Anya Taylor Weight Loss 2022: Diet Plan, Exercise, Prior to and After

Anya Taylor-Joy is an actress. She rose to fame after her appearance as Gina in BBC’s Peaky Blinders. She has also worked with Netflix. Taylor has a Golden Globe Award for her incredible performance in Netflix’s blockbuster The Queen’s Gambit.

To play Beth Harmon in The Queen’s Gambit, she was asked to lose weight. Anya’s physical transformation made her fans more curious to know about her daily life routine. They wanted to know how the already slim actress became slimmer.

When Anya appeared in The Queen’s Gambit, she looked slim. Her fans noticed that she looks thinner than before and started asking questions. A fan of hers asked on Twitter that is she losing weight for her new character or is it her own choice?

It is definitely her own choice. But rumors on social media say that the sudden change in her body indicates that it is due to her upcoming character Furiosa which is going to be released in late 2024. Nobody can know for now if this rumor is true or not.

Also, read how the British singer, Dua Lipa, lost 17 pounds by changing her diet.

Is Taylor’s Weight Loss Due To Illness?

Anya Taylor Joy’s fans love her new look, meanwhile, some other fans are worried that Anya’s weight loss is due to some illness or eating disorder. Because all of a sudden change makes her fans worry.

However, in some of Taylor’s new photoshoots, we can see her abs and she looks fit and fine. It becomes pretty clear that she isn’t suffering from any kind of disorder or something else. Instead, Anya’s physical transformation is due to her diet and regular gyming.

Anya Taylor’s Weight Loss Journey

Taylor has not talked yet about her weight loss journey, she often talks about her diet and workout plan but she hasn’t talked about her recent transformation. Or people are too busy admiring her new look, so nobody asked her how she did it?

But it is easy to guess that Anya follows a proper workout routine and a proper diet plan. As we know that she is an actress, so it is obvious that when she signed the project Furiosa, she might have to follow a strict diet to stay in the right shape for her role.

Anya’s Diet Plan

Since Joy hasn’t talked about her transformation, so there is not much to share about her diet plan. However, what is known is that Anya is a pure vegan since her childhood. She has followed a vegetable-based diet since then, but recently after her transformation, she started eating meat.

While talking in an interview, Anya said “When I was a vegan, it was the healthiest I’ve ever felt because I had so much energy. I was eating a tonne because I have a big appetite and was getting in more greens.”

Anya’s Workout Plan

Anya’s daily workout routine is not known, only Anya and her trainer know what workout she follows. But, Joy is great at ballets, she practices it on daily basis. So it would not be wrong to say that Anya’s dance routines also help her to maintain her body shape.

Meanwhile, Anya’s daily routine is scheduled too busy. She wakes up early in the morning, goes to work for the whole day, gives interviews, and so on. She works all day long, and only in the evening goes to bed. These everyday activities without any time to rest and sleep, help her to maintain her body attractive and lose unnecessary weight.

Before and After Weight Loss

Although not much is known about Anya’s losing pounds, however, a fair number can be guessed. As it appears, she might have lost between 15 to 10 pounds. Her current weight is 121 pounds.

Also, read how another famous actress, Sophie Turner, lost pregnancy weight.

Final Words

Anya Taylor Joy’s weight loss journey tells us that if we follow a proper workout routine, such as dance, gym, etc, we can lose our weight too without getting tired, but we will feel relaxed and will be active and enthusiastic more than before. Following a proper diet also helps to change our body shape and maintain our health.

The post Anya Taylor Weight Loss 2022: Diet, Workout, Before and After appeared first on Heal How.

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