9 Top Advantages of Walking For Fat Burning

Physical activity really doesn’t need to be complicated. Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life. But the faster, farther and more frequently you walk, the greater the benefits. The great thing is that walking is free and one of the best ways to get active again. 

Walking is not only a fantastic way to boost your weight loss it is also brilliant for your mental health. Sadly walking isn’t always the quickest way to make it from point A to B. But walking should not be seen as a chore.  The benefits of walking for your body and mind are numerous. Let’s look at the health benefits of walking and find out why it is perfect for your weight loss journey. 

1. Walking helps to reduce stress

Research has shown that walking helps to promote the release of brain chemicals called endorphins that stimulate relaxation and improve our mood. Walking does not have to be done at a fast pace to have stress-relieving benefits. Even a stroll at a comfortable pace promotes relaxation.

Try walking with a friend so you can have a good chat about the tough parts of life.. remember stress causes us to over eat.. which will certainly not help with weight loss.

2. Walking helps to burn calories

Burning calories can help you maintain or lose weightYour actual calorie burn will depend on several factors, including:


  • walking speed
  • distance covered
  • terrain 
  • your weight

Get yourself a good step tracker which also keeps track of calories burned. You don’t need to spend a fortune.. I am loving this AcclaFit Smart watch for tracking steps, calories etc. 

3. Walking can lower your blood pressure

Being active can help to lower blood pressure and prevent high blood pressure. This helps to lower your risk of heart problems in the future. Studies show that a brisk 30 minute walk per day can be as effective as medication to reduce blood pressure.

4. Walking can ease joint pain

Walking can help protect the joints, including your knees and hips. That’s because it helps lubricate and strengthen the muscles that support the joints. Walking may also provide benefits for people living with arthritis, such as reducing pain. 

5. Walking helps you to discover new places

Discover new places in your local area or make a list of places you have always wanted to visit. Enjoy new scenery, take photos and share them on social media. 

6. Walking can help to beat those cravings

Exercise can provide some cognitive stimulation that interferes with thoughts about cravings, and the discipline to regularly take walks to circumvent cravings might also improve the ability to follow through with healthy food choices. So if you are craving sweet foods or that bag of crisps, lace up and get out for a walk. 

7. Walking can boost immune function

Walking can actually help to protect you during cold and flu season. A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked at least 20 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, had 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less. Also if they did get sick, it was for a shorter duration, and their symptoms were milder.

8. Walking sets a good example…

No matter how much my children moan I always encourage them to walk to and from school each day. Usually the only time we go in the car is when its torrential rain! This sets a good example and hopefully sets them on a good track of having a healthy lifestyle. My fear will always be them suffering with their weight the same as I have my entire life. 

9. Walking can increase your energy levels

Walking is a type of cardiovascular physical activity, which increases your heart rate. It helps to boost energy levels by releasing certain hormones like endorphins and delivering oxygen throughout the body.

How often and for how long should I be walking?

To get the health benefits, try to walk for at least 30 minutes as briskly as you can on most days of the week. ‘Brisk’ means that you can still talk but not sing, and you may be puffing slightly. 

Remember to make walking a pleasure, not a chore.

  • Wear headphones and listen to your favourite music or audio book.
  • Ask a friend to join you 
  • Try new places and enjoy the scenery
  • Walk at different times of the day so it does not become a chore
  • Above all keep safe, always walk in a well lit area, carry your phone fully charged and tell someone where you are going.

The post 9 Top Benefits of Walking For Weight Loss appeared first on Fatgirlskinny.net | Slimming Recipes, Healthy Eating & Weight Loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

African Mango Extract:

The benefits of mangoes are well documented. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and iron. They also contain antioxidants which help prevent cancer-causing free radicals. They are an excellent choice for people who want to improve their health.

Mangoes are delicious and have another benefit. They are easy to add to any meal.

You could add fresh mango slices to smoothies, oatmeal and yogurt. For ice cream sundaes, you can use frozen mango cubes. You can also use dried mango powder as an alternative to sugar in baking cookies.

Add mango extract to your favorite dishes to enjoy all of these wonderful benefits.

Mango extract is actually made from mango seeds, which many people don’t know. It has all the nutrients of whole mangos, but not the sweetness of regular mango.

Can I eat carbs if I am following the Ketogenic Lifestyle?

Yes, you can eat carbohydrates while on the Ketogenic Diet. Keep them to a minimum. Instead, eat high-fiber veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. These vegetables will not only fill you up, but also provide nutrition.

Make sure you eat plenty nuts and seeds, olive oil, coconut oils, butter, lard and bacon. These foods have high amounts of saturated fats. They are vital for ketosis.

Can I lose weight just by drinking smoothies?

Smoothies are full nutrients, fiber, vitamin, and vitamins that will help you stay healthy.

They are low in calories and very low fat. They are perfect for breakfast, lunch, and even as an after-dinner snack. They can be eaten at any time, but taste best fresh out of the blender.

Smoothies are fast and simple to make. All you need is fruit, milk, and ice. Add nuts, seeds, flaxseed or any other flavor you desire. Your choice! If you’re interested in trying this diet, get a smoothie machine today.

Your body may begin to burn more calories quickly than you might expect. If you have the right ingredients, you may see results as soon as 4 weeks.

This is the place to go if you want the best natural weight loss products. Here are the top-rated Amazon natural weight loss products.

How does African Mango Extract perform?

The high levels of vitamin A found in mango fruits can help boost your immune system. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well potassium and magnesium.

These nutrients work together to help maintain the health of cells and tissues throughout the body.

The African mango also has the ability to boost energy levels and endurance when exercising. It supports heart function and metabolism.

This product’s active ingredient increases blood flow to the brain, muscles and other areas. This improves mental clarity, and physical performance.

African mango extract can not only increase energy levels but also prevent muscle cramps from occurring after exercise. This can prove to be very useful for athletes looking to perform at the highest level.

Does African Mango Extract Have Caffeine?

An average person’s caffeine intake was measured. Surprising results resulted.

A cup of coffee contains around 100 mg of caffeine, while a small glass of cola contains around 40mg. What if you could drink caffeine with no calories?

Here’s African mango extract! It gives you the same boost of energy as caffeine, but without the added sugar and calories.

African mango extract aids in concentration and focus as well as improving brain function.

Which natural product is the best for weight loss

The most effective way to lose weight is by eating less food while exercising regularly. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight. This is because food is vital for our bodies to function properly. If we eat too many calories, it is very likely that our weight will increase. Eating enough food can also lead to weight loss.

When choosing the best foods for weight loss, make sure you choose foods with low calories and high nutritional value. These foods include fruits, vegetables whole grains, lean and fish meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

How to Use African Mango Extract

It’s easy to take mango extract. Simply cut open a fresh ripe mandarin and scoop out the flesh to a blender container. Blend until smooth.

You can also strain the pulp to obtain a finer consistency. Store in a cool dark place.

You can freeze the pulp to be used again later. This will save you money on buying another batch each mango season.


  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (healthline.com)
  • A 2008 survey noted that 33.9% of American adults trying to lose weight took dietary supplements (1Trusted (healthline.com)
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (healthline.com)

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Reviewed 3 popular weight loss pills and supplements

People who are looking to lose weight are increasingly turning to weight loss supplements and pills. However, many different types of products are available, making choosing one difficult. This article discusses some of the most popular weight loss and supplement products currently on offer.

Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the best ways to lose weight. These aren’t always sufficient. There are always times when you just don’t feel like exercising, and healthy food isn’t readily available. Supplements and weight loss pills are becoming increasingly popular. They aid in quickly losing extra pounds.

There are many weight reduction pills and other supplements available. Here are our top picks. They have been reviewed, compared against other products, and we’ve listened to customer reviews. The top three items were chosen by consumers as the most effective and best-recommended. Read our complete review on these three products to find out more.

  1. PhenQ – PhenQ is an excellent choice to increase energy levels and boost metabolism. This product contains ingredients such as L-Carnitine Fumarate, Green Coffee Extract, Caffeine Anhydrous, Chromium Picolinate, Mucuna Pruriens Seed Powder, and Nettle Root Extract. It helps burn fat faster than traditional diets and works well for anyone looking to slim down quickly.
  2. Hoodia Gordonii Plus – Hoodia Gordonii Plus is another great supplement for weight loss. It contains powerful nutrients, including Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract, Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract, Bitter Melon Extract, Chromium Picolinates, and Raspberry Ketone Fat Burners. This supplement boosts metabolism, reduces hunger pangs as well as boosting energy levels and improving your overall mood.
  3. Hydroxycut – Hydroxycut has been helping people lose weight ever since 2004. It’s made from 100% natural ingredients like green tea extract (chromium picolinate), caffeine, and Yohimbine HCL. While it is not as effective as the other products in this list, it does have a low number of side effects.

There are also benefits

  • Energy Boosting – Most diet pills provide a temporary energy boost. This can increase cravings for junk food and sweets. Hydroxycut isn’t likely to cause any crash or jitters.
  • Blood Sugar Balance: Diet pills can affect blood sugar balance. If you want to control your blood sugar, try using Hydroxycut.
  • Increased Metabolism – It’s not a secret that diet pills can boost your metabolism. Most diet pills will raise your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by about 5%-10%. Hydroxycut further increases your RMR, boosting metabolism up to 15%-25%
  • Better Sleep – You probably know how important it is to get enough sleep in order to lose weight. By reducing anxiety and stress, diet pills can help you sleep easier.

The best part is that all of these benefits are completely free! These benefits are without side effects.

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