6 Summer Season Slim-Down Foods That Help You Slim Down

Whether you’re at a backyard barbecues, a ballgame, on the beach or basking in the sun, a big part of summer fun is the food: Favorites you’ve had since school days that signal the season of sunshine is here, and you’re enjoying it. If you’re on a weight loss program, some of those perfect-for-summer foods can actually help you on your journey. So exactly which are the summer slim-down foods that help you lose weight?

These six options are more than just delicious summer favorites—thanks to the right combinations of nutrients, they’re also foods that help you lose weight :

1. Cool cucumber, local tomatoes and slices of watermelon

What do these foods have in common? Water. Thanks to their high water content, all three of these summer favorites don’t just cool you down, but they’re low in calorie density—which, according to Science Daily. means you can eat a lot of volume without eating a lot of calories. When scientists had obese women in a study add more water-rich foods to their diet plans, they lose 30 percent more weight during the first six months of dieting than those who didn’t focus on adding water-rich foods.

If you’re a watermelon lover, keep track of your portions: Because it’s high on the glycemic index, one cup of the luscious fruit counts as one SmartCarb on Nutrisystem program. Tomatoes and cucumbers, though, are unlimited foods, and count towards your four daily servings of non-starchy vegetables. Pile them on your plate next to your backyard burger or in a fresh, chilly summer salad to help you lose weight.

7 Guaranteed Ways to Lose Weight for Summer

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2. Cool, creamy smoothies and frozen Greek yogurt treats

Greek yogurt has 17 grams of belly-filling, hunger-fighting protein in every 100 calories, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). And it’s also got calcium, which can help more of your weight loss come from fat.

Combine this thicker, creamier yogurt with berries for a cool parfait, or mix them in and freeze in popsicle molds for a fat-fighting fro-yo dessert. Smoothie lover? Double up on the weight loss power of Greek yogurt: Mix in leafy greens with your favorite fruit, Greek yogurt and ice for bonus nutrients and fiber to make your smoothie more filling. The sweetness of the fruit will help mask the flavor of the spinach or other leafy greens, getting you closer to your four daily servings of non-starchy vegetables.

Check out our favorite smoothie recipes here! >

3. Summer berries

Berries are sweeter (and cheaper!) in the summer, and they’re a top choice on our list of foods that help you lose weight. Those fresh little red, blue and black gems are low on the glycemic index, so they won’t spike your blood sugar. That’s thanks to their fiber content: One cup of raspberries, for instance has nine grams of this filling nutrient, meaning the serving can help you feel fuller for longer. That fiber can also help you lose weight around your middle: According to one study published in Science Daily, for every 10 grams of fiber you eat per day, you could have as much as four percent less fat around your belly.

Blueberries may be especially helpful at targeting belly fat. In one 2009 study on rats, the rodents who were given blueberries as part of their weight loss diet lost more belly fat than those losing weight on a berry-free nutrition plan.

4. Tall glasses of iced green tea

Green tea never seems to stop having new benefits: According to nature.com, it’s been shown in studies to help reduce cancer risk, diabetes risk, and even help participants lose weight. In one specific study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, obese participants who drank four cups of green tea per day lost significantly more weight over eight weeks than those who drank four cups of water.

Try having a cold glass as a pre-lunch or -dinner drink for bonus weight loss benefits. A study conducted (published in Obesity) asked one group of adults aged 55-75 to have a 16-ounce beverage before each meal while on a diet, they lost 44 percent more weight over 12 weeks than another group that was on the same diet, but didn’t drink. It’s that simple: A pre-meal drink can make you feel more full, so you’ll eat less and lose more.

Learn how to make the perfect iced tea here! >

7 Guaranteed Ways to Lose Weight for Summer

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5. Hit the trail for a hike with some healthy fat

If summer means a hike with family or friends, give your trail mix a boost: Make sure it includes almonds. The monounsaturated fat in these nuts has been shown to help dieters lose belly fat, according to Science Daily. Since fat can help you feel full faster than carbohydrates, it can also make your trail mix help you lose weight while you trek.

But even if you don’t have a caloric deficit on your hiking day, including almonds can help you shed fat around your middle. In a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), of 48 people with elevated “bad” LDL cholesterol, those who ate a daily snack of almonds lost fat in their bellies and legs, even when they didn’t lose weight.

6. Fresh, whole fruit

When you’re looking for foods that help you lose weight, whole foods are always a great choice. When it comes to fruit, the reason is the fiber: Snapping into a medium-sized apple delivers 125 calories, but comes with 4.9 grams of the filling nutrient.

Haven’t started your weight loss journey yet? Get started today! >

The post 6 Summer Slim-Down Foods That Help You Lose Weight appeared first on The Leaf.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is African Mango Extract (Amango Extract)?

Vitamin C is found in high amounts, which can boost immunity. This makes it ideal to those who are more susceptible to the flu and colds.

African mango extract also contains antioxidants that help reduce free radicals in the body. This reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Vitamins A and B6 in African mango are also good for hair growth and healthy skin.

African Mango active components provide a great supplement that will keep it looking young and feeling great.

How can I reduce my appetite?

The best way to stop eating when you’re hungry is to eat small frequent meals throughout the day rather than just three large ones at mealtimes. This helps keep your blood sugar levels steady and reduces hunger pangs.

Drinking plenty of water and taking herbal supplements, such as bittermelon or Ginseng, may work better than eating purely food.

Avoid carbohydrate-rich foods like potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, or pasta. They give you a quick boost and then a huge crash.

Opt for protein-rich food such as lean meats or fish, eggs and nuts. These foods will give you energy for long periods and help keep your blood sugar stable.

Don’t eat sugary snacks or drinks like doughnuts, chocolate bars and cake. These can stimulate cravings and cause you to feel bloated.

Instead, choose healthier options like fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, and whole grain cereals.

Do not rely on miracle-slimming or fad dieting if your goal is to lose weight.

Are African Mango Extracts Caffeine-Free

A study was done on the daily intake of caffeine by an average person. Surprising results resulted.

A cup of coffee can contain around 100 mg of caffeine. A small glass of cola has approximately 40mg. What if you could drink caffeine with no calories?

This is the place where African mango extract comes in. It offers the same energy boost of caffeine without any added sugar or calories.

African mango extract can also help increase focus and concentration as well as improve brain function.

What foods are good for burning belly fat?

Fruits, vegetables, and other vegetable are excellent for weight loss. They are high in vitamins C, E and K that increase metabolism and boost energy levels.

Lean proteins like chicken breast, turkey breast and eggs are the next best option for weight loss. These proteins are rich in essential amino acids and protein, which provide the building blocks to muscle growth.

For those who want to lose weight quickly whole grains, such as brown rice or oats, bread, pasta and cereals, are excellent options.

They are very filling.

Drinking smoothies can help me lose weight.

Smoothies are rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins, and other beneficial substances that can help you stay slim and healthy.

They are also low in calories, and contain very little fat. They can be used as a snack, breakfast, or lunch. They can be eaten at any time, but taste best fresh out of the blender.

Smoothies are easy and quick to make. You only need fruit, milk, and ice. You can also add nuts, seeds and flaxseed oils. The choice is yours! You can try this diet by purchasing a smoothie maker.

You might be amazed at how fast your body can begin to burn calories more quickly than normal. With the right combination of ingredients you can see results in as little time as four weeks.

The best natural food weight loss products are what you are looking at. We review the best natural weight loss products on Amazon.

Do smoothie cleanses work?

The important question here is whether or not you are eliminating toxins. If you’re not getting rid of toxins, there might be another problem.

It must be free of all toxins for a cleanse to work.

This could be because you aren’t getting enough water or not eating right.

You may also need to reduce your intake of caffeine and salt.

There are other possible reasons you might not see results.

  • Your digestive system isn’t functioning correctly. Your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs.
  • Not enough protein is being consumed. Protein helps build muscle tissue.
  • Too many carbs are being consumed. Carbs can be used to store energy.
  • Sugar is too high in your diet. Sugar can cause insulin surges in your bloodstream. This can cause a slowdown in your metabolism.
  • You are not consuming adequate amounts of fats. Some vitamins are only absorption-friendly if you eat enough fats.
  • Your intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs), is too low. EFAs have been proven to reduce inflammation.
  • Your fiber intake is too low. Fiber absorbs excess cholesterol and bile salts. It can also speed up digestion.
  • You are not consuming sufficient vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed for proper collagen production. Collagen helps keep skin elastic and firm.
  • You are eating too many portions. Measurements of portions should be done using a standard cup-measurer.
  • Your alcohol intake is excessive. The effects of alcohol can be very drying.
  • Too much caffeine is being consumed. Too much caffeine is toxic to the liver.
  • Your magnesium intake is too low. Magnesium is required for healthy bones and muscles.
  • You are consuming too less potassium. Potassium is necessary to maintain fluid balance.

Are there any side effects of African Mango Extract consumption?

There are no known side effects associated with taking African mango extract. It is important to remember that this product can cause stomach upset and diarrhea in some people. You should immediately stop using this product and consult your physician.


  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • After 10 weeks, the CQ-only group experienced an 8.8% decrease in body weight, and the CQ and AME group an 11.8% decrease, on average. (healthline.com)
  • A 2003 meta-analysis of studies found that people taking orlistat for 12 months in combination with lifestyle changes saw a 2.9% greater weight reduction than the placebo group (26Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • Vitamin C:62% of the Daily Value (DV) (healthline.com)

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How To

Potential benefits of African mango extract

African Mango Extracts were traditionally used as a treatment for many health issues including cancer. These extracts have been used since ancient Egypt to heal wounds, treat diabetes and stop bleeding.

Scientists at the University of Nigeria have discovered that African mango extracts are rich in certain compounds, including tannins, flavonoids and Vitamin C. These compounds help to prevent blood clotting and fight free radicals. They also improve liver functions, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. They promote cell growth and boost immunity systems.

  1. Cancer treatment. Worldwide, more than 50% of all types of cancer are due to environmental factors like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy food and not getting enough exercise. It is crucial to find ways that you can prevent cancer. Many studies have proven that antioxidants from foods such as tomatoes, blueberries (blueberries), grapes, onions and oranges help to prevent cancer.
  2. Antioxidants neutralize harmful substances called “freeradicals,” which can cause damage to cells and genetic mutations. Studies show that African mango extracts can slow down or even reverse the growth of tumors in mice. A study found that African mango extracts could stop the growth in vitro of human colon cancer cells (cells in lab dishes). Another study revealed that African Mango Extract prevented the growth of prostate cancer cells (in living animals) in vivo by inhibiting their metabolism. These findings indicate that this product may help to treat some types.
  3. Prevention of cancer. The National Institutes of Health published a recent animal study that showed African mango extracts could prevent breast cancer development. They believe that African mangoes contain active ingredients which inhibit the production of estrogen, a hormone that is linked to increased breast cancer risk.
  4. Inflammation Reduction. When inflammation occurs, chemicals produced by white blood cells attack foreign tissue, causing pain and swelling. Inflammation may occur due to injury, infection or irritation. Some diseases, such as arthritis and asthma, can result from chronic inflammation. Research shows that African mango extracts can decrease the production of inflammatory chemicals, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms associated with many conditions.
  5. Liver Function Improvement. It regulates digestion, detoxification, protein synthesis, and more. A healthy liver helps regulate internal processes, such as water balance and sugar level. Research has shown that African mango extracts can help to regenerate liver cells damaged by drugs or toxins. People who consume large amounts African mango juice report feeling less tired after eating.
  6. Blood Pressure Management. The American Heart Association suggests that adults aim to keep their blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/90mm Hg. High blood pressure damages the arteries, increases stroke risk and can lead to heart attacks. Researchers from the University of California-Davis looked into the effects of African mango extracts on blood pressure in rats. Their research revealed that African mango extracts significantly reduced blood pressure.
  7. Bone Building Vitamin D3 and calcium are both nutrients found in African mangoes that can promote bone growth. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial conducted at the University of Alabama School of Medicine showed that supplementation with 500 mg of vitamin D3 and 2 grams of calcium daily, and 3 grams of potassium citrate significantly improved bone mineral density. The potassium citrate was equal to about 10 ounces fresh African mango juice per day.
  8. Other Benefits African mango extract can improve skin health by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin. It stimulates collagen production, making the skin look younger and smoother. African mango promotes hair follicle growth and prevents premature greying. It also aids in weight loss by promoting fat metabolism.

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