5 Reasons to Keep a Weight Reduction Journal

Keeping track of what you eat may be the most important thing you can do for your weight loss success: In a study from 2019, people who tracked what they ate for three months—without any other changes—lost an average of five pounds.

That’s one reason Nutrisystem created NuMi, our free tracking app. It has Nutrisystem recipes and hundreds of grocery foods already programmed in, so keeping a food diary is easier and simpler than ever.

Using a smartphone app to track what you’re eating has been shown to be easier to adhere to than using a paper diary or a website: In one study, scientists found that people who used apps to track their food logged three times more often than people who used paper journals, and almost three times as often as people who tracked via a website.

NuMi isn’t just a food journal, though: It’s a weight loss journal, helping you to log your weight and measurements, keep track of activity—even connecting to a Fitbit device if you have one—and keeping tabs on your water intake, too. Here are five reasons that keeping a journal could be your ultimate weight loss success strategy.

1. You’ll lose more weight!

How much more? Try double. In a study, people who kept a food journal lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t.

In another study, scientists found that keeping a food journal was the most significant lifestyle change an overweight or obese person could make for weight loss success—people who did so lost 3.7% more weight than the average dieter.

And the more often you track, the more weight you could lose! In fact, one study found that how often people log their dinner into an app was the most important factor for successful weight loss when using a phone-based tracking method—meaning they were using the app more often and later in the day, rather than just putting in breakfast and stopping the day’s log.

2. You’ll really know what you’re eating.

One of the reasons so many Americans are overweight or obese is that we’re bad at estimating portions. And we’re bad at it in the worst ways: A study from 2013 found that we overestimate the portion sizes of high-calorie foods, and underestimate the portion sizes of lower-calorie foods. Translation: We eat bigger slices of cake than we realize, and eat smaller salads than we ought to.

That’s part of the reason our weight can get away from us—we don’t even realize what we’re eating! This can add on weight, but also keep us from losing; because we don’t keep track of what we’re actually eating, we don’t know if we’re eating enough of the right foods—or too much of the wrong ones—to meet our goals.

A food journal can help solve this: You’ll actually know what you’re eating—and how much—so you’ll be able to stay on track to your goals … or understand why you’ve hit a plateau.

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3. You can keep track of your good days—and know how to repeat them.

Plenty of weight loss advice is about what not to do. But when you’re trying to lose weight, it’s even more important to know what works—especially what works specifically for you. Your weight loss journal is the key for this: With work and family obligations, trying to keep up with the news and Netflix shows, it can be hard to remember what made your best days so great. Now you can refer back to your journal to a day where you felt powerful, happy or successful and see what you did and ate that day … so you can repeat it.

One way to use NuMi to keep track of the good days is to use the “Progress” tab at the bottom. When you’re having a good day, click the “add a photo” button at the top on the Progress page. Here, you can add a photo from your great day, and also write down why things were great: Use the “Share Your Story” area to fill in the emotions you’re feeling, the foods that made you feel satisfied, or anything else that made this a banner day on your journey. You’ll then be able to refer back to these photo posts to replicate your best days.

4. You’re reminded of your goals every day.

Writing down your goals is great, but keeping them in the front of your mind has been shown to be a key to reaching and exceeding them.

Your weight loss journal will help you do just that: Instead of getting distracted, you’ll be using NuMi each day to record your food, your weight, your progress and more. This will remind you of the habits you need to build to reach your goals, and that those goals are important to you.

5. You’ll keep track of your weight and exercise, too.

Weighing yourself frequently has been shown to help with weight loss. In one study from 2015, people who stepped on the scale every day not only lost more weight, but they adopted more “weight control strategies” in the long run. What that means: Their new, healthier habits became part of their lifestyle.

One of the “weight control strategies” you might adopt is regular exercise—and NuMi can help you track that, too. And that tracking could help motivate you to exercise more often, according to a 2021 study. With NuMi, you can manually input your activity, or connect the app to a fitness tracker to automatically sync and track your daily and weekly activity.


The post 5 Reasons to Keep a Weight Loss Journal appeared first on The Leaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do smoothie cleanses work?

It is important to know if you are eliminating toxins from your body. If you aren’t, then you may have another problem.

To make a cleanse work, it must eliminate all toxins from your body.

If this isn’t happening, you either aren’t drinking enough water or haven’t been eating properly.

You may also need to reduce your intake of caffeine and salt.

There are other possible reasons you might not see results.

  • Your digestive system isn’t functioning correctly. Your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs.
  • Not enough protein is being consumed. Protein helps build muscle tissue.
  • You are consuming too many carbs. Carbs are stored energy.
  • Sugar is too high in your diet. Sugar causes insulin spikes. This slows down metabolism.
  • You are not consuming adequate amounts of fats. Some vitamins are only absorption-friendly if you eat enough fats.
  • You are consuming too few essential fatty acids (EFAs). It is known that EFAs can reduce inflammation.
  • You are consuming too little fiber. Fiber absorbs excess cholesterol. Fiber also speeds up digestion.
  • Insufficient vitamin C is a problem. Collagen production cannot be achieved without Vitamin C. Collagen is what keeps your skin elastic and firm.
  • You are consuming too small portions. Measurements of portions should be done using a standard cup-measurer.
  • Consuming too much alcohol is a problem. The effects of alcohol can be very drying.
  • Too much caffeine is being consumed. Too much caffeine can be toxic to your liver.
  • Too little magnesium is being consumed. Magnesium is essential for strong bones and healthy muscles.
  • Too little potassium is being consumed. Potassium helps maintain fluid balance.

Which natural product can help you lose weight the most?

You can lose weight by eating less and exercising more often. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight. This is because our bodies need food to function properly. Overeating can lead to weight gain. On the other hand, if we don’t eat enough food, we’re also at risk of losing weight.

When selecting the best foods to help you lose weight, it is essential that you select foods with high nutritional value and low calories. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains.

Are there side effects from African Mango Extract usage?

There are no known side effects associated with taking African mango extract. This extract can cause stomach irritation or diarrhea. You should immediately stop using this product and consult your physician.

What is African mango?

British explorers discovered the fruit during an expedition into Africa. Although it has been grown in South America for many centuries, the fruit’s production is declining due to climate change, deforestation and other factors.

The African Mango Project seeks to reverse this decline through sustainable methods of fruit growing in East Africa.

They also work towards creating jobs locally and improving the livelihoods of communities near plantations.

Their goal is for the first commercial crop to be ready for harvest in 5 years.

Can I eat carbs while on the Ketogenic diet?

Yes, carbohydrates can be eaten while following the Ketogenic Diet. Keep them to a minimum. Instead, you should eat high-fiber veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. These veggies will fill you up and not add calories.

Make sure you eat plenty nuts and seeds, olive oil, coconut oils, butter, lard and bacon. These foods contain a lot of saturated fats that are important for ketosis.

What is African Mango Extract?

It is rich in vitamin C which increases immunity. It is great for people who have the flu or are at risk of getting sick.

African mango extract also contains antioxidants that help reduce free radicals in the body. This reduces the chance of developing cancer or heart disease.

African mango also contains vitamins A and B6, which support healthy skin and hair growth.

African Mango active ingredients offer a highly effective supplement that will keep a person looking great and feeling great.

What drink burns belly fat overnight?

The best way to lose weight fast is by drinking lots of water. Water is a great way to burn calories and keep you fuller for longer. This will make it less likely that you snack on sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods. Water also flushes toxins from your body and helps keep your skin looking young and healthy.

Skip meals is the easiest way for dieters to lose weight. Your metabolism will slow down, which means you’ll eat less later. Instead, eat smaller meals more often.

If you find yourself craving snacks, try drinking more water. Dehydration slows the rate at which your body burns calories while also making you crave sugary drinks. For extra detoxifying benefits, you can add lemon juice to your water.

Water intake can help you lose weight by making you feel fuller and quicker. Studies show that those who consume eight glasses per day of water are more likely to lose weight than those who drink only four cups. The reason is: Water helps fill you up without adding extra calories.

You should wait at least 30 minutes before you eat anything when you get up in the morning. After just 10-15 minutes of awakening, hormones like insulin start to regulate blood sugar levels. These hormone surges can send us into hunger mode. By waiting until after this happens, we avoid getting a rush of blood sugar and then crashing afterward.

Eat a mid-morning snack right after you have finished breakfast. Eating something between lunch and dinner can help prevent overeating later in the day. A piece of fruit can be combined with whole grain toast and peanut butter.

Don’t eat right before bed. Studies have shown that the body processes nutrients more efficiently when it is asleep, so it is easier to stay slim if you go to bed early.

Do not go to bed hungry! You should eat a light meal an hour before you go to bed. You may be shocked at how much food it takes to fall asleep.

Add some green tea to your daily routine. Green tea is rich in catechins which are plant compounds, which reduce inflammation and speed up metabolism. According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, participants who consumed three cups of green tea per day lost more weight than those who did not. Another study showed that green tea consumption increased metabolic rates by 3 percentage points over 12 weeks.


  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)
  • Nature’s Health Goji Berry – Lycium Berries – Maintain Vision Health – Jam-Packed with Vitamins A & C – 580 mg per Serving – 60 Veggie Capsules – Non-GMO Emerald Labs Goji Berry – 40% Polysaccharides – 60 Vegetable Capsules (amazon.com)
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)

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How To

How can you lose weight without dieting or exercise?

The best way to lose weight naturally is to increase your metabolism so you burn fat faster than you store it. Your metabolism is key to how much energy and calories we use. Good news: You don’t have a need to exercise to boost your metabolism. To boost your metabolism, there are easy lifestyle changes that you can make right away. These are the best tips!

  1. Eat more protein – Protein keeps blood sugar levels stable and helps muscle growth. Research shows that protein intake can be reduced by up to 20% if eaten before meals.
  2. Drink more water. Water is essential for your body to remain hydrated. Your metabolism will improve and you can drink eight glasses of water each day.
  3. Reduce Sugar – One of the easiest ways for you to lose weight is to reduce sugar intake. Sugary foods make it harder for your body to burn fat. To avoid this, cut out sugary snacks like soda and sweets altogether. Instead, drink plenty and eat plenty fruits.
  4. Get enough sleep – It has been proven that getting enough sleep can improve brain function, overall health, and glucose tolerance. It also lowers appetite hormones such as leptin or ghrelin.
  5. Cardio Daily: Cardio is a great way to burn extra calories throughout the day. If you’re looking to start immediately, try walking briskly for 30 minutes three times a week. This will increase heart rate and cardiovascular fitness without you having to sweat.
  6. Do Something Everyday to Move – Being active is crucial to losing weight. It gives our bodies motivation to move every day. It is possible to incorporate movement into your everyday life without needing to do a lot of exercise. Take the stairs, not the elevator. Park further away when you shop. Walk around while on the phone. Stand during meetings and calls. Take regular breaks throughout the day for deep breathing and stretching.

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