Kirsten Vangsness Weight Loss [2023]: Diet, Before

Kirsten has proved to be a very successful actress. However, despite her success in acting, Kirsten has been famous for another reason recently. She has transformed her body in a great way.

If you are a fan of the series, Criminals Minds you must have noticed the changes in Vangsness’ appearance.

While she was playing the role of Penelope Garcia, she started working on another aspect of her life. Her health.

Since then the actress has changed a lot physically. In a very positive way. Vangsness has lost a considerable amount of weight and left fans stunned.

Also, find out how Luke Combs fought anxiety and obesity at the same time.

Kirsten Vangsness Weight loss journey

Kirsten has been struggling with her weight since she was just a child. She was also bullied for that reason when she was in school.

As a result of a bully, Vangsness has been a quiet kid even in her teenage years. However, this changed when she started acting and that was the moment she took charge of her life.

In 2014, while busy in the making of Criminals Minds, the actress finally decided to lose weight. So far the fans have debated over the reason Kirsten started her weight loss journey.

However, in an interview, Vangsness cleared the doubts and she said that “I lost some weight. I did it by reading a book and listening to a podcast by Renee Stephens. So there. Go forth and educate thyself.

As it appears Renee Stephens has been the real inspiration for Kirsten. If you don’t know Stephens, she is a weight loss coach and a trainer. Her name is the hope for the people who have tried everything and have given up because of despair.

Throughout the journey of weight loss, Kirsten’s character Penelope has motivated her and has given her good strength.

She praised the character in the following way “There’s the size thing, the nerdy thing, then I’m going to dress like this, I’m not going to play dumb. Sexuality comes from her sense of self, and I love that about her. I sort of borrow from her because she is comfortable”. She further said, “it has given me great strength.”

Find out how the great comedian, Kevin James, has lost more than 80 pounds.

How Kirsten Vangsness lost weight?

Kristen took help of Renee in losing weight. She followed the diet plan, Renee suggested. Renee’s strategy is somewhat different than others.

She believes that the first and foremost important factor in losing weight is that you must establish a strong relationship with the food you eat. Her idea seems a little bit strange but it is not if we see it closely.

Most of us just don’t care what we eat or drink daily. That is why not keeping a track of our daily intake, we eat a lot of unhealthy stuff and don’t realize it. Besides this, Vangsness also joined a gym that she attended daily and did workouts.

Diet Plan

Renee’s strategy simply says that first, you should choose a healthy diet. After choosing what you would eat for your daily routine you can build a relationship with that food.

You can establish a feeling that this is what I eat. Obviously, if it is a healthy food it will give you a sense of pride and will make you continue your diet plan.

This was simply the strategy of Renee and Vangness followed. Kirsten chose healthy food for her daily life, for breakfast, she would have a juice of vegetables and some light snacks.

For lunch and dinner, Vangsness chose to eat a salad of green vegetables. This gave her a sense of love for the food.

In just 6 weeks of Renee’s course, Kirsten made very great progress. A diet plan is one of the most crucial parts of any bodyweight loss journey.

Just doing exercise would not help, similarly just following a diet plan will not make a great difference.

It is the combination of both that a person can achieve success in this matter. As for Vangsness, she made a very big difference with the combination of the two.

Workout Plan

When the interviewer asked Kirsten about her workout, she said that “I joined a gym where I would do multiple workouts.”

She said something very strange that nobody expected, Kirsten further said “I ride a unicorn”. When she was asked about what she meant, the actress elaborated that “I pretend that I am riding a unicorn when I am doing deadlifts.

While in the gym Kirsten would do all stuff for losing weight. She did a lot of push-ups and pull-ups. Joining a gym is very effective as it has all equipment to lose weight and also trainers.

Find out how the late, John Moreland, struggled and fought obesity.

Before & After Weight Loss

Renee’s weight loss plan proved very effective, the actress lost 50 pounds. Which is a very big deal. Before joining the course Kirsten was 200 pounds.

Now she weighs around 150 pounds. As the photo shows the whole difference, she has made a great deal of losing weight.

While the courses ended after 6 weeks, she continued her diet and workout plans. She is now in very good condition.

The actress has now turned vegan to be in a slimmer shape. She said about her progress that “It feels very good to be slimmer. I have experienced this and I love it.” As it appears she wants to remain slim.


If you are struggling with anything in your life. Let it be weight, failure, or any other thing. The simple rule is don’t give up. The way Kirsten did not give up. She continued fighting obesity and she succeeded at last.

When confronted with anything difficult most people tend to overthink in place of doing something about it. We make the problem bigger by just simply thinking a lot. In most cases, the problem is very small when decided to solve it.

So, if you are feeling overweight, don’t panic and don’t overthink the fact. This is a normal problem of the 21st century a lack of physical work.

There are many ways you can fight back against obesity. You can either follow the Vangsness story or any other person from the list on this website. Or you can create one for yourself.

The post Kirsten Vangsness Weight Loss [2023]: Diet, Before & After appeared first on Heal How.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a green smoothie is consumed every day?

It’s more than just for breakfast. Green Smoothies, which are made from fresh fruits or vegetables, are a healthy and delicious way to enjoy a refreshing beverage. They’re packed full of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and protein. They also taste great!

Green Smoothies are low in calories, high in nutrients and low in calories. This amazing drink could help you shed those extra pounds.

Green smoothies can be made quickly by simply blending some leafy greens and fresh fruit with ice cubes. There are so many options, we’ve listed our top 10 here.

  1. Banana + Blueberries Banana Berry Blast
  2. Spinach + Pineapple Healthy Superfood
  3. Strawberry + Yogurt Strawberry Delight
  4. Apple + Orange FruityGreen Smoothie
  5. Lemonade + Peach Melon Madness
  6. Pear + Kale Saturated with Fiber
  7. Grapefruit + Kiwi The Ultimate Detox
  8. Mango + Avocado Tropical Paradise
  9. Watermelon + Lime Delicious Hydration
  10. Coconut + Cucumber Cooling Drink

What herb melts fat?

While dieting isn’t an option, it can be done with herbs. Many people have used herbs for this purpose throughout history. You can use them for this purpose: Green tea, Ginko Biloba and Ginseng.

Herbal remedies can be taken orally or applied topically. They contain nutrients that increase the metabolic rate of the body. These nutrients increase the rate at which glycogen stores are broken down and lipids within cells. The bloodstream is then able to release free fatty acid, which can be used for fuel.

A variety of herbal remedies can also be used to prevent or boost immunity. These herbal remedies are ideal for people who don’t want to use drugs or undergo surgery.

People use herbs because of their effectiveness. Many people don’t realize how powerful these natural substances can be. Herbs can be purchased at health food stores, pharmacies, and online. Most often, one dose can last for several days.

Green tea is an example of a herb which increases metabolic rate. Green tea contains epigallocatechin glycate (EGCG), a substance that increases activity of enzymes responsible in breaking down fats. EGCG has also been shown in studies to improve glucose tolerance. It reduces your risk of developing diabetes.

Ginger root is another example. Ginger root acts as a stimulant. It stimulates the digestive tract and increases metabolism. Ginger also helps to eliminate toxins in the digestive tract.

Other herbs that can increase metabolic rate include ginseng and mullein root, licorice roots, mullein leaves, rosemary, turmeric, as well as valerian root.

In most cases, the best way to take herbs is to drink them as teas. This allows active ingredients to be absorbed quickly and efficiently into the bloodstream. Take herbs internally only if you are under medical supervision. If you choose to consume herbs externally, make sure that you apply them directly to the affected area. If you do not, they can cause irritation or damage to other areas.

What can I consume to detoxify?

Consume foods high in fiber to cleanse the body. This helps move waste products into your colon and out as stool. Whole grains, legumes, fruits, and veggies are all rich in dietary fibre.

You should also avoid caffeine and alcohol because these stimulate your nervous system, which causes increased bowel movements. Probiotics can help replenish good bacteria in your stomach. Probiotic supplements include live cultures of healthy microorganisms such as bacteria that aid digestion.

Butyrate is an essential nutrient for intestinal health. It is a fuel for immune cells and promotes cell turnover.

Drink ginger tea if you suffer from diarrhea. Gingerols are compounds that inhibit the production prostaglandins. These chemicals are produced during inflammation. Prostaglandin inhibitors reduce inflammation. Thus, ginger has been used in arthritis, menstrual cramps, nausea and indigestion.

Drinking hot water before bedtime is another way to relieve insomnia. Hot water increases blood circulation, cooling the skin and relaxing muscles. This may increase sleep quality.

Not everyone has to cut down on coffee. You can start by cutting down on caffeine and other caffeinated drinks. Next, reduce your intake of soda, juice, alcohol. Finally, eliminate one meal at a time until you’ve reduced your total calorie consumption by 20 percent.

African Mango Extract – Should you Try It?

Mangoes offer many benefits. Mangoes are high in vitamin C, fiber and potassium. In addition, they contain antioxidants that help protect against free radicals that cause cancer. They are an excellent choice for people who want to improve their health.

Mangoes have another advantage: they taste great! They are easy to add to any meal.

For example, fresh mango slices can be added to salads, smoothies or oatmeal. Or try using frozen mango cubes as a topping on ice cream sundaes. You can also use dried mango powder as an alternative to sugar in baking cookies.

If you are looking for great health benefits, but without compromising on flavor, try adding mango extract into your favorite recipes.

Many people do not know that mango extract is made out of mango seeds. This means it has the same nutrients as whole mangos but without the sweetness.

What are the foods that burn belly fat?

Fruits and veggies are best for weight loss because they have low calories and are high in fiber. They also contain antioxidants which help to prevent cell damage. You also get vitamins A, C and E as well as K which increase metabolism and energy levels.

Lean proteins, such as fish, eggs, chicken breast, turkey, and turkey breasts, are the best options for weight loss. These proteins are rich in essential amino acids and protein, which provide the building blocks to muscle growth.

When you want to lose weight quickly, whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, bread, pasta, and cereals are great options.

They are extremely filling and can give you energy all day.

Do natural appetite suppressants really work?

Reduce your food intake is the best way of naturally losing weight. This would include consuming fewer calories and avoiding high-fat and sugar foods.

Exercising regularly is the best method to lose weight quickly. You’ll burn the extra calories you consume from the delicious foods you eat every day.

If you feel like you just aren’t losing weight despite following these tips then maybe you should consider trying one of our natural appetite suppressant products.

These contain powerful ingredients, such as bitter melon (green tea), ginger, ginseng and many more. All of these ingredients have been clinically proven effective in reducing hunger pangs.

What is an African mango?

The fruit was first discovered by British explorers on an expedition to Africa. It has been grown for centuries in South America but, because of climate change and deforestation its production is now declining.

The African Mango Project will reverse this decline by promoting sustainable ways to grow fruit in East Africa.

They are also working towards creating local jobs and improving communities’ livelihoods near plantations.

Their goal is to produce the first commercial crop in five years.


  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (
  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (

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Goji Berries – Side Effects and Health Benefits

Goji berries, one of China’s oldest cultivated fruits, are a great example. They are also called Chinese plums, wolfberries, and Chinese plums. They are native in the Himalayas but can also be found wild across Asia. Goji comes from the Tibetan word for gom, which translates to ‘to increase. They’re known as Kuzuimaki (Japan).

Around 300 BC, ancient Chinese literature first mentioned the gojiberry. Although it was first used for its nutritional value, some medicinal uses were documented. Goji berries contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, fiber, amino acid, polysaccharides, enzymes, and other nutrients. They are rich in anthocyanins. Goji Berries are good for your health because of their anti-aging benefits, immune system support and antioxidant protection, heart disease management, memory improvements, weight loss aids, healthy skin, and diabetes management.

Goji berries have been called a superfood because of their nutritional content. This fruit has significant amounts Vitamin C, vitamin C beta-carotene as well as iron, calcium and magnesium. Goji berries have a similar texture to blueberries due to their colors and taste. Both goji berries and blueberries contain ellagic acid, a powerful cancer-fighting chemical found in plants, especially nuts and seeds.

There are some studies that show that gojiberries reduce inflammation, improve blood flow and protect against cancers. They also prevent macular damage.

Goji berries have been shown reduce cholesterol and triglyceride while increasing HDL levels (good) cholesterol. Study after study has shown that consuming Goji Berries can help lower blood pressure as well as reduce risk factors associated with heart disease.

Goji berries have been shown to be effective in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Another study suggests that gojiberries may be able to relieve depression symptoms. Goji berries can be used to treat insomnia.

Gojiberries can help you maintain a healthy weight. Studies show that gojiberries may help increase metabolism. Goji berries can be eaten daily to help you feel fuller and last longer.

Goji berries are very nutritious and many people add them into smoothies, juices, and other desserts. Even as a snack, you can eat them plain!

Gojiberries can cause stomach problems, nausea, vomiting or dizziness. People who are pregnant or nursing should not consume goji berries.

Goji berries could be dangerous if they are consumed by elderly persons, children, or people with low immunity. Consuming gojiberries may cause side effects. Stop using them immediately.

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