125: tips for productivity and getting more ish done

Hi hi! I’ve got a new podcast episode up for ya today, sharing some of my favorite productivity hacks!

Here’s what I talk about in today’s solo episode:

My top tips for productivity and getting more ish done

Why NOT being productive is productive

Why and how you should schedule social media time

My favorite resources for productivity

and so.much.more!

Resources from this episode:

My favorite paper planner

Eat That Frog

Atomic Habits

PEMF Go Mat and Sauna Blanket (use FITNESSISTA15 for a discount!)

If any of my fellow health professional friends are looking for another way to help their clients, I highly recommend IHP. You can also use this information to heal yourself and then go one to heal others, which I think is a beautiful mission. You also do not have to current have a career in fitness in join; 50% of IHPs are not from the wellness or health industry. If it’s your passion and you want to explore more, or potentially start a new career (or side hustle), check it out!

You can use my referral link here and the code FITNESSISTA for up to $250 off the Integrative Health Practitioner program. I finished Level 1 and am working my way through Level 2. I highly recommend it! You can check out my review IHP here!

Thank you so much for listening and for all of your support with the podcast! Please be sure to subscribe, and leave a rating or review if you enjoyed this episode. If you leave a rating, head to this page and you’ll get a little “thank you” gift from me to you. 

The post 125: tips for productivity and getting more ish done appeared first on The Fitnessista.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you suppress your appetite?

It is better to eat smaller meals more often than three large meals at mealtimes to avoid eating too much. This will stabilize your blood sugar and reduce hunger pangs.

You may find that drinking plenty of water or taking an herbal supplement such as bitter melon or ginseng works better than relying on food alone.

Avoid carbs such as potatoes, pasta, bread, and pasta. They can give you a temporary boost but then crash hard.

You should instead choose protein-rich foods, such as lean meats (fish, eggs), nuts and legumes. These foods will give you energy for long periods and help keep your blood sugar stable.

Don’t eat sugary snacks or drinks like doughnuts, chocolate bars and cake. These can lead to cravings that will make you feel bloated, sluggish, and even cause you to feel sick.

Choose healthier options such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals.

So if you’re trying to lose weight, then don’t rely on fad diets or miracle supplements.

What happens if a green smoothie is consumed every day?

It’s more than just for breakfast. Green Smoothies, which are made from fresh fruits or vegetables, are a healthy and delicious way to enjoy a refreshing beverage. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants as well as fiber and protein. And they taste great too!

Green smoothies also have low calories and are high in nutrients. This fantastic drink may be helping you lose those extra pounds.

Green smoothies are simple and easy to make. Simply combine some leafy greens, fresh fruit, and ice cubes. There are so many options, we’ve listed our top 10 here.

  1. Banana + Blueberries Banana Berry Blast
  2. Spinach + Pineapple Healthy Superfood
  3. Strawberry + Yogurt Strawberry Delight
  4. Smoothie with Apple + Orange Fruity-Green
  5. Lemonade + Peach Melon Madness
  6. Pear + Kale Packed With Fiber
  7. Grapefruit + Kiwi: The Ultimate Detox
  8. Mango + Avocado Tropical Paradise
  9. Watermelon + Lime Delicious Hydration
  10. Coconut + Cucumber Cooling Repellent

Can I eat carbs when following the Ketogenic Food Plan?

Yes, you can eat carbohydrates while on the Ketogenic Diet. But, limit them to a very small amount. Instead, eat high fiber veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, kale. These veggies will fill you up and not add calories.

A good diet should include plenty of nuts, seeds and avocados. These foods have high amounts of saturated fats. They are vital for ketosis.

Are there natural alternatives to prescription drugs such as Phentermine that suppress appetite?

Green tea extract is the most popular option for those who want to lose weight and avoid side effects from prescription diet pills. Green tea contains caffeine which stimulates metabolism, and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which helps burn fat by stimulating thermogenesis.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants which help to fight free radicals as well as protect against damage from stress and oxidation.

However, it’s important to note that green tea does not cause weight loss. Instead, it simply makes your body more efficient at burning calories.

So yes, green tea does help with weight loss, but it won’t make you lose weight unless you follow a calorie-controlled diet.

L-Carnitine may also be used as a supplement. This amino acid increases energy levels and promotes muscle growth. You will need to eat regular meals because this amino acid doesn’t curb appetite.

What are some effective appetite suppressants for weight loss?

The most popular appetite suppressants are:

  • Bitter Melon – A fruit native to India and China, bitter melon has been shown to help reduce appetite and promote healthy digestion.
  • Green Tea – One of the most loved beverages in the world, green tea has been shown that it can improve metabolism and control blood pressure.
  • Ginseng – An herb found in Asia and Europe, ginseng is often taken to help enhance mental clarity and support overall health.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a tree that has been grown in Japan. It has been proven to improve circulation and prevent memory loss.

There are many other appetite suppressants. There are many other appetite suppressants available. Why not take a look today? You’ll be surprised at how quickly your weight loss begins!


  • According to another review from 2012, CLA may make you lose about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) compared with a placebo. (healthline.com)
  • According to a 2014 review, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you might assume. (healthline.com)
  • On average, they experienced 28 pounds (12.8 kg) of weight loss, a 6.4-inch (16.2-cm) reduction in waist circumference, and a 6.3% dip in body fat (5Trusted Source (healthline.com)
  • Nature’s Health Goji Berry – Lycium Berries – Maintain Vision Health – Jam-Packed with Vitamins A & C – 580 mg per Serving – 60 Veggie Capsules – Non-GMO Emerald Labs Goji Berry – 40% Polysaccharides – 60 Vegetable Capsules (amazon.com)
  • In a total of 54 randomized controlled trials in healthy adults with overweight or obesity, the authors found no difference in weight or body fat percentage between the Garcinia Cambogia group and the placebo group (3Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

African Mango: The Nutrients, Benefits and Downsides

Mangoes can be described as exotic fruits that were grown in tropical regions. They can be found in many countries. Mangoes can be nutritious fruits that are high in vitamin A, potassium, fibre, calcium and iron. They are rich in antioxidants including beta-carotene (lutein), lutein zeaxanthin, alpha tocopherol, and lutein.

The mango tree is most productive between 15degC, (59degF), and 30degC, (86degF). Mangoes will turn yellowish green when fully ripe. The mango’s flesh, while soft and juicy unripe, becomes firmer and dryer after ripening.

Mangoes make jams, jellies, chutneys, pickles, ice cream, and sauces. Mango pulp is often added to Indian curries, rice dishes, and stir-fried veggies in Thailand. Mangoes come in many forms: fresh, dried, canned, frozen, canned, candied, frozen and canned.

Healthy Fruits and Vegetables

Since ancient times, mangoes were used to treat diabetes. Mangoes are now grown throughout the globe. There are many mango tree varieties: Alphonso is a variety of Ataulfo, Beni Suef and Bombay.

Mangoes can help with weight loss because they are high in water, but low in calories. A medium-sized mango contains about 100 calories, and only 3g fat. These fruits are among the most healthful.

Mangoes are rich in vitamins B1,B2,B3, B5, and B6, as well as magnesium, phosphorus (K), manganese, folates, pantothenic acids, niacin thiamine and riboflavin.

Mangoes are also loaded with phytochemicals, plant compounds that protect cells from damage by free radicals. Free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause cell injury, are unstable molecules. Mangoes can help protect your heart, brain and eyes.

Mangoes could be useful for those looking to lose weight, as they are high on water. Water is important for keeping your body hydrated. It also helps to keep you fuller longer.

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