiber veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. These veggies will fill you up and not add calories.

Make sure you eat plenty nuts and seeds, olive oil, coconut oils, butter, lard and bacon. These foods contain a lot of saturated fats that are important for ketosis.

How can I suppress my appetite?

It is better to eat smaller meals more often than three large meals at mealtimes to avoid eating too much. This will stabilize your blood sugar and reduce hunger pangs.

It may turn out that drinking lots of water or taking herbal supplements such as bitter melon, ginseng or ginseng is better than relying solely on food.

Avoid foods high in carbs like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, as they can give you a short boost that then leads to a crash.

Choose protein-rich foods like lean meats and fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. These will provide energy for a long time and help to maintain your blood sugar levels.

Sugary snacks and drinks like chocolate bars, doughnuts and cakes, as well as soft drinks and juice, should be avoided. These can lead to cravings that will make you feel bloated, sluggish, and even cause you to feel sick.

Instead, opt for healthier options like fresh fruits, veggies, salads and whole-grain cereals.

If you are trying to lose weight, don’t depend on miracle cures or fad diets.


  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (
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  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (

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African mango extract may have potential health benefits

African Mango Extracts are used to treat many health problems, including cancer. These extracts are from ancient Egypt and were used to treat diabetes, stop bleeding, heal wounds, and more.

Modern science has shown that African mango extracts have certain compounds like Tannins and flavonoids, Vitamin C and Vitamin C polyphenols, carotenoids and tannin. These compounds can help reduce blood clot, fight free radicals and improve liver functions.

  1. Cancer treatment. Over 50% of all cancers are caused by environmental factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods. It is therefore important to find ways to prevent the spread of cancer. Numerous studies show that antioxidants found in foods such blueberries and tomatoes (as well as oranges, peas and tomatoes) can prevent cancer.
  2. Antioxidants neutralize harmful substances known as “free radicals,” which can damage cells and cause genetic mutations. Research has shown that African mango extracts can reverse or slow down the growth of tumors in mice. A study found that African mango extracts could stop the growth in vitro of human colon cancer cells (cells in lab dishes). Another study demonstrated that African Mango Extract could inhibit the growth and metabolism of prostate cancer cells in vivo. These findings suggest that the product could be used to treat certain types.
  3. Prevention of cancer. A study published by the National Institutes of Health that found African mango extracts prevent breast-cancer development was published recently. They believe that African mangoes’ active ingredients inhibit the activity of hormones responsible for estrogen production, which can increase breast cancer risk.
  4. Inflammation Reduction. Inflammation can be reduced by the use of chemicals from white blood cells to attack foreign tissue and cause pain and swelling. Inflammation can occur when there is infection, injury, or irritation. Chronic inflammation can lead to certain diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Research has shown that African mango extracts may reduce inflammation and the severity of many conditions.
  5. Liver Function Improvement. The liver is one the most important organs of the body. It is responsible for digestion, detoxification and protein synthesis. Healthy livers also help regulate internal processes such as water balance, sugar levels, and red blood cells count. Research has shown African mango extracts have the ability to stimulate liver cell regeneration after being damaged by drugs and toxic substances. This may be why people who consume large amounts of African mango juice report feeling less tired after meals.
  6. Blood Pressure Lowering. The American Heart Association recommends adults to maintain a normal reading between 120/80 mm Hg and 140/90mmHg. High blood pressure can damage arteries and increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Scientists from the University of California-Davis investigated the effects of African mango extracts on rats with high blood pressure. Their research indicated that African mango extracts significantly lowered blood pressure.
  7. Bone Building. Bone Building. A double-blind placebo controlled trial was conducted at the University of Alabama School of Medicine. It showed that supplementation of 500mg of vitamin DD3 and 2g of Calcium daily, along with 3g of potassium citrate, significantly increased bone mineral density. The amount of potassium citrate used was equivalent to consuming about 10 ounces of fresh African mango juice every day.
  8. Other Benefits. African mango extract can improve skin health by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin. It increases collagen production, which makes the skin appear younger and smoother. African mango promotes hair health and prevents premature graying. It aids weight loss by increasing fat metabolism.

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